Thursday, January 9, 2014

Teen noob questions

Teen noob questions

Me: 15 years old (16 in about a week), 6'4", 230 lbs (about 35-40 lbs fat) 1: Whenever I start benching for the day, the first 5-6 reps (125 lbs) cause a really sharp pain my my upper arm. Not the normal weight lifting pain, this feels more like someone if trying to jam a pencil into my arm. My hands are about 20" apart of the bar, and I lower it to about 2-3 inches above my chest. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do about it? 2: I've been benching (stared at 120, now 125, about to go to 130) and curling (started at 60, now 70) for the past 2 weeks, but since about a week ago, I no longer feel soreness in my arms the next morning, though whenever I'm lifting, I feel that I'm pushing myself as hard as I can. Is this normal, or am I not stressing my muscles enough?

furious d Me: 15 years old (16 in about a week), 6'4", 230 lbs (about 35-40 lbs fat) 1: Whenever I start benching for the day, the first 5-6 reps (125 lbs) cause a really sharp pain my my upper arm. Not the normal weight lifting pain, this feels more like someone if trying to jam a pencil into my arm. My hands are about 20" apart of the bar, and I lower it to about 2-3 inches above my chest. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do about it? 2: I've been benching (stared at 120, now 125, about to go to 130) and curling (started at 60, now 70) for the past 2 weeks, but since about a week ago, I no longer feel soreness in my arms the next morning, though whenever I'm lifting, I feel that I'm pushing myself as hard as I can. Is this normal, or am I not stressing my muscles enough? Lower the bar to your chest to get the full range of motion. Do you do legwork too? Squats deadlifts.

I already have possibly the largest legs (calves are 19.5" around) in school, so for the time being, I'm just worrying about my upper body. I go hiking alot with a 50+ lb pack (even if I'm just at the mountain for a day, I still load it up with a bunch of 2 liter bottles full of water), and I feel that that gives me plenty of leg excersize. Though I have been meaning to test my max squat. What is the proper form for that? I know my back should be straight, but should my feet be facing straight forward, my knees extending in front of me, or should they be off the to side, my knees extending more to the right and left?

furious d I already have possibly the largest legs (calves are 19.5" around) in school, so for the time being, I'm just worrying about my upper body. I go hiking alot with a 50+ lb pack (even if I'm just at the mountain for a day, I still load it up with a bunch of 2 liter bottles full of water), and I feel that that gives me plenty of leg excersize. Though I have been meaning to test my max squat. What is the proper form for that? I know my back should be straight, but should my feet be facing straight forward, my knees extending in front of me, or should they be off the to side, my knees extending more to the right and left? Need to do squats. Best overall lift there is.

Read every noob thread available please.


furious d Me: 15 years old (16 in about a week), 6'4", 230 lbs (about 35-40 lbs fat) 1: Whenever I start benching for the day, the first 5-6 reps (125 lbs) cause a really sharp pain my my upper arm. Not the normal weight lifting pain, this feels more like someone if trying to jam a pencil into my arm. My hands are about 20" apart of the bar, and I lower it to about 2-3 inches above my chest. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do about it? 2: I've been benching (stared at 120, now 125, about to go to 130) and curling (started at 60, now 70) for the past 2 weeks, but since about a week ago, I no longer feel soreness in my arms the next morning, though whenever I'm lifting, I feel that I'm pushing myself as hard as I can. Is this normal, or am I not stressing my muscles enough? Thats a one big-ass fifteen year old (Props)

Thanks, though I'm way too weak in my upper body, the most I ever benched was 165 a few months ago, maybe I could manage 175 by now. Considering my size, I should be benching around 250.

i know my brother used to have trouble with pain in his shoulder when he benched. he switched over to dumbells for a while and that took care of it.

But back to the original questions: Is it normal to have that sharp pain in my upper arm for the first 5-6 reps while benching? Is it normal to stop feeling soreness the next day after lifting for only about a week and a half?

yea, it's normal to stop feeling soreness

Teen noob questions

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