Thursday, December 26, 2013

Working out too much?

Working out too much?

Okay, I know that I am going to change my diet quite a bit. However, I have another dilemma: I think I work out too much. My symptoms: I am sore as ol hell all the time and tired all the time. I consume: 1765 calories I burn: 1817++ calories through exercise I do this EVERYDAY and I am feeling shitty everyday, can hardly walk around at school. Also am extremely sore. So I think it is obvious that my muscles just can't take it and I am losing muscle. What should I do? I would like to work out everyday but I guess I should up my calorie intake? Do I work out too much? How many days a week do you work out?

dexterium Okay, I know that I am going to change my diet quite a bit. However, I have another dilemma: I think I work out too much. My symptoms: I am sore as ol hell all the time and tired all the time. I consume: 1765 calories I burn: 1817++ calories through exercise I do this EVERYDAY and I am feeling shitty everyday, can hardly walk around at school. Also am extremely sore. So I think it is obvious that my muscles just can't take it and I am losing muscle. What should I do? I would like to work out everyday but I guess I should up my calorie intake? Do I work out too much? How many days a week do you work out? Exactly. If you're burning that many damn calories (which is more than you even eat) then you're not even leaving any calories for your daily metabolic processes (just walking around you burn calories, too). That is probably the reason you feel like shit.

dexterium Do I work out too much? How many days a week do you work out? If you burn 1800 calories in one workout, then yes, you are working out too much. But chances are 99.99999% that you don't, so you might just be pushing yourself too hard. You're also probably not eating enough each day. Have you just recently started a new routine?

Davo If you burn 1800 calories in one workout, then yes, you are working out too much. But chances are 99.99999% that you don't, so you might just be pushing yourself too hard. You're also probably not eating enough each day. Have you just recently started a new routine? It isn't really a new routine, it is more of a new meal plan that I have got, and I am now reevaluating it because I don't feel good at all. Anyways, I do a lot of running and stuff. Here is how I burn the calories:

20 pushups burn 20 cals?

deznutz 20 pushups burn 20 cals?

So you spend 1:25 running at various speeds, 2 hours 'working out, and a half hour stretching? I'd say if you were in good enough physical condition to do this, then you shouldn't be sore, and you wouldn't be able to metabolically function with 1700 calories. Nonetheless, this is required:

Are you the 17 year old that posted your "routine" the other day? You expected to put on 25 lbs of muscle? You obviously didn't take any of our advice. It's a fact that you will not put on any weight if you are burning more calories than you are taking in. It's a physical impossibility. You need to stop eating like a god damn woman, stop running, and lift some fucking weights. For the curious, this is from his other thread: For now, I am going to up my calorie intake to 2200 and I will see how I feel after a few weeks of this. I will continue to up my calories if necessary. My main concern is keeping my 6 pack. You're going to have to put on some fat in order to put on some muscle. If you can't handle that then stop complaining on this forum. So start eating at least 4,000 calories and man up and lift some weights. FFS

15km/h ~ 9.5mph you run at that pace for 40 minutes straight? I think you should start training to be a marathon runner rather than lift weights.

what the fuck. is it not obvious why you feel like shit you need to eat more. and don't do it everyday

no fat, no muscle deal

You have me really curious, dexterium. What exactly does your "2 hour workout" every day consist of?

diet and sleep should be the most important things to you right now...without proper nutrition and recovery time everything you do is counterproductive, and worthless.

cunninglinguist 15km/h ~ 9.5mph you run at that pace for 40 minutes straight? On top of that, he runs for another 45 minutes, 'jogs to class' (that would be funny to see), and 'works out' for 2 more hours. This guy either is He-Man or thinks we're idiots.

xpinchx You have me really curious, dexterium. What exactly does your "2 hour workout" every day consist of? My work out consists of a lot of stuff. Stuff like sit ups, push ups, bench press, biceps curls, close grip bench, and a lot of leg weights. It takes such a long time due to all the situps and stuff. My situps = crunches with 10 lb weight behind head, 4 sets of 50, nice and slow controlling abdomen.

you seem likethis guy i saw at the gym today...he was running on the treadmill when i got there...i warmed up...lifted weights(45-60mins) and only after i was done lifting weights did he stop running. he then went over to the mats and stretched. then did like an assload of various types of crunches...... now does anyone know what this guy looks like? me in 6th grade. no fucking shit. he was little as hell and looked severely malnourished. i think i saw a couple of the PL's add another couple of weights onto their bars when they saw this guy in hopes that they would never look that girly

dexterium My work out consists of a lot of stuff. Stuff like sit ups, push ups, bench press, biceps curls, close grip bench, and a lot of leg weights. It takes such a long time due to all the situps and stuff. My situps = crunches with 10 lb weight behind head, 4 sets of 50, nice and slow controlling abdomen. Christ.... Set up a routine....different muscle groups with different days of the week, allowing time for each muscle group to recover before working it. Stop with the push ups and sit ups, if your going to do 20 each, its not worth it.... now 100 reps of 3 sets...that might be worth it...

i believe him on the 40 min run at 9.5 mile pace, we used to do 45 minutes 6 mile runs (about the same pace) but hell... that WAS our workout in cross country. no 2 hour workout past that. and about the 2 hour workout... sounds like you do a 30 minute workout.... and then an hour 30 of abs... the reason you're tired and feel like shit and your muscles are sore and tense and such? it's called over training. you need to recognize it. take a day off, get good big meals. you can have fat on you and still have a 6 pack you know.. and hell. if you bulk up to 165 or 180 or whatever the hell ur target goal is, you can always go back to your caloric deficit anorexic diet and work out and keep the muscle but burn the fat.

dexterium My work out consists of a lot of stuff. Stuff like sit ups, push ups, bench press, biceps curls, close grip bench, and a lot of leg weights. It takes such a long time due to all the situps and stuff. My situps = crunches with 10 lb weight behind head, 4 sets of 50, nice and slow controlling abdomen. instead of going to the gym today i suggest you spend the time reading all the stickys in this forum, the archives especially. trust me when i say it will be time better spent.

dexterium Okay, I know that I am going to change my diet quite a bit. However, I have another dilemma: I think I work out too much. you think?

dexterium this is an example of something i've been wondering lately. even though he's eating enough to not usually be on starvation calories, because of all the cals he's burning, does that put him in starvation mode and make it harder to lose fat?

i think this thread is an example of what not to do..

28 minutes of stretching? Does that include every single stretch thru the coarse of the workout or?.....

Fabian 28 minutes of stretching? Does that include every single stretch thru the coarse of the workout or?..... I stretch after cardio in the morning, before and after cardio in the afternoon and then after workout at night. Trust me, I do all these stretches.

I stretch when i get out of bed in the morning

Working out too much?

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