Sunday, December 15, 2013

Alright I am addicted to proving people wrong on myspace.

Alright I am addicted to proving people wrong on myspace.

Christophers, do most PL routines have shrugs incorporated?

Look at a Metal Militia workout or anything by Mike Miller...hold on let me find a link.

Mike Miller Wednesday we'll do shoulders and tons of shrugs. Shoulders and traps are an integral part of your bench pressing. I do trap bar shrugs. I start with 135 pounds for 100 reps, 225 for 75 reps, 315 for 50 reps, 425 for 25 reps, then 515 for 15 reps. Then I'll alternate with straight bar shrugs and work up to 495 where I use a little of my body weight to heave the bar up. Then I'll hold it there for five seconds. I'll go up to 600 pounds and do the same thing, letting my arms hang down low to get a good pull on my traps. Then I grab the 135 pound dumbbells and do shrugs, four sets of thirty, really strict. After that I superset front raises and side raises. Tons of assistance work for shoulders! Not exactly typical of everybody, the guy is a damn beast.

I love the look of large traps, and I try to shrug with really strict form and slow negatives and pauses and such. It's extremely taxing, and after 3 sets of 20 with DB's, I'm spent. I dunno why, but it's the most grueling exercise for me. Should I do more trap work?

ACURA TL-S Christophers, do most PL routines have shrugs incorporated? hahaha acura, i was thinking of asking the same question here to prove that fag wrong ;x i feel the same way as your thread title as well.

Ilyusha I love the look of large traps, and I try to shrug with really strict form and slow negatives and pauses and such. It's extremely taxing, and after 3 sets of 20 with DB's, I'm spent. I dunno why, but it's the most grueling exercise for me. Should I do more trap work? wait so your only shurggin 20 lb dumbells?

20 reps and to believe that they thought powerlifters did not juice, LOL

cavefish Not exactly typical of everybody, the guy is a damn beast. Starting in may I will be training with him

Even in the dave tate intermdiate routine he has shrugs in there. Jim Wendler wants to be arrested for having to large traps

515 is lightweight

pokesteve i dunno about anybody else but after deads my traps are fucking DEAD Mine never hurt after I dead

pokesteve i dunno about anybody else but after deads my traps are fucking DEAD Hitching is bad mmmkay?

ohh god, the lates jewel, lol

From: Stacey Date: Apr 13, 2005 11:53 PM Subject: ha Body: look at wonder you talk shit wish you could have my life

my responses:ohh god, are you serious.... lol, DIAF so, anythign else you have to say, because that was fuckign weak, you are seriously a retarded person, have u ever had your IQ checked? You would probably not be suprised at how low it was.

vettedude From: Stacey Date: Apr 13, 2005 11:53 PM Subject: ha Body: look at wonder you talk shit wish you could have my life ' shes ugly hahdhdhaha that makes it so much better

vettedude From: Stacey Date: Apr 13, 2005 11:53 PM Subject: ha Body: look at wonder you talk shit wish you could have my life Stacey "The Joker" Tarantino.

Ilyusha Stacey "The Joker" Tarantino. holly shit, they are fucking twins thats the thread that started this...

you guys have way too much time

dmaestro you guys have way too much time This man speaks the truth.

Ilyusha Stacey "The Joker" Tarantino. I was thinking "sandra bernhardt impersonater"

I'd say so.


Alright I am addicted to proving people wrong on myspace.

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