Showing posts with label Triceps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Triceps. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Calories in a gram of carbs/protein/fat?

Calories in a gram of carbs/protein/fat?

What are the calories in a gram of protein, fat and carbohydrate? I am setting up my diet and I want to do it right. The numbers I came up with are 4 calories per gram for protein, 3.5 cals per gram for carbs, and 9 calories per gram for fat. I wonder if those are right. Thanks!

4 per carbs. rest of the #'s are right. you can find this on a cereal box

nonplus 4 per carbs. rest of the #'s are right. you can find this on a cereal box Well i'll be damned. Thanks!

Well then lets use this thread for something else. On my diet that I am starting next week, I need to eat around 2250 - 2450 calories a day at the beginning(205 lbs). I am wondering should I eat my bigger meals earlier in the day and tick myself down towards the end and eat my carbs in the morning?

Try to eat a good lump of your carbs before your work out... assuming you are lifting too?

iwishiwascool Try to eat a good lump of your carbs before your work out... assuming you are lifting too? Definatly, I just finished writing up a routine. But I workout at like 10 in the morn after waking up at 8:30 - 9:00 so I will eat a carb breakfast, oatmeal and english muffins Workout Sunday: Boxing/Jump Rope Monday - Back/Biceps Deadlifts - 4 x 8, 4, 4, 6 Chin-ups - 3 x 6, 6, * Row Machine - 3 x 6, 6, 6 Barbell Bicep Curls - 3 x 6, 6, 6 Hammer Curls - 2 x 8, 8 Hanging Leg Raises - 4 x 15, 15, 15, 15 Mon Night: Running Tuesday: Boxing/Jump Rope Wednesday - Legs Squats - 4 x 8, 4, 4, 6 Squat Press - 3 x 6, 6, 4 Leg Curls - 3 x 8, 8, 6 Calf Raises - 4 x 15, 15, 15, 15 Wed Night: Running Thursday: Boxing/Jump Rope Friday - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps Dumbbell Incline - 4 x 8, 4, 4, 6 Dumbbell Bench - 3 x 6, 6, 4 Arnold Presses - 3 x 6, 6, 6 Upright Rows - 2 x 6, 6 Cable Pressdowns - 3 x 8, 8, 6 Crunches - 4 x 15, 15, 15, 15

looks fine, but you should throw some protein in the mix pre work out too.

iwishiwascool looks fine, but you should throw some protein in the mix pre work out too. I know that, I am going to go through and set out when I should eat at what time during the day for my meals. IE: Breakfast: Calories 600, Carbs 60g, protein 40g, fat 20g etc etc... thats not what I am going to use, thats just an example. I always mix 8oz of OJ and a scoop of whey for my preworkout drink.

Calories in a gram of carbs/protein/fat?

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

I have gotten a bit out of shape, need to lose body fat and put on muscle mass... I'm about 5"10 / 5"11 @ 180-185lbs, not much muscle defintion due to body fat, when I was 165 pounds I have much better defined muscles. Anyways I used to work out every day with random breaks, chest/biceps back/triceps shoulders/legs however I hit a plateau pretty quick because I was overworking myself I've since expiremented with different routines, lately i've been doing 0 legs.. I want to do a routine for 6 days a week... Sundays I work a f'd up schedule and cant make it to the gym. I was considering Day 1 - Chest, biceps, triceps, abs Day 2 - Cardio Day 3- Back, Shoulders, traps Day 4 - Cardio, abs Day 5 - Legs, lower back, abs Day 6 - Cardio Day 7 - Off However i'm a bit edgy on doing a muscle group only once a week so i'm confused and having a hard time figuring out what I should do...... I think a muscle group once a week isn't enough, I like to get really sore then I recover usually on third day so hmmm.... any ideas??? P.S dont gimmi any shit about doing chest with tricep instead of bicep or viseversa, it makes no fucking diff; everyone does it differently and i've tried all combinations finding little difference. before, about 165 pounds now about 180

great, your avatar made me not as hungry.


you gonna get hit wif the sticky stik, boyo

Too much cardio, not enough lift.

~stangzorized~ Too much cardio, not enough lift.


christophers rountine, drop down calories, drop down cardio

Whats wrong with cardio?

nothing, I just think theres a bit to much of it in his routine

hmm so maybe limit cardio to twice a week? or even once a week?

how about a rotation of Day 1 - Chest, biceps, abs Day 2 - Back, triceps, abs Day 3- Legs, Shoulders, Lower back Day 4- Cardio with random days off?

baghrhrg decent, dunno why the hell I wrote descent..

I dunno, I do cardio 3 times a week. But I am just looking for something to do I guess. :-x

Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs

mike Day 1 - Legs Squats Leg Press Quad Extension Hammy Curl Standing Calf Raise Day 2 - Chest/Tri Flat Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Incline Bench (alternate bb/db weekly) Pec Deck Dips Tricep Rope Pull Down on Cable Machine Skull Crushers CG Bench Day 3 - Back/Bi Deadlifts Pullups (palms out, wide grip) Bentover BB Rows Seated Cable Rows Barbell Curl Preacher Curl Hammer Curl with Rope attachment on Cable Machine Day 4 - Shoulders DB Press Rear Raises Lateral Raises Shrugs Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows?

What's your av all about?

Ilyusha What's your av all about? A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon.

chlywly A little sumptin sumptin I did for a uni project... went out on the town scaring the fuck out of people, cars stopped, people crossed the street and tripped over themselves falling, umm no one asked him for any help and did their best to avoid him, wouldn't even let him on the bus. part 2 is coming soon. That's fuckin dope..

If you asked me I would say you should lift more weight less often. What youre doing now obviously isnt working, so how much could it hurt to go 3-4 times a week? When I started doing that I saw instant strength gains because when I was going 6 times a week I was overtraining. Maybe you should cut out some ab stuff as well, some compound movements such as squat will work your abs, so just have an ab day on a different day than your legs day. By the way, make sure you actually have a leg day. In my opinion, probably the most important day. But thats just my opinion.

chlywly Thanks, i've however never done deadlifts yet, should I start doing them? Also any advise? Also whats Pec Deck? and Bent over BB rows? pec deck: bent over row (sorta): do deadlifts.

That bent over row pic sucks ass. The bar is going too high up in the chest area.

ok cool, any good sources on doing a proper dead lift?

Hmmm trouble coming up with a descent routine...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cabage soup cleansing

Cabage soup cleansing

Well folks I started my "cabage soup cleansing" on Monday. Got the regiment from a doctor at the Heart institute here in town. Not doing it to loose weight (I feel I'm right where I should be). I'm just looking to detoxify my system naturaly Just wondering if anyone else on this forum has done this cleansing and how did it work out for you? Ju

i don't believe in that crap

This brings back painful memories

hahaha fuck, my mom and my dad did that shit back in like 1995 and it didnt do shit for them.

i dont see the point. If you want your system cleaned out, go get a colonic cleanse.

Ceaze i don't believe in that crap .

dmaestro hahaha fuck, my mom and my dad did that shit back in like 1995 and it didnt do shit for them. Shit is about all it did for me I did a vege soup one that was tomato based and I didn't shit solid for months after. My gut hasn't been the same since then but I've been told that I have IBS so probably just coincidence that that was the change point.

Cabbage soup diet is, from all I know, absolute crap. So are most detox diets.

Dually noted crew! thanks for the input . Ju

Julu Dually noted crew! thanks for the input . Ju Wow..a perky new poster who didn't go up in flames immediately!

theres a right way to ask questions and a wrong way. We only flame noobs who ask stupid questions and are rude.

Elfling Wow..a perky new poster who didn't go up in flames immediately! LOL. Meh you take the good with the bad. People have to learn not to take things personally sometimes. I asked a question to get feedback, and that's what I got . No one said anything bad about me personally, so it's all good. Now on an new note! I exercise very regularly and during the week eat very healthy. Just wondering what arm exercise with light weights I can do to tone the region around the underarm, where the arm bends (not sure if I'm discribing it correctly ) Ju

Julu LOL. Meh you take the good with the bad. People have to learn not to take things personally sometimes. I asked a question to get feedback, and that's what I got . No one said anything bad about me personally, so it's all good. Now on an new note! I exercise very regularly and during the week eat very healthy. Just wondering what arm exercise with light weights I can do to tone the region around the underarm, where the arm bends (not sure if I'm discribing it correctly ) Ju Hum. Underside of the arm as in..triceps?? Above or below the elbow?

Basically where your armpit folds. I'm doing well with all other regions of my body, tricepts are coming along nicely . Just that little naggin part of the armpit fold

Julu Basically where your armpit folds. I'm doing well with all other regions of my body, tricepts are coming along nicely . Just that little naggin part of the armpit fold Sounds like that's probably more of a body-fat issue?

Well I'm 29, 5'4", 117 pounds and at 17% body fat. but you're most likely right. Just one of those parts I just might have to live with, cause I'm pleased at where I'm at right now... Again thanks for helping ju

Elfling Sounds like that's probably more of a body-fat issue? since genetics and size pretty much determine how a muscle looks, any kind of toning is pretty much a BF issue. The less BF you have covering your muscle, the more 'toned' it looks. just for ref, it sounds like it would be the posterior delt (Pic), teres major (Pic) or teres minor Pic). In which case these exercises might help get them bigger. [url][url] and [url][url]

Julu Well I'm 29, 5'4", 117 pounds and at 17% body fat. but you're most likely right. Just one of those parts I just might have to live with, cause I'm pleased at where I'm at right now... Again thanks for helping ju I have those too. I think it is partly due to having narrow shoulders. Instead of the lower outline of my chest going all the way up to my armpits, it stops at the fat folds. Sucks!

Thanks Dragon! The "Arnold Press" looks like something that might be helpful! And to be us

Cabage soup cleansing



2:30- Mix 3g CEE and 4g Di-Arg Malate into like 4oz of bad taste at all...just kind of sour...all you CEE taste haters are whiny bitches! 3:00- Start lifting back (feeling super sweet) 3:45- Ending lift on CG bench--triceps are normally cashed right now...but NO! I pump out 5x5 CG bench like it's my job Bottom line-CEE-Di-Arg Malate made my workout rock out with its cock out, and no bad taste to boot. Oh do those doses look

x 11ty billion

wait for someone who knows what those are

AAKG > Di-arginine malate

Ceaze AAKG > Di-arginine malate no

Sgt. Ownage no yes


Jigga who?

Ceaze yes whatever

Good stuff.. the pumps and vascularity get addicting. Stand by for some cool sexual side effects as well.

someone explain please

Sgt. Ownage whatever i'm not the only one who's experienced this

i didnt understand 80% of that post

zeromagnus yeah, I think Ceaze is right here...hell if I remember, though, it's been awhile since I've read about the stuff though...'s not a matter of right here...I used AAKG and didn't do shit...anyone want to buy the bottle?

aakg = win

AAKG needs to be at the right dosage to notice results.

pt Good stuff.. the pumps and vascularity get addicting. Stand by for some cool sexual side effects as well. Aren't you the guy who claimed his dick got bigger from taking ZMA?

tryfuhl aakg = win didnt do much for me

Rich_S Aren't you the guy who claimed his dick got bigger from taking ZMA? Nope But now that you mention it, Zinc, Yohimbine HCL, and Arginine are all known to improve erection and sexual function.

Sgt, What have your results been so far on this combo

anyone try the citrulline malate?

pt Sgt, What have your results been so far on this combo just that one day...haven't lifted in about 4 weeks

Sgt. Ownage's not a matter of right here...I used AAKG and didn't do shit...anyone want to buy the bottle? aakg > diarginine malate diarginine malate + CEE > aakg

im gonna bump this. started this combo today after just bein on CEE for a month or so. wow huge difference. 1. i could feel a difference in my muscle endurance. 2. the pump was almost unbearable, my forearms were feeling like they were gonna explode and making my grip give out. all in all if i work on my grip i think i will like this combo

gsteclipse97 im gonna bump this. started this combo today after just bein on CEE for a month or so. wow huge difference. 1. i could feel a difference in my muscle endurance. 2. the pump was almost unbearable, my forearms were feeling like they were gonna explode and making my grip give out. all in all if i work on my grip i think i will like this combo had you tried the aakg first? dosing?


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

I just started working out again heavily, but I don't know if I should drink protein shakes. I'll give you my routine and my diet, you let me know what you think . Routine - 5 day switch, HIIT Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off This is what I eat normally: Breakfast @ 8-9am: 10+10 Trader Joe's Cereal, 10 grams fiber, 10 grams protein (soy), banana, apple Lunch @ 12:30pm: regular turkey avocado from Togo's or something else remotely healthy (I'm trying to get in the habit of making my own sandwiches to take to school with me) Pre-workout ~4-6pm: sandwich, banana Start workout anywhere between 5-7pm, workout for 45 minutes or so and then do 20-30 minutes of cardio Post-workout ~6-8pm: sandwich or tuna on crackers + gatorade 30-45 minutes later I'll eat another small meal of either a sandwich or tuna I drink about 84 fl oz. of water per day (5 water bottles) including one during my workout. Should I start drinking protein shakes and if so, when?

I'm not seeing shoulder work, but I do like the two leg days, I would train legs in a westside manner or at least some type of CP if you are going to do two days.

ACURA TL-S I'm not seeing shoulder work, but I do like the two leg days, I would train legs in a westside manner or at least some type of CP if you are going to do two days. Crap. I only do legs one day on Saturday. Wednesday is shoulders.

diet rating: 3/10 if bulking, 5/10 if cutting looks like you could use a protein shake with breakfast, pre and post workout. edit: I'm assuming your bulking if you're doing HST. Eat more.

hootpie Should I start drinking protein shakes and if so, when? Yes. Whenever you can...mostly before and after workout (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

shastaisforwinners diet rating: 3/10 if bulking, 5/10 if cutting looks like you could use a protein shake with breakfast, pre and post workout. edit: I'm assuming your bulking if you're doing HST. Eat more. I am trying to clean bulk. What kind of protein shakes do you guys recommend?

What kind of protein shakes should I get? Do they replace meals?

if you have a costco membership get the powder there

twofourtysx if you have a costco membership get the powder there I'll check out Costco tomorrow or so. As for flavors, what tends to be the best tasting?

hootpie I'll check out Costco tomorrow or so. As for flavors, what tends to be the best tasting? chocolate they have 6lbs for $20

twofourtysx chocolate they have 6lbs for $20 Cool, thanks for the heads up.

twofourtysx chocolate they have 6lbs for $20 how's the stuff taste? that's a good price

SteveO how's the stuff taste? that's a good price I doubt it tastes like a Dove bar, but it's probably better than drinking fish juice

....personally, I wouldn't want to do shoulders the day after arms... cause if my triceps are sore... it would hinder my shoulder workout... (primarily in overhead press movements), I'd also keep chest and shoulder workouts as far apart as possilbe, or just do'em the same day (NOT split them either as in "AM" "PM" workouts).

is300eater ....personally, I wouldn't want to do shoulders the day after arms... cause if my triceps are sore... it would hinder my shoulder workout... (primarily in overhead press movements), I'd also keep chest and shoulder workouts as far apart as possilbe, or just do'em the same day (NOT split them either as in "AM" "PM" workouts). I don't know what's wrong with me. I totally wrote my workout wrong. Here's the non-crack smoker version: Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off

hootpie I don't know what's wrong with me. I totally wrote my workout wrong. Here's the non-crack smoker version: Monday - chest Tuesday - shoulders Wednesday - biceps/triceps Thursday - off Friday - back Saturday - legs Sunday - off Your shoulders aren't taxed from chest day?

Ilyusha Your shoulders aren't taxed from chest day? They are, but not too much to the point where it hinders my shoulder workout. By the way, I solved my headache problem.

hootpie They are, but not too much to the point where it hinders my shoulder workout. By the way, I solved my headache problem. Congrats.

Ilyusha Congrats. was getting VERY bothersome.

Should I start drinking protein shakes? Also, rate my routine and diet.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I bet you can't make a workout for me.

I bet you can't make a workout for me.

I need a workout that is a 3 to 4 day split. I need compound exercises. This workout needs to focus on muscle tone more than actual mass.

you're right, i can't

day 1: upper body 1) flat bench- 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) heavy triceps - 4-6 sets of 5-8 reps 3) barbell rows-4-6 sets of 8-10 reps 4) rear/side/front raises-4-5 sets of 10-15 reps 5) biceps - pick a movement and do 4 sets of whatever reps day 2: lower body 1) full squats-4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) romanian deadlift-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps 3) reverse hypers, pull through's, or back raises-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 4) heavy ab work 5) optional extra quad movement if you want "burn", but 100% not neccesary day 3: upper body #2 1) dumbell bench-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 2) volume triceps-pick an extention, 1/4 dips, etc-4-5 sets of 10-12 reps 3) chin ups/pullups-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, weighted or not 4) overhead pressing once every 2 weeks-3-5 sets of 6-10 reps 5) biceps, pick one movement for 4-5 sets day 4: lower body #2 1) deadlifts or sumo deadlifts - 5-6 sets of singles, or triples. dont deadlift every single week. for those weeks you don't, take it easy. 2) step ups, single leg squats, lunges-3-5 sets of 8-12 reps 3) leg curls-3-6 sets of 10-12 reps 4) heavy abs

What's a reverse Hyper? Wouldn't that be almost like a situp?

TrickyDick8806 What's a reverse Hyper? Wouldn't that be almost like a situp? No.

Nevermind i just looked reverse hypers up, anyway to do that without a machine?

Ceaze you're right, i can't haha. muscle tone.



Ilyusha day 1: upper body 1) flat bench- 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) heavy triceps - 4-6 sets of 5-8 reps 3) barbell rows-4-6 sets of 8-10 reps 4) rear/side/front raises-4-5 sets of 10-15 reps 5) biceps - pick a movement and do 4 sets of whatever reps day 2: lower body 1) full squats-4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) romanian deadlift-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps 3) reverse hypers, pull through's, or back raises-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 4) heavy ab work 5) optional extra quad movement if you want "burn", but 100% not neccesary day 3: upper body #2 1) dumbell bench-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 2) volume triceps-pick an extention, 1/4 dips, etc-4-5 sets of 10-12 reps 3) chin ups/pullups-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, weighted or not 4) overhead pressing once every 2 weeks-3-5 sets of 6-10 reps 5) biceps, pick one movement for 4-5 sets day 4: lower body #2 1) deadlifts or sumo deadlifts - 5-6 sets of singles, or triples. dont deadlift every single week. for those weeks you don't, take it easy. 2) step ups, single leg squats, lunges-3-5 sets of 8-12 reps 3) leg curls-3-6 sets of 10-12 reps 4) heavy abs What the fuck are you doing? Don't give him shit. For one thing, he said 'tone'. He doesn't know any exercises and he'll probably end up hurting himself anyways. If he really wanted our help, he would ask F&N PROPERLY instead of " " I bet you can't ... "

Now that I think of it. I feel like an idiot because this is probably a parody or something. Right?

OH NOES!!!11 Your advanced reverse psychology is too advanced for our feeble meathead minds.... clever boy!

Gutrat Now that I think of it. I feel like an idiot because this is probably a parody or something. Right? no, the guy just wants a brad pitt look

TrickyDick8806 Very tasteful. i will shit on your chest

SteveO no, the guy just wants a brad pitt look What? Brad Pitt? Well, then he'll have to get a leg double also.

Sgt. Ownage i will shit on your chest cleavland steamer style ??

Sgt. Ownage i will shit on your chest

Gutrat What the fuck are you doing? Don't give him shit. For one thing, he said 'tone'. He doesn't know any exercises and he'll probably end up hurting himself anyways. If he really wanted our help, he would ask F&N PROPERLY instead of " " I bet you can't ... " Yeah, lets treat every new person like shit.

oh.. if you want to tone just do 63 reps of every exercise

By the way, for the record, he edited his post after I replied. If I saw the whole toning thing in there, I wouldn't have helped.

Ilyusha day 1: upper body 1) flat bench- 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) heavy triceps - 4-6 sets of 5-8 reps 3) barbell rows-4-6 sets of 8-10 reps 4) rear/side/front raises-4-5 sets of 10-15 reps 5) biceps - pick a movement and do 4 sets of whatever reps day 2: lower body 1) full squats-4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) romanian deadlift-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps 3) reverse hypers, pull through's, or back raises-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 4) heavy ab work 5) optional extra quad movement if you want "burn", but 100% not neccesary day 3: upper body #2 1) dumbell bench-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 2) volume triceps-pick an extention, 1/4 dips, etc-4-5 sets of 10-12 reps 3) chin ups/pullups-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, weighted or not 4) overhead pressing once every 2 weeks-3-5 sets of 6-10 reps 5) biceps, pick one movement for 4-5 sets day 4: lower body #2 1) deadlifts or sumo deadlifts - 5-6 sets of singles, or triples. dont deadlift every single week. for those weeks you don't, take it easy. 2) step ups, single leg squats, lunges-3-5 sets of 8-12 reps 3) leg curls-3-6 sets of 10-12 reps 4) heavy abs I was wondering why not DL every week?

jonno oh.. if you want to tone just do 63 reps of every exercise and make sure you keep track, any more or less and teh workout will be worthless because of over/under training

Day 1: 1 hour of elliptical Day 2: 1 hour of running on treadmill Day 3: 1 hour of running outside Day 4: 1 hour of HIIT running outside Day 5: 1 hour of running long jump exercises Day 6: 1 hour of running through the sand on a beach Day 7: 1 hour of jumping off highest building you can find Make sure to take 7200 steps (2 per second) to get maximal toneness, there's your weekly routine, repeat as needed. edit: Oh damn you're a tricky one mr dick.

ralyks Day 1: 1 hour of elliptical Day 2: 1 hour of running on treadmill Day 3: 1 hour of running outside Day 4: 1 hour of HIIT running outside Day 5: 1 hour of running long jump exercises Day 6: 1 hour of running through the sand on a beach Day 7: 1 hour of jumping off highest building you can find Make sure to take 7200 steps (2 per second) to get maximal toneness, there's your weekly routine, repeat as needed. edit: Oh damn you're a tricky one mr dick. I hope your not being serious.

I bet you can't make a workout for me.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Critique my workout plz

Critique my workout plz

Mondays-Biceps/Legs alternating curls 4x10 preacher curls 4x10 hammer curls 4x10 squats 3x10 leg press 3x10 stiff-legged dead lifts 3x10 (we're REALLY weak on legs, once they get built up more, we'll be doing 4 sets 10 times) Wednesdays-Triceps/back Tricep pushdowns 4x10 reverse pushdowns (same thing but pulling down with my hands facing up) skullcrushers 4x10 overhead extensions Tate press Decline bench 4x10 Lat pull-downs 4x10 Seated rows 4x10 Deadlifts 3x10 T-bar rows 4x10 Friday-Chest/Shoulders Flat bench DB press 4x10 Incline bench 4x10 Deltoid Flys 4x10 Shoulder press 4x10 Shrugs 4x10 I increase weight after each set. Am I pretty much covering everything adequately? I know I need to start doing cardio really bad....

It would help if you said how many sets and reps you are doing of each exercise. I can see a few flaws, such as having more bicep work than tricep work, and only having one true shoulder movement.

How about you work legs before bi's and back before tri's...

Natezilla How about you work legs before bi's and back before tri's... Does it matter? We usually do a bicep/tricep workout then a leg/back workout and go back and forth. Is it better to do all the workouts for say...legs together?

TQ Does it matter? We usually do a bicep/tricep workout then a leg/back workout and go back and forth. Is it better to do all the workouts for say...legs together? Big muscles first, small muscles last.

Ilyusha It would help if you said how many sets and reps you are doing of each exercise. I can see a few flaws, such as having more bicep work than tricep work, and only having one true shoulder movement. Thats weird. My triceps are f-ing huge compared to my biceps. The guy I go to the gym with lifts the same as me on biceps but 30lbs less on triceps. What other should movements can I do?

TQ Does it matter? We usually do a bicep/tricep workout then a leg/back workout and go back and forth. Is it better to do all the workouts for say...legs together? I don't understand any of that.

Ilyusha Big muscles first, small muscles last. So I should do all my leg work first AND together? right?

TQ Thats weird. My triceps are f-ing huge compared to my biceps. The guy I go to the gym with lifts the same as me on biceps but 30lbs less on triceps. What other should movements can I do? Tate press, close grip bench, skullcrushers, rope pushdowns, overhead extensions, etc.

TQ So I should do all my leg work first AND together? right? Not necessarily. Before doing my current 4 day split, I was doing: M: Chest/Tris W: Back/Bis F: Legs/Shoulders Listed in order of body part done.

Natezilla I don't understand any of that. ok.... I do one leg workout then I do one bicep workout then I do another leg workout then another for biceps.... get it?

Ilyusha Tate press, close grip bench, skullcrushers, rope pushdowns, overhead extensions, etc. shit, i forgot about overhead extensions.... I already do skullcrushers and well as reverse pushdowns

TQ shit, i forgot about overhead extensions.... I already do skullcrushers and well as reverse pushdowns Tate Presses > * x11tybillion It's a trade secret, but I'm letting you in on it..

Ilyusha Tate Presses > * x11tybillion It's a trade secret, but I'm letting you in on it.. unfortunately I have no clue what tate presses are. edit: i figured it out through google

TQ unfortunately I have no clue what tate presses are.

so generally I getting a good balanced workout? my gym buddy seems to think we don't do chest/arms often enough

Ilyusha wow those look good i just added them to my routine

TQ so generally I getting a good balanced workout? my gym buddy seems to think we don't do chest/arms often enough nah i'd say yur chest/bi has enough volume... but then again im a noob broly

sr20wop wow those look good i just added them to my routine Just watch the weight you start with.. they are surprisingly difficult.

anything else I should add?

Ok just for reference....why exactly do I need to work the bigger muscles first?


TQ bump ummmm... big > small

sr20wop ummmm... big > small well is my routine adequate or what? I wouldn't bump my thread if my questions were answered

TQ Mondays-Biceps/Legs alternating curls 4x10 preacher curls 4x10 loose one of these hammer curls 4x10 squats 3x10 leg press 3x10 stiff-legged dead lifts 3x10 (we're REALLY weak on legs, once they get built up more, we'll be doing 4 sets 10 times) Go heavier, a few more sets, less reps Wednesdays-Triceps/back Tricep pushdowns 4x10 reverse pushdowns (same thing but pulling down with my hands facing up) skullcrushers 4x10 board press, lockouts, and CG bench/ maybee decline would be good here too overhead extensions Tate press Lat pull-downs 4x10 Seated rows 4x10 BB/DB rows would be another good exercise, along with hypers Deadlifts 3x10 Friday-Chest/Shoulders Flat bench DB press 4x10 Incline bench 4x10 Decline bench 4x10 maybee better on tricep day Shoulder press 4x10 Shrugs 4x10 I increase weight after each set. Am I pretty much covering everything adequately? I know I need to start doing cardio really bad.... if u are bulking u dont have to do cardio, although it is not a bad idea, be sure to eat mroe. I would change the reps up some, and ad abs, u do not have one ab exerciser there. change ur shit up to something like this legs/shoulders Chest/tris back/bis and start with movements liek Squat Deadlift, Benchpress Compund>>> accesory

Critique my workout plz

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Is this routine fine?

Is this routine fine?

Monday - Triceps, Chest, Deltoids, Shoulders Tuesday - Legs, Abs Wednesday - Biceps, Back Friday - Triceps, Chest, Deltoids, Shoulders, Abs (Anything wrong with working out Triceps, Chest, Deltoids, Shoulders twice a week while only working out the other 2 areas once a week, or should I add another Biceps, Back day in there?) On the weekends I do a lot of elliptical and bike riding up hill for extra leg exercise. Help

How long do you plan on spending in the gym on Mondays & Fridays?

NickStam How long do you plan on spending in the gym on Mondays & Fridays? 60-75 minutes --- I come home and work my abs.

Is this routine fine?

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bateman's Workout :dunno:

Bateman's Workout :dunno:

has he ever posted it Since it seems he is the king of the deltoid muscle and this is just about my weakest spot right now

its probably something

Anyone have any pics?

Socrates Anyone have any pics? of teh bateman?

inject pose in mirror flex delts wackit to self triceps kickbacks side laterals inject pose in mirror flex delts wackit to self repeat

KingGargantuan inject pose in mirror flex delts wackit to self triceps kickbacks side laterals inject pose in mirror flex delts wackit to self repeat the -wackit to self- is what killed me

Bateman = back left


in the white shirt?

I see no big delts!

Opi in the white shirt? ya!

Socrates ya! nice shirt

Shoulders Overhaul by Christian Thibaudeau

he's a pimp

DCCapen Yay I have delts.....and nothing else. Whats the big deal with him anyway. that he pulls in more girls than you. is the trick dressing gay? Tight jeans, tight shirts?

Socrates Bateman = back left Looks like that guy has his hand in batemans pocket

Neo22 Looks like that guy has his hand in batemans pocket

Ceaze Shoulders Overhaul by Christian Thibaudeau thanks man the article seems to be advocating much higher intensity than i've been doing with my hst program. though i'm happy with what i gained from hst over the last year i think it's time to move onto something more demanding.

Neo22 Looks like that guy has his hand in batemans pocket Didn't notice that!

Ceaze Shoulders Overhaul by Christian Thibaudeau I've never done that routine. But I did do his back specialization routine a while back and my back exploded. He know's what he's talking about.

Socrates Bateman = back left wtf he looks small there does his mirror add like 20lbs to his mirrorpics he is always posting?

Socrates Bateman = back left ooohsss teh pit stains!!!

Socrates Bateman = back left were da legs at? and is he sporting air lats?

Does anyone have a picture of him with his shirt off?

Bateman's Workout :dunno:

my benchpress is the same as my squats

my benchpress is the same as my squats

why is that?

my squat > bench press

because you have been benching longer than you have been squating

I don't know why my squat sucks, I rep 410 on the leg press but can barely do 225 when squatting.

Kozzy McKoz I don't know why my squat sucks, I rep 410 on the leg press but can barely do 225 when squatting. i think squat uses more muscles and you have stabilzers and shits

jonno because you have been benching longer than you have been squating tru.dat but i mean i walk and run and stand up and shit, i think i should be able to do more than 115

yur weak

My squat sucks balls (lower than my bench press) but that's because I've squatted < 5 times in my life. And in the few times that I have squatted, my max reps (4-5) went up about 100 pounds.. in like a 2.5 week time period. So if I continued to squat, I am sure that it would be above my bench in no time.

squats are unless you want chicken legs there is no reason to not do them

Kozzy McKoz I don't know why my squat sucks, I rep 410 on the leg press but can barely do 225 when squatting. Bent you dont do a full ROM leg press.

My squat numbers are impressive. my benching is weak like a little girl. god I need to work on triceps

Ilyusha My squat sucks balls (lower than my bench press) but that's because I've squatted < 5 times in my life. And in the few times that I have squatted, my max reps (4-5) went up about 100 pounds.. in like a 2.5 week time period. So if I continued to squat, I am sure that it would be above my bench in no time. why the hell arent you squatting then

Your legs suck is the simple answer

and why the hell would you post this in both forums

Its probably more that your body isnt used to the movement rather than your legs arent as stong as your chest. If you keep doing it your numbers should go up.

sans_pants why the hell arent you squatting then he's a weenie

Ceaze he's a weenie

my squat #'s are awful starting to go parallel now instead of ass to grass

Kozzy McKoz I don't know why my squat sucks, I rep 410 on the leg press but can barely do 225 when squatting. that sounds about right, maybe just a little low on the squat. it sounds like you don't do them often.

christophers if wrx squats everyone should squat

Squats rock

Aluyminyum that sounds about right, maybe just a little low on the squat. it sounds like you don't do them often. Well yeah, the first time I've squatted was about a month ago, and I've done it like 7 times since then.

Kozzy McKoz I don't know why my squat sucks, I rep 410 on the leg press but can barely do 225 when squatting. That's not that bad, I've seen people load up the leg press with 700lbs rep that and can't squat 225 parallel. I've always had strong legs but I recently partially tore my patellar tendon squatting 405.

my benchpress is the same as my squats

Monday, December 16, 2013

fawking stretch marks!!!!

fawking stretch marks!!!!

every fucking month i have new stretch marks on my arms today, i have a new one my right front delt shoulders


Yea I got them all the way down my bicep now, kinda sucks but I stopped caring about them along time ago.

Jeg1983 Yea I got them all the way down my bicep now, kinda sucks but I stopped caring about them along time ago. i didnt care about them before....but first i notice a red "scratch" then next day it was gone----then a week later it came back...then after workout, it formed into a fucking stretch marks

i have them everywhere......on my chest on my arms

Armpit and biceps *infinity

I don't give a shit about them.

<==== former fatass i have em on my lower back, triceps, obliques, hammies, and ass. they are faded now but you can still notice em if you look

how long do they take to fade? i've had my new ones on my bi's for about a month now, and while they aren't bright red anymore they're still noticeable from a distance.

< ===== still a fatass right here had em since i can remember and im adding more as i get stronger. i hate cardio

Get something called Strivectin SD , it reduces them and the appearance of them dramatically.

I gotta everywhere, vertical one's on my sides and belly, bicepsm, back. they suck try cocoa butter, supposedly it helps reduce them

I have them on my legs, it's horrible. I'm hoping that when I lose some weight they will fade out some. I've been using lotion/cocoa butter on them, but it doesn't seem to help. I think that will only help if you know the stretch marks are going to happen, ie pregnancy.

evi1eddie how long do they take to fade? i've had my new ones on my bi's for about a month now, and while they aren't bright red anymore they're still noticeable from a distance. Mine faded in about a year

I have really bad stretchmarks on my lower back

everyday like after a shower just put on some lotion preferable with aloe or cocoa butter and that will hydrate your skin and help prevent them. It helps a lot.

I have them pretty bad as well. The only place is in the armpit region and biceps though. For a while what I would is take 1 vitamin E gel tablet every morning and before bed I would break a gel tablet open and spread it on the areas with stretch marks. It worked pretty well but I ran out and never got back to buying more. I think this time I will try the cocoa butter and see how that goes though.

collagen for teh win... I had some killer stretchies on my inner legs, they're finally fading out kinda tho.. still pretty damn visible

yeah i have near the front delt/armpit area, and i'm wondering when it will go away...hopefully soon now that i'm dieting again...i also have a ton of my upper legs

Ceaze does that just help fade the marks? edit: nevermind, says made to prevent stretch marks

i've stumbled across something that has actually worked really well to help the stretch marks on my biceps fade. i got the marks a couple months ago and though they were no longer blood red, they were still dark red/purple and really stuck out on my arms. i heard that vitamin e was supposed to help w/ stretch marks and while looking around a vitamin/nutrition store, i found pure vitamin e oil, 70,000 IU for $12. i've only used it three times thus far, rubbing it and massaging it on my arms, but each time the stretch marks are less noticeable. each time i use it they become lighter and smaller, the smallest ones look like mere skin blemishes and when i run my finger across the small ones, they feel smooth and indistinguishable from normal skin. the big stretch marks are still a problem, and by big i'm talking 1/2" wide and 4" long, but those are making improvements too. one stretch mark that was 1/4" wide and 3" long has faded into my skin tone and is only noticeable from like a foot away. before i bought the vitamin e oil i ordered strivectin sd but the oils been working so well that i haven't even cracked the bottle yet. i'm planning on using it only after the vitamin e stops improving the strechies. good luck guys edit: btw it didn't do anything for the old stretch marks that had already faded into little white lines

I've had them on my legs for months now

Rebs im natural and i was skinny as shit and got them Same. Got horizontal ones on my lower back, and some small ones on my upper armpits. I think I see some starting to form on my rear delts. What you gotta do is just smother the "stretchmark zones" (places stretchmarks typically show up) with cocoa butter once a day. Putting it on after they already appear won't do too much.

Keepn in mind strivectin -sd is hella expensive.

fawking stretch marks!!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

db bench question

db bench question

whenever I do db bench press my biceps get sore (not triceps) am i doing something wrong or is this possibly normal? i worked out for the first time yesterday in awhile and my biceps hurt more than anything and all I did was db bench and some flies but my biceps felt exhausted after the db presses

I'm guessing your biceps were sore from the flyes, if you weren't arcing the DBs out enough on their way up. Don't know why you'd feel your bis during the press.

try pushing with your chestmore instead of your arms is that even possible

jonno is that even possible that's how I feel every time I use db for benching.. come to think of it.. the sort of feel tired when I bench with a bar too. i must be doing something really wrong

maybe bicep = tricep in canada?

sr20wop maybe bicep = tricep in canada? my biceps never hurt or get sore when doing db bench press....if anything maybe my shoulders?

db bench question

Monday, December 2, 2013

Is it OK to work the......

Is it OK to work the......

small muscles first?? Ive been doing the usual routine since I started 2 years ago (eg. chest then triceps,back then biceps). Since you're not supposed to stick to the exact same routine as far as large first then small, I was thinking of doing the smaller muscles first for a change.

you've been training for 2 years? stats?

i always train large muscle group first. so if chest/tris, go with chest first. If you train tri's first your presses will lag

werd, why would you do this. you just change exercise/order of exercises. your chest and back would lag horribly.

If you train the big parts first, you wont have to waste time warming up the smaller parts. if you arent going to do that, why not split up the days... i.e. bis/chest day somethin day backs/tris day that way you get to hit the same body parts twice as often with the same effort. You still get to hit each bodypart full force each day without any other part lagging behind.

Jeff Coleman i always train large muscle group first. so if chest/tris, go with chest first. If you train tri's first your presses will lag If there is anything lagging its my bi's and tri's. My chest, back and traps are of good size and I dont think my arms are proportioned with the rest of my body.. Maybe because Ive been sticking to the same routine?

Ro Cobra If there is anything lagging its my bi's and tri's. My chest, back and traps are of good size and I dont think my arms are proportioned with the rest of my body.. Maybe because Ive been sticking to the same routine? Do rack presses for tri's.

only time i train small muscles first before the large muscles is when i do circuit training.. but if not, you should finish your bigger muscles first though.. but you are right, you need to constantly change your routine, do different things! why don't you train chest and back one day, shoulders and arms(bis, tris) the other day, for example.

really depends on what you are trying to achieve if by smaller muscles you mean isolation exercises, and you are trying to be a bodybuilder then sure why not....for a little while. One situation where working component muscles first in a powerlifting/oly lifting situation is when you have a clear weakness. Obviously if you are failing in a squat or the receiving phase of a clean because of a lack of core stability, you would want to devote more training time and effort to things like gm's, weighted hpers, saxons, standing crunches, zerchers, rev hypers, etc.

devilangel why don't you train chest and back one day for example.

Jeff Coleman i was suggesting changing his routine to something else.. although i can see why your face cuz back alone is pretty intense anyways.

NHB_GnP really depends on what you are trying to achieve if by smaller muscles you mean isolation exercises, and you are trying to be a bodybuilder then sure why not....for a little while. One situation where working component muscles first in a powerlifting/oly lifting situation is when you have a clear weakness. Obviously if you are failing in a squat or the receiving phase of a clean because of a lack of core stability, you would want to devote more training time and effort to things like gm's, weighted hpers, saxons, standing crunches, zerchers, rev hypers, etc. yup, i agree. all depends on your goal!

NHB_GnP really depends on what you are trying to achieve if by smaller muscles you mean isolation exercises, and you are trying to be a bodybuilder then sure why not....for a little while. One situation where working component muscles first in a powerlifting/oly lifting situation is when you have a clear weakness. Obviously if you are failing in a squat or the receiving phase of a clean because of a lack of core stability, you would want to devote more training time and effort to things like gm's, weighted hpers, saxons, standing crunches, zerchers, rev hypers, etc. hey, nice av, you post on sherdog?

Is it OK to work the......

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

a couple new pics

a couple new pics

I guess I'll add some more since arms just keep on exploding and I don't even train them anymore. Weight 229 today and getting fat. Lower back has some rolls hanging over my shorts, no pics. Continuous bulk until 250, test E cycle starts in 2 months.

Nice. Wish I had some test E You doing test only or you going to throw in some dbol as well? Hey, aren't you on S1 right now? How's that going?

Anyone ever tell you look like Brett Favre? Looking good.

GilgaMesH Nice. Wish I had some test E You doing test only or you going to throw in some dbol as well? Hey, aren't you on S1 right now? How's that going? put on 10 lbs so far, nothing great.. hope to maintain half of it. Still have one bottle left (3 bottle cycle). Not doing orals or anything else with the test, just a straight test cycle

Draco Anyone ever tell you look like Brett Favre? Looking good. no but that's a good thing, farve gets all the woman

lookin good

holy farmers tan lookin swole brudda


aenz holy farmers tan lookin swole brudda I was expecting that. Work in the sun all day and HAVE to wear a shirt.

get some proviron

throughout the whole cycle? is 1 tab enough?

this makes me depressed....

looking great man! you will be a monster at 250! I would concentrate on the traps and upper chest, you seem swole there, but not as swole as the rest of ya!

IT'S THE ANGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! lc traps are actually one of my strongest points. It's hard to get a good shot in beacause the camera basically has to be above me

steveo, what does ur routine look like....with exercises if possible... how many cal's are u taking in daily?

deznutz steveo, what does ur routine look like....with exercises if possible... how many cal's are u taking in daily? I just started chris' routine, was doing a simple 5 day split for the last 2 years. ~8000 calories

Arms look amazing. I'm kinda suprised though that your lats arent bigger. They seem disproportionately small.

therealdeal Arms look amazing. I'm kinda suprised though that your lats arent bigger. They seem disproportionately small. I can't do that pose right, been working on it old pic of a pose I can do halfway decent


damn i hate my tiny triceps

[QUOTE=SteveO]throughout the whole cycle? is 1 tab enough?[/QUOTE most people would say take 50mgs, but I found proviron to be rockin and rollin at 100mg's a day.

SteveO I can't do that pose right, been working on it old pic of a pose I can do halfway decent Even so though, from the front, on that first pic, they don't look as developed as some other parts of your body. Its probably less that your lats arent huge while the rest of you is. Youre still looking pretty damn decent all around though.

Biggest improvement are the arms, no doubt about it. Any leg pics?

awesome gains do you have a guess at your bf% you don't look like you have a lot

why the recommendation of proviron??

a couple new pics

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Help with goals

Help with goals

I'm 6'2", about 175 lbs. I want to get stronger and look better. Cut abs, bigger arms, legs. Lose some fat and add some muscle. Maybe a goal of 190 lbs? I'm planning on a 3 days/week weight lifting routine with chest/tri, back/bi, and legs/shoulders days. And then some cardio in between. I'm thinking about using the diet thread sticky as a guide. I don't have much time for all this and I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to the gym even 3 times a week. I do have some of those resistance bands lying around here and might use them as a substitute. Anyone had experience with these at all? I'm just trying to figure out if this is the best way to get to my goal and get some other people's ideas/opinions.

Good luck gaining 15lbs and cutting simultaneously.

ralyks Good luck gaining 15lbs and cutting simultaneously. Yea... that's why I'm posting here. If I knew what I was doing, why would I bother? I understand that's supposed to be a hard thing to do. So how about a better way?

You most likely have very little muscle to cut down to, so my suggestion would be to bulk for a while.. maybe to 210lbs or so, and then cut. Remember, you're 6'2", so 210lbs wouldn't be bad at all on you (most people here would consider that fairly average, if not small, but I'm telling you 210 so you don't freak out).

Ilyusha You most likely have very little muscle to cut down to, so my suggestion would be to bulk for a while.. maybe to 210lbs or so, and then cut. Remember, you're 6'2", so 210lbs wouldn't be bad at all on you (most people here would consider that fairly average, if not small, but I'm telling you 210 so you don't freak out). That was my thought. What is a good bulking diet... and workout?

SLO2 That was my thought. What is a good bulking diet... and workout? Search for Christophers' "here's what built me a base" routine.. or you can use this one: day 1: upper body 1) flat bench- 4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) heavy triceps - 4-6 sets of 5-8 reps 3) barbell rows-4-6 sets of 8-10 reps 4) rear/side/front raises-4-5 sets of 10-15 reps 5) biceps - pick a movement and do 4 sets of whatever reps day 2: lower body 1) full squats-4-6 sets of 4-6 reps 2) romanian deadlift-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps 3) reverse hypers, pull through's, or back raises-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 4) heavy ab work 5) optional extra quad movement if you want "burn", but 100% not neccesary day 3: upper body #2 1) dumbell bench-4-5 sets of 8-12 reps 2) volume triceps-pick an extention, 1/4 dips, etc-4-5 sets of 10-12 reps 3) chin ups/pullups-4-5 sets of 8-10 reps, weighted or not 4) overhead pressing once every 2 weeks-3-5 sets of 6-10 reps 5) biceps, pick one movement for 4-5 sets day 4: lower body #2 1) deadlifts or sumo deadlifts - 5-6 sets of singles, or triples. dont deadlift every single week. for those weeks you don't, take it easy. 2) step ups, single leg squats, lunges-3-5 sets of 8-12 reps 3) leg curls-3-6 sets of 10-12 reps 4) heavy abs A good diet would be eat a shit ton of food and then eat some more. I don't have experience in bulking, so other people may suggest something else; however, I would just eat A LOT.

Ilyusha A good diet would be eat a shit ton of food and then eat some more. I don't have experience in bulking, so other people may suggest something else; however, I would just eat A LOT. hahaha, thanks man.

And I'm not really trying to get huge... just stronger and more cut.

Help with goals

anyone ever used a dynaflex?

anyone ever used a dynaflex?

Improve your coordination while strengthening your wrists, hands, forearms, biceps, and triceps with the Dyanflex Power Ball amber gyro wrist exerciser. Designed with a built-in high-performance rotor, the Power Ball wrist exerciser puts out up to 38 pounds of torque. An ideal aid for rehabilitation, it helps those suffering from Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, and other similar afflictions. Great as a therapeutic device or muscle conditioner, it increases the range of motion of your wrist flexors and extensors. Look to for the hottest deals on all your fitness needs. Features include: High performance rotor with up to 13,000 RPM Up to 38 lbs. of torque Ideal for rehabilitation or conditioning mine should be here today... I hope that it's powerful

I felt it was a waste of time. You get a hell of a pump but never get any real resistance.

Do let us know.... I have wrist problems from snowboarding and would be interested in something to rehab it...

KetchupKing I felt it was a waste of time. You get a hell of a pump but never get any real resistance. I'm not trying to really build, hoping it'll work with all over grip strength, and a bit of wrist rehabilitation (I had weight start to slip on a squat and decided to catch it, kinda did something to one of my wrists, a couple of months ago)

tryfuhl I'm not trying to really build, hoping it'll work with all over grip strength, and a bit of wrist rehabilitation (I had weight start to slip on a squat and decided to catch it, kinda did something to one of my wrists, a couple of months ago) depending on how fucked your wrist is id seek some advice before buying this

anyone ever used a dynaflex?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I still have a love hate relationship with myspace F&N

I still have a love hate relationship with myspace F&N

Some of my favorites These are in response to my posts or just random quotes of others I *strongly* disagree. Whether you're cutting or bulking, the bulk of your calories and carbohydrates should be post workout. It's nearly impossible to store fat during this time. If done properly, you can actually eat over maintenance calories and still lose bodyfat due to the partitioning effects of exercise. Post-workout nutrition is far, far more important than pre. In my weekly workouts at the moment, I concentrate all 3-4 days on upper body (chest/biceps/triceps specifically), with a day or two of rest in between each session. Is this working the same muscle group too often? Or should I continue this program? If I am overloading my upper muscles, I'd love to alternate to some lower body, back, and shoulder exercises, but as I said, I'm trying to focus mainly on those three areas first. Jordan What is the real danger of using that stuff that Mark Mcguire used I've heard that creitein is dangerous, but can anyone give me a scientific reason why? fuck u all any Druge that gives me BITCH TITS I ant doing. and I know people thats have died and r all fucked up from doing that shit. IN my eyes your all bitches I fucken busted my ass to look the way I do and I hate when people how much shit I took to look like that. I was out for 2 years with a fucked up rotator cuff and doctore told me I would never put up any real .. again and to them and all you FAGS out there I say fuck you all cause I did with nothing more then the food I eat. fuck you all cause when you all stop working out and you all turn to fluff ill still be big. you are all fag who want an easy way out . theres no such thing as over training, only under eating/under drug use... actually you need to eat more because it speeds up your metabolism and makes you burn calories like 10-12 times a day. i dont mean meals but snacks. recently i've started working out, and i've noticed that my abs/arms/calves are getting pretty toned. however, i haven't really noticed anydefinition in my upper thighs even though they're slim. how can i build muscle tone (tone! not bulk!) in my thighs? That should give you an idea. Keep in mind these are threads from only the first page. Going to this forum makes me feel like Christophers must in this forum.

From another forum, this my most recent favorite quote. I think I actually hit my head against the wall a few times after reading this. "Using a very mild cycle of 250mg of Sustanon a week for 8 weeks, I was able to go from a very pudgy, wimpy, 180lbs. (benching less then a hundred) to a lean 145lbs. benching 160. Did I experience any side effects at all? No. Did I lose all my hair, grow boobs, and have my testicles shrink? Not at all. Did I keep all my gains? Of course not, but I am no longer fat, no longer a complete wimp, and way healthier then I was before. It really makes me mad when people give steroids such a bad rap, because of a few select bad cases that are senstaionalized." Now I admit at least the guy knew what he was doing and did proper PCT and shit, but holy fuck, using sust to cut to 145 and bench 160? THAT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!

cavefish From another forum, this my most recent favorite quote. I think I actually hit my head against the wall a few times after reading this. Now I admit at least the guy knew what he was doing and did proper PCT and shit, but holy fuck, using sust to cut to 145 and bench 160? THAT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! I hate people that jump into steroids before getting a good base. I mean why would you do it before even losing your noob gains.

What gets me is people think they need steroids to make those kind of gains. Fucking tards.

christophers heres a good one I don't think there was a wtf at the end.

I visited the forum the other day, and i saw that now Layne Norton posts there, just when i thought it couldnt get any worse.

Jeff Coleman I visited the forum the other day, and i saw that now Layne Norton posts there, just when i thought it couldnt get any worse. what you got against him?

Ilyusha I'm a homosexual. .

I *strongly* disagree. Whether you're cutting or bulking, the bulk of your calories and carbohydrates should be post workout. It's nearly impossible to store fat during this time. If done properly, you can actually eat over maintenance calories and still lose bodyfat due to the partitioning effects of exercise. Post-workout nutrition is far, far more important than pre. sounds like it makes sense... slight hyperbole maybe but i wouldn't say it's horrible

theres no such thing as over training, only under eating/under drug use... lol wtf

theres no such thing as over training, only under eating/under drug use... *chuckles* I've heard the no such thing as overtraining, just under eating before.

Elfling theres no such thing as over training, only under eating/under drug use... *chuckles* I've heard the no such thing as overtraining, just under eating before. for most people, it's true

I still have a love hate relationship with myspace F&N

Friday, November 22, 2013

Progress Pics and randomness *no 56k*

Progress Pics and randomness *no 56k*

I'm killing two birds with one stone. Here are some progress pics that Jonno requested. Nothing spectacular, but there is some improvement. (I hope you guys can tell) This is also some pics for the sake of the highschool crew thread. I also included pics of me in some of my highschool's clothes. JV in 2002 = Me a sophmore during 2002-2003 = me a senior now year 2004-2005. Those are two shirts of powermeets i went to, just so you guys know I wasn't lying about my old post about the powermeets I attended. Current Stats: 17 y/o 5'7.5'' 215lbs My lifts in March at the "Wildcat" powermeet:Bench: 265 Squat: 435 deadlift: 365 Back around February: 227lbs Me now. (Didn't start cutting until early March, right before the powermeet. I didnt know i was competing until 3 days before the actual meet..haha) 215lbs oh, if you guys remember me talking about asking a girl to prom, she said yes . some pics of her face, heh. Her on the left: Okay, thats all for tonight. Comments?

Pseudo-gyno sucks.


awesome man. you definatly lost fat. looks like you lost more than 12lbs. oh.. and to that chick

Goodjob fellow Asian. Hardwork will get it done for ya man. And on another note, you my friend are one of the larger Asians I have seen pics of.

nice, i see those triceps tryin to peek through

you are gonna be a beast in a few years if u keep this up. seriously, good job and congrats on the prom date and graduating highschool(soon enough anyway) and all that stuff

nice work

Rock on!

Good Shit fellow Asian broly

Gonna be ripped when you're done, if you were bigger you'd be a beast! Keep it up!

wow nice job man

Very cool man! Chick looks hawt good job!

pretty good numbers.. chest could be upped a tad bit alongside the rest of the numbers but overall nice. good improvement as well.

thanks guys... Cobra Commander pretty good numbers.. chest could be upped a tad bit alongside the rest of the numbers but overall nice. good improvement as well. yeah, my chest had always lagged behind, including my shoulders. however, 2 weeks ago before my injury, i started doing more for my chest because all i did before were 4 sets of bench and some cable work. i'm trying to work in some dumbells as well. shoulders...ugh. i hate them. To be honest for the past few months, although i could keep my diet in check, it was hard to work out as much as i wanted to. being a full time highschool student while having a part time job of around 10 hours during the weekdays while keeping up grades and being heavily involved in church (friday saturday sunday) its hard to find enough time to really devote as much as i want. however now that ap's are almost done (i raped my english lit today) i'm going to have a lot more time.

Cut, cut, cut.

Mike4831 Cut, cut, cut. easier said than done. wait, thats a serious understatement. by college (late august) i'd like to be at 200

nj dude

Congratulations, keep up the hard work.

nice calves

hollaaaaa nice job man, chick is mad cute and seems to have a great 'picture personality' lol

Atenza6i easier said than done. wait, thats a serious understatement. by college (late august) i'd like to be at 200 Ya. If your were down at about 200 and you were still pulling those numbers, you would stand a lot better chance at meets. I have a friend that is 165lbs, 5'6" Benches - 290 Squats - 405 Power Cleans - 250? He won state when he was a Sophomore. And then after that he got destroyed.

damn you asians and your calves. you should do some dieting get rid of alot of that fat, its soooo easy to lose fat, you'd look like a bad mother fucker if you did.

Progress Pics and randomness *no 56k*

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

I do triceps together with chest and biceps with back..but, what are the best exercises to promote growth? I'm sitting with 13.5" here


Thanks for the great insight.

no problem

oh jeebus I found that preacher curls and tricep extensions work best then again I hardly do curls

drunknmunky oh jeebus I found that preacher curls and tricep extensions work best then again I hardly do curls Been doing those...vertical dips? Close grip pushups(although I'd think this would be more endurance + strength..)? I need to find an old carboard time that I measured my biceps on..

What the hell is going on? Well, overall, the best tricep exercises are the following: 1. Dips 2. Close-grip bench press 3. Skullcrushers 4. Tricep extension? (not sure if it's really that good). They pretty much go in the order. As for biceps...i'm not really sure, I never train them. They get enough work out (yeah i know it's sad) from pull ups, bent over rows...ect. If you are eating properly, and working out hard on your biceps and see no growth try changing up things a bit. You could try the following exercises: 1. DB bicep curls 2. BB bicep curls 3. Cable curls 4. Concentration curls 5. Preecher curls *(not in any particular order) but you should get enough workout from doing other than your arms.


preacher curls

christophers according to whom him, duh it varies person to person... almost the only exercise I do for triceps are pressdowns and CGB

triceps= reverse bench biceps= bb curl

I do like 150 reps with a 5lb DB until i get REALLY TIRED.

Gods, what's with the standard forum answers??

I did tate presses for the first time yesterday. They destroyed my tris.

christophers what kind of flat bench #'s has pressdowns given ya? can't tell you, remember I'm a body builder.. I could give a shit what my flat bench is, but 3 plates is where I'm stuck at

Tate press. Chris.. how do you do your JM presses? The vid you posted a while back (Simmons) doesn't work for me.

christophers more weight = more growth I'm not arguing that, maybe this is why my chest is so damn stubourn... I might give a powerlifting routine on it just to see how it works out, but I can never understand them /or have access to the equipment

i got better results when i trained chest/tri's on seperate days

the opposite of whatever i do.


Grouch the opposite of whatever i do. /

I liked reverse grip curls, was definately a nice change of the routine.

I really like rack press for tris. Usually I only do maybe some hammer curls and ez bar curls for bis. I get a pretty good bi workout from back day.

I just do close grip, skull crushers and pushdowns. I probably can't bench more than 275 right now.

Ilyusha Tate press. Chris.. how do you do your JM presses? The vid you posted a while back (Simmons) doesn't work for me. jmpresses are excellent

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

brolys of OT help an inexperienced one.

brolys of OT help an inexperienced one.

A few questions... 1. Why can't I bench for shit? In 6 weeks I haven't noticed my flat bench getting better AT ALL I still struggle to do 3 reps of 8 @ 115lbs. My Decline bench press however went up from 3 reps of 8 @ 115lbs to 3 reps of 6 @ 145lbs. Whats the deal? I swear my flat bench has not imporved ONE BIT. While I'm noticing visual results on my chest my flatbench still sucks. I have a workout partener too, we pretty much eat the same after work out meal, do the same excersizes and yet... He can flat bench more than I can while Every other excersize we do, I can do more and more than him each week. Wtf is wrong with me? 2. Is milk a good after work out thing to drink? I usually get beef jerkey from the convience store on my way home. Then I drink 33gs of protien worth of milk. There's not that much food available to me So I just usually go for some microwavable food with a decent ammount of protien and a lot of milk. Is that ok?

reps = repetitions, thats when you push it up one time. sets = a set of repetitions. i think you mean you're doing 3 sets of 8 reps @ 115 lbs. just so you know and from what i understand, milk is one of the shitty forms of protein, your best bet would be eggs, whey, red meat, fish.

Your routine probably blows and from what it sounds, your diet is shit. If you are serious about it, I would read up on some stickies and just stay consistent.

ryazbeck and from what i understand, milk is one of the shitty forms of protein How is milk a "shitty" form of protein? You do know that whey is derived from milk.

Your decline bench may be more because you're doing fewer reps to a set. You don't have to do 8 reps to be going up in weight. Try putting more weight on the flat bench and aiming for 3-5 reps.

The key to a strong bench is strong triceps

Elfling Your decline bench may be more because you're doing fewer reps to a set. You don't have to do 8 reps to be going up in weight. Try putting more weight on the flat bench and aiming for 3-5 reps. noo i dont think so cuz i can do 3 sets of 8 easy as hell on 115 even 135 when i do decline bench press. i cant do 4-6 reps @ 135 on flat bench. even 6 reps of 115 is a work out. And I dont think its my tricepts because my tricepts are pretty strong compared to most average people (i still consider my self average)

vhalin noo i dont think so cuz i can do 3 sets of 8 easy as hell on 115 even 135 when i do decline bench press. i cant do 4-6 reps @ 135 on flat bench. even 6 reps of 115 is a work out. And I dont think its my tricepts because my tricepts are pretty strong compared to most average people (i still consider my self average) you've only been working out for 6 weeks so i'm gonna have to go out on a limb here and say that your triceps probably aren't that much stronger than most average people. i'd take the advice that was given above and try to decrease the number of reps and gradually up the weight. also, if you can, get a spotter and have them help you. put 135 on the bar and have them help you with the last 2 or 3 reps so that you're struggling like hell to get it up with their assistance. you also might be rushing yourself. try and take a longer break between sets if you notice that you're going too quickly.

because you're going into the gym on chest day expecting the weight you can do to magically go up. If day after day you are doing 3 x 8 x 115...then that is what you are always going to be able to do. You need to push yourself harder...put more more weight on the bar and do as much as you can. next time you go, put some 5's on each side and do 125. get as many reps as you can. you have to force your body to get stronger, it's not going to just happen.

Fail and cheat on some reps at higher weights and u'll be repping that. Sense you have a partner let him help you by spotting and put some bigger weights on. DOn't worry about failing because your muscles will get stronger.

ryazbeck and from what i understand, milk is one of the shitty forms of protein, your best bet would be eggs, whey, red meat, fish. milk protein = good

what is your routine? you might want to switch it up with dips, db bench, etc

Shaolin_sword36 what is your routine? you might want to switch it up with dips, db bench, etc beginners should stick with the same exercises for awhile

from what i understand, you dont want much fat at all post workout, and milk and beef jerky have alot of fat, unless the milk is skin.

brolys of OT help an inexperienced one.

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