Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cabage soup cleansing

Cabage soup cleansing

Well folks I started my "cabage soup cleansing" on Monday. Got the regiment from a doctor at the Heart institute here in town. Not doing it to loose weight (I feel I'm right where I should be). I'm just looking to detoxify my system naturaly Just wondering if anyone else on this forum has done this cleansing and how did it work out for you? Ju

i don't believe in that crap

This brings back painful memories

hahaha fuck, my mom and my dad did that shit back in like 1995 and it didnt do shit for them.

i dont see the point. If you want your system cleaned out, go get a colonic cleanse.

Ceaze i don't believe in that crap .

dmaestro hahaha fuck, my mom and my dad did that shit back in like 1995 and it didnt do shit for them. Shit is about all it did for me I did a vege soup one that was tomato based and I didn't shit solid for months after. My gut hasn't been the same since then but I've been told that I have IBS so probably just coincidence that that was the change point.

Cabbage soup diet is, from all I know, absolute crap. So are most detox diets.

Dually noted crew! thanks for the input . Ju

Julu Dually noted crew! thanks for the input . Ju Wow..a perky new poster who didn't go up in flames immediately!

theres a right way to ask questions and a wrong way. We only flame noobs who ask stupid questions and are rude.

Elfling Wow..a perky new poster who didn't go up in flames immediately! LOL. Meh you take the good with the bad. People have to learn not to take things personally sometimes. I asked a question to get feedback, and that's what I got . No one said anything bad about me personally, so it's all good. Now on an new note! I exercise very regularly and during the week eat very healthy. Just wondering what arm exercise with light weights I can do to tone the region around the underarm, where the arm bends (not sure if I'm discribing it correctly ) Ju

Julu LOL. Meh you take the good with the bad. People have to learn not to take things personally sometimes. I asked a question to get feedback, and that's what I got . No one said anything bad about me personally, so it's all good. Now on an new note! I exercise very regularly and during the week eat very healthy. Just wondering what arm exercise with light weights I can do to tone the region around the underarm, where the arm bends (not sure if I'm discribing it correctly ) Ju Hum. Underside of the arm as in..triceps?? Above or below the elbow?

Basically where your armpit folds. I'm doing well with all other regions of my body, tricepts are coming along nicely . Just that little naggin part of the armpit fold

Julu Basically where your armpit folds. I'm doing well with all other regions of my body, tricepts are coming along nicely . Just that little naggin part of the armpit fold Sounds like that's probably more of a body-fat issue?

Well I'm 29, 5'4", 117 pounds and at 17% body fat. but you're most likely right. Just one of those parts I just might have to live with, cause I'm pleased at where I'm at right now... Again thanks for helping ju

Elfling Sounds like that's probably more of a body-fat issue? since genetics and size pretty much determine how a muscle looks, any kind of toning is pretty much a BF issue. The less BF you have covering your muscle, the more 'toned' it looks. just for ref, it sounds like it would be the posterior delt (Pic), teres major (Pic) or teres minor Pic). In which case these exercises might help get them bigger. [url][url] and [url][url]

Julu Well I'm 29, 5'4", 117 pounds and at 17% body fat. but you're most likely right. Just one of those parts I just might have to live with, cause I'm pleased at where I'm at right now... Again thanks for helping ju I have those too. I think it is partly due to having narrow shoulders. Instead of the lower outline of my chest going all the way up to my armpits, it stops at the fat folds. Sucks!

Thanks Dragon! The "Arnold Press" looks like something that might be helpful! And to be us

Cabage soup cleansing

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