Showing posts with label sport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sport. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

gravity boots...

gravity boots...

the type you hook on a chin bar... how much do they go for? And are they worth it or not?

i was also curious about those things

I was recommended to get an inversion table for the lower back but I figure the g-boots would also allow me to do some exercises.

I would be afraid of the boots coming unhooked and falling, I've seen someone using them before though, look like they'd be a good exercise

i finally assembled my gravity table and started using it. i haven't gone to full inversion yet, but even at a 30 degree angle it really does help both my lower back and neck. the model i got is called teeter hangups f5000 i think and i had the option to get the gravity boots with it for 80 bucks more but i didn't. if you can, i would get a table over the boots timberwolf, the flexiblity of choosing your angle of inversion and the safety make it worth it to me.

what if you couldn't get down and you toppled over the really expensive fish tank in a gigilo's apartment? no but on a serious note, you can do sit ups with a partner by hanging off his stomach with your legs...yeah sounds really gay but I do it for fight training. Jump up and wrap your legs around the guys waist with your hands around his neck. Let go of his neck, lower down and touch your head to the ground then go up and touch your head to his chest. If you can't do them by yourself grab onto his hands for a little extra help...this is more sport specific as it really works your legs to hold onto the other person, similar to keeping them in your guard on the ground.

joy division what if you couldn't get down and you toppled over the really expensive fish tank in a gigilo's apartment? no but on a serious note, you can do sit ups with a partner by hanging off his stomach with your legs...yeah sounds really gay but I do it for fight training. Jump up and wrap your legs around the guys waist with your hands around his neck. Let go of his neck, lower down and touch your head to the ground then go up and touch your head to his chest. If you can't do them by yourself grab onto his hands for a little extra help...this is more sport specific as it really works your legs to hold onto the other person, similar to keeping them in your guard on the ground. WHAT THE GAY?

Undefined i finally assembled my gravity table and started using it. i haven't gone to full inversion yet, but even at a 30 degree angle it really does help both my lower back and neck. the model i got is called teeter hangups f5000 i think and i had the option to get the gravity boots with it for 80 bucks more but i didn't. if you can, i would get a table over the boots timberwolf, the flexiblity of choosing your angle of inversion and the safety make it worth it to me. Yeah, the inversion boots are definitely recomended above the gravity boots. Glad you got it. As I said besides the cost I really wouldn't have the space.

timberwolf Yeah, the inversion boots are definitely recomended above the gravity boots. Glad you got it. As I said besides the cost I really wouldn't have the space. yea man, i couldn't afford it either but i am willing to put myself in debt when it comes to my health. i charged my visa and its been worth it. as for the space, the model i got folds up to where its only a few inches wide and a few feet high.

joy division Jump up and wrap your legs around the guys waist with your hands around his neck. Let go of his neck, lower down and touch your head to the ground then go up and touch your head to his chest. If you can't do them by yourself grab onto his hands for a little extra help...

Fishbait that was exactly my feeling also.

Ha Ha. This thread is hilarious. On a serious note, I used gravity boots for a long period of time and they were absolutely amazing. You can work so much more and through a far greater field of motion. I wish I owned some.

gravity boots...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger?

Blue=Gay Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger? Muscle is torn and replaced.

Ilyusha Muscle is torn and replaced. I know but does weight lifting promote new(more) muscle fibers to grow.

yes new muslce is formed!

there is always muscle there. is there wasnt, you would be a bone with skin on it. It would also be impossible to move your arm.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. Holy fuck..

Ilyusha Holy fuck.. i'll see your and raise you a

Ilyusha Holy fuck.. even Terri Schiavo had muscles.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. I hope you are kidding

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. Yes. There could be a situation where there was absolutely NO muscle in the bicep......

well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have.

Grouch well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have. Which could mean that new muscle fibers are growing.

Ilyusha Which could mean that new muscle fibers are growing. That would go against the whole 'new' part. If that is true.

Blue=Gay Or does it just make the ones you already have bigger? Some fibres may split

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. but is 20 like 30.....

it takes huge loads of stress to cause new muscle fibers to grow, or drugs (gh, slin)

SteveO it takes huge loads of stress to cause new muscle fibers to grow, or drugs (gh, slin) Drugs wont make new muscle fibres grow It is emerging research that under the right load and conditions muscle fibres MAY MAY MAY split, i.e its possible but you wont really see it happen much

Grouch well im pretty sure you dont actually create new muscle fiber, only enlarge what you currently have. you don't create new muscle cells.

edd91 Drugs wont make new muscle fibres grow It is emerging research that under the right load and conditions muscle fibres MAY MAY MAY split, i.e its possible but you wont really see it happen much yes, they will

SteveO yes, they will Literature? Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy To begin, I'd like to cover the two main ways for an individual to increase overall muscle size. The first, muscle fiber hypertrophy, refers to the increase in the diameter of the individual muscle cells. The larger the cells, the larger the overall muscle, it's that simple. Muscle fiber hypertrophy = Big muscle fibers. Muscle Fiber Hyperplasia The second, muscle fiber hyperplasia, refers to the splitting of muscle fibers in the interest of creating new fibers. Obviously this would be of interest to anyone pursuing size or strength due to the fact that and if an individual has more fibers, their overall size potential is greater. Therefore when looking at hyperplasia, Muscle fiber hyperplasia + Muscle fiber hypertrophy = Many big muscle fibers. Ahh, the elusive double dose of size! At this point, I know that you're all supercharged to learn how to both make more fibers and to make them bigger, but I'm going to have to put the breaks on and be the bearer of bad news. The problem with hyperplasia is that no one really knows exactly how to promote it. Once we are born, some experts believe, muscle fiber number remains fixed for our lifetime. Therefore under normal circumstances muscle fiber hyperplasia seems nearly impossible. Interestingly, though, experts have begun to speculate that under abnormal circumstances, hyperplasia can contribute to overall muscle growth. For starters, recreational or even moderately intense weight training will probably NOT do it. Unfortunately there has not even been any evidence that very intense weight training will promote hyperplasia. One proposed link to hyperplasia, though is anabolic steroid use. A recent article in the American College of Sports Medicine's Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise found evidence for muscle fiber hyperplasia in anabolic steroid using powerlifters(1). This however, is pretty much the first evidence of a mechanism for hyperplasia in humans. [Editor's note: there is fairly long-standing evidence that hyperplasia does occur in (of all things) weight trained cats.] The bottom line is that unless we are ready to boatload anabolic steroids into our systems, neither you nor I are going to be enjoying the benefits of muscle fiber hyperplasia any time soon. At least not over a period of less than 5-10 years (and even then it would be modest). So what about hypertrophy? Well that, my friends, is a promising reality.

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. seriously?

the gist is under nearly all circumstances, muscle fibers get bigger. You do not create more of them.

evi1eddie [color=black] Can you post the references too please

Toyota Kawasaki alright.. say youre so weak that you have no bicep muscle at all.. if you lift weights how could muscle tear and repair if there isnt any.. April fools?

Does weight lifting promote new muscle fiber to grow?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

for grouch

for grouch

crunk this mofo!!


are those eclipse titaniums?

CrackityJones are those eclipse titaniums? the large surrounds on them makes me think so. but

damn, try an show a brother summin a little funny and i just get harrassed. oh well.

I'd sport that lifted impala or whatever it is.

for grouch

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Good place to buy whey protein near Toronto/Guelph/Waterloo?

Good place to buy whey protein near Toronto/Guelph/Waterloo?

I don't want to buy my protein online, and I would like to get some ON Whey protein. I live in Guelph, but everywhere I look has other brands. I think I might get some Muscle Milk (, for taste) and some ON Whey...if I can find it. Any help?


Sport Nutrition Depot has ON whey. I dunno about prices though.

Sports Nutrition Depot in Waterloo. $41.99 canadian for a 5lb tub of ON whey

the internet?

Maestro Nobones the internet? hes anti internet.

ryazbeck hes anti internet. and yet he poses this question on an internet message board. the mind boggles.

Maybe he doesn't want to pay online.

timberwolf Maybe he doesn't want to pay online. oh you mean he has that paranoia thats like so 5 years ago?

ryazbeck oh you mean he has that paranoia thats like so 5 years ago? Actually saw on the news that many still are. Or maybe he doesn't have his own credit card. Though there is paypal though you still need a credit card to create an account.

yea, i work tech support for dial up and DSL and the only people dumb enough to call are the ones who still live out in the woods, hardcore rednecks and hicks and shit. they think there are hackers running rampant trying to access their computer and that they are stealing all their information from their computers etc. oh yeah, old people, ollllld.

Yeah, sport nutrition depot is where I get my has the best prices that I could find.

timberwolf Or maybe he doesn't have his own credit card. Though there is paypal though you still need a credit card to create an account. Bingo. edit: and I'm not "anti-internet" , ryazbeck besides, even if I could buy online, I'd still probably buy locally unless I could get really good savings online

there's a SND warehouse in the plaza right beside U Waterloo campus

online is the way to go for cheapest prices.

Good place to buy whey protein near Toronto/Guelph/Waterloo?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

I'm new to the world of training but after getting back on my dirtbike today for the first time since winter I realized how completely out of shape I am. I am plenty strong and already pretty thin with little to no fat on me. My question is what kinds of exercises should I do to build Endurance instead of strenght and mass. I know that with more strength comes endurance, but in the sport of motocross it pays to be as light as possible. My plan is to just do 30-45 minutes of cardio every single day wearing all of my riding gear to simulate the extra weight and also heat retention. I plan to do my cardio on a Healthrider machine (Don't laugh, it's all i've got, and 30 minutes on it when it's 90 outside will put a workout on you) but I was also wondering what kind of exercises besides cardio I can do to help out with endurance in my arms/wrists/fingers as these are the first parts of my body to wear out. It actually gets to the point that I can't even pull in my clutch lever no matter how bad I want to because my whole arm is numb. My fingers and wrists go completely numb to the point that it hurts to move them at all for about 5 minutes after I pull off the track. Any ideas on how to improve forearm endurance without adding mass, because adding mass will actually cause my arms to pump up quicker.

ibgrouch COC grippers will help you

Training for endurance instead of strenght and mass?

Monday, January 6, 2014

is boxing good cardio?

is boxing good cardio?

is just hitting a heavy bag around a pretty good workout? i want to do some running but its so boring haha.....hitting a heavy bag around in my garage with some loud music would be more enjoyable to me...but will it do anything? if so....... wheres a good place to get a heavy bag for a good price.....or maybe a slaman thing..or something that doesnt hang from the ceiling

Yeah boxing is awesome. You would obviously have to make it intense for cardiovascular benefit but it would do the job.

tommyortom is just hitting a heavy bag around a pretty good workout? i want to do some running but its so boring haha.....hitting a heavy bag around in my garage with some loud music would be more enjoyable to me...but will it do anything? if so....... wheres a good place to get a heavy bag for a good price.....or maybe a slaman thing..or something that doesnt hang from the ceiling Don't get one of the slam man things...(the one where its the upper torso of a person) They're fucking shitty. I had one and everytime I hit it hard I'd have to re-adjust it. Not stable at all. I'd get a heavy bag...

or you could always shadow box... that works pretty damn well i've heard

Boxing is awesome cardio, if you get a sparring partner it's also a lot of fun. If you aren't a serious boxer you don't have to beat the hell out of each other, and you can still get a good cardio workout.

i love jump roping. seems like it works well

Boxing is easily the best cardio in the world and I've done it all. I hope to start boxing in a month or 2 after I'm done recovering from shoulder surgery. Boxing > all.

Incog91 Boxing > all. this is true, boxing is the greatest sport ever. and yes, hitting a heavy bag or speed bag is a good cardio workout.

How long is a piece of string?

Nick Boxing is awesome cardio, if you get a sparring partner it's also a lot of fun. If you aren't a serious boxer you don't have to beat the hell out of each other, and you can still get a good cardio workout. Give me and my 2 sets of boxing gloves and it will be anything but "not serious"

Yeah, I enjoy it, i just did it for 10 minutes or so, It worked me pretty well. I am going to start boxing and jump roping for cardio every other day and running the other days that I do cardio.

It's definitely good... it'll be better if you learn good form. If you get your footwork down and keep your hands up and stay moving while you do drills or just throw some good punches you'll be aching in less than 10 minutes. Just don't do a shoulder workout the day before going at it.

is boxing good cardio?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Book Suggestion?

Book Suggestion?

Anyone know some decent F&N related reading? I am also looking for a decent book or two about AAS, with actual information not just bullshit myths and speculation. The topic interests me and I have some money on a borders gift card. It's more about the legality of steroids than how to use them.

fuck, 80 dollars. ebay = 45

The Black Book of Training Secrets by Christian Thibadeau Supertraining by Mel Siff Strength and Power in Sport The Science and Practice of Strength Training by Zatsiorsky

Book Suggestion?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Finally got back in the groove the last couple days of playing (I've played like 7 days in a row). I've got my swing back to where I need it to be and was simply smashing today. Up 4 times, had a triple, single, and two bombs (one was like 325 feet and one was like 385). If I keep playing consistently, I really wouldn't mind playing organized baseball again. I know I could play at a lot of lower division/ junior colleges but since I'm chilling at D1 OSU, I don't know whether they'd give me a chance. In any case I'm getting bigger/stronger as well so it shouldn't be more than 6 months before that 385 foot bomb turns into 400+. By the way, baseball= best sport ever. IBhaters

But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

Baseball is fun. But track is the greatest sport ever.

Ilyusha But right on nonetheless.. Edit: @ edit.

I baseball.

I used to be good at it. ended up droping baseball for racing mountain bikes..

superbri007 are you a sprinter? Do you pay attention to anything I ever post?

superbri007 well, i figured your slow as fuck from all this crunking and what not and farmers walks, and DL's, etc. What do you run a 100 in? ib 13 I was running high 12s 2 years ago. In flats even.

superbri007 playing ultimate frisbee all the time and doing a couple sessions of HIIT this past summer has made me soooo much faster. Frisbee is great for building speed, because its not boring to try and sprint after a frisbee that is far out of your reach. Its quite a goal, and having something to chase after makes you all that much faster without having to think about it. now I understand why they have the fake rabbits at dog tracks Goddamn I hate frisbee. Why the hell would you dick around with something homo-riffic like that when you can play football and still keep your balls? Football>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ultimate frisbee

superbri007 I never said frisbee was better then football, i fucking love football. Too bad no one ever wants to play here at my school. They enjoy masturbating, playing wiffle ball, drinking, and occasionally playing b-ball. when I play frisbee, its either, for a pass and I still sprint. or its actually a pretty hardcore game of just pure sprinting up and down the field. damn your school sucks

superbri007 no, the people here suck. They are like zombies. There are plenty of athletes, but everyone else is just disgusting fat bodies who drink all the time and sit around like turds. /rant i wanted to try out for baseball this year for my university, but Its a bit too late for that now, and plus i'm a junior. Not so sure I could compete at the college level Yeah there are plenty of lazy asses around here too. "Hey you wanna play baseball?" "No i uhhh...just don't want to" I mean wtf. If I improve my defense and get up to 240 I am going to try-out next year when I'm a sophmore. I only wish that I had like a real trainer person to help out rather than just doing this shit myself.

It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in.

trancezj It's the only organized sport I was ever good at. God I wish I kept playing. No one plays baseball though, it's always fucking softball. It's a bunch of fat drunks just smashing the ball. Actually, hell you'd think I'd fit right in. Same here. In fact we were kicked off our field because some stupid ass softball game was about to take place. I don't even understand why guys would ever want to play a girls sport. And the older dudes get so into it. Talk about

Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia

Ceaze Here are a list of tips that should help you out. First and foremost I always look at the muscles that are the most important for a particular sport and the muscles most likely to get injured. As a baseball player you must always work to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. Since everything you do in baseball is in front of you so to speak, and you are always internally rotated you need to work the opposing muscle groups. Aside from the external rotators, you must focus on upper back, rhomboids, lower traps, etc. Lats are the most important upper body muscles involved in hitting and of course you should work on forearm strength. Rotational ab work is also of enormous benefit for baseball players. But here is something that you don't regularly hear: A baseball player usually bats either righty or lefty. That player swings in one direction an inordinate amount of times. This can lead to imbalances and problems. Back pain can result because of this. What I recommend is that baseball players swing the bat in the opposite direction as much as they can so as not to develop these kinds of problems. Also during the season, we will focus more of our rotational work in the opposite direction of the way they swing. You always hear about golfers getting back pain and this is the reason why. I think the reason why you don't hear as much about it in baseball is because baseball players tend to be quite a bit more muscular and in shape than golfers. However, there is always that risk, and if it doesn't rear it's head at the current time it will sometime down the road as you get older. As far as being "speed oriented'" goes, you have to focus on improving the strength of your posterior chain and work on running mechanics and multidirectional speed drills. Although the basepath dictates that you run in somewhat of a straigh line, the ability to rapidly change directions when running the bases or trying to steal, and also to react to where a ball is hit when you are playing defense is of the utmost importance. To improve your throwing power from the outfield, you have to do the same thing you have to do to improve your speed- strengthen your posterior chain and torso strenth. That is where all your power comes from, not your arm. -Jason Ferruggia Thanks. I need to work on my core more

I'm not going to brag, but I couldn't list all the amazing shit I did. Get me drunk and I'm fucking Al bundy talking about the glory days. Oddly enough, I wasn't a power hitter. I hit a few out, but they were few and far between.

my baseball coach got murdered

i suck but i also havent played in years

Playing baseball is sweet...i can't stand watching it though I've played back when I was 8 and just quit last year for one plays anymore. like someone said, it's all slow-pitch one plays fastball anymore... psst...pitcher= best position ever...curveballs fucked up my arm though when I was young...

I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer

GilgaMesH baseball= best sport ever. now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better

im so in this crew

Jeff Coleman now if only my Oakland A's could of started the season off better And the Indians

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer bahaha, did your team happened to get called a bunch of faggots yesterday?

drunknmunky I wasnt bad. If I lifted I would have been better. and Gilga Im playing co-ed softball and soccer you should quit that shit and join the baseball league we are starting

Good at baseball crew *sign in*

Sunday, December 29, 2013

question about ephedrine..

question about ephedrine..

i was looking through the archives and was reading about the yohimbine hcl/ephedrine/caffeine combination and was curious about ephedrine. i'm a college athelete and ephedrine is on the ncaa's banned substance list. how long does ephedrine stay in the body? and when i quit using it (in season) will my body fat loss remain, or will i bounce back to my original bf% (i'll still be dieting/working hard)?

not sure about lifespan, but you won't lose teh gains you made while on ephedrine. As long as your diet doens't go to shit, the fat burned off will stay off. If you have the time and aren't grossly out of shape for your sport, I'd suggest skipping teh ephedrine, just in case. As an athlete, don't you get tested in teh offseason as well, or is that just the pro's?

I believe the half life is only a few hours.

i swam division III and we got tested once, for like physicals and shit. never again for the rest of the season. i'm transfering to a division I school and gonna swim there as well as possibly run track (sprinting). i duno how the drug testing is done there, but here we were told we might randomly be tested... but never were (besides that initial testing)

Not sure about half life either but you will look softer after going off ephedrine...

isnt it hard to find stuff with ephedrine in it these days?

oh... my b... not really up on stuff like that...

question about ephedrine..

Saturday, December 28, 2013

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

Email one you have the average bodybuilder type of exercise modality without assessing how to properly execute a movement (you don't tell a beginer to simply do squats without first teaching form!) and only a bodybuilder works a single muscle group in one day. For most of us, who want to be in good functional strwenght or who do athletics and are more concerned about power, strenght, endurance and coordination than simply being "BIG" A good lesson in Kinesiology might help you. Or do you read? My response ou are a close minded fool. First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). I am not here to teach a person how to squat, in fact doing that over the internet would be damn near impossible. I am telling what is the best way to go about causing hypertrophy of the gluteus muscle group, which is what she asked. I actually consider myself a mix between a bodybuilder and powerlifter, by the way. I do not only promote one group per day once per week lifting. As you can see if you read some of my other threads, I have also talked about westside training and 3 day splits. I can guarantee my methods increase power strength and endurance. Just because I don't prescribe to your methods does not mean that my methods do not work and in the same I am not saying anyone elses methods don't work, to a point. Now when someone wants to work every muscle every day of the week, of course I am going to say something. -Michael P.S. Get off your high horse. Email two before I even responded to the first Hey sorry about the you can't read comment, but bodybuilding is not a sport! Who cares what you look like what can you do? Asia wrestling weight 110 and 105 after really cutting "to make weight not to put on some shinny skivies" 22 years lifting weights (for strength, power and muscular endurance) Hey that's longer than you have been alive. Eight marathons, six under 3 hrs, 20 min. wrestled 12 years - US national team Climbed three peaks in Peru and Bolivia over 18,0000 feet. Rock climb Yosemite Mountain Bike through northern California What can you do? Response #2 Get off your damn high horse. In the last two weeks, I have helped build a house for habitat for humanity, cleaned up my campus, worked at the animal shelter, along with finishing up my research, presenting it at a national ACS meeting and presented a paper for publication. You need to realize that physical accomplishments are not everything, I have. The fact that I have been lifting for less than 3 years probably says something about my motivation. But if you don't think that size is impressive, also note that my lifts put me over a 1200 total for the big three. Oh, and I am also pretty good at hockey. I don't know what I have said to perturb you, maybe it is just that you are a bitch looking for someone to praise you, maybe it is because you haven't been laid in a while, I don't know, but the fact is that there is so much more to life than what you have listed for your "accomplishments". -Michael Why do I keep going back? I think I need a 12 step program

BTW, here is her profile, there are some NWS pics in there for you horny bastards (Christophers I am looking in your general direction).

maybe christophers can help up my strwenght.

holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage.

Grouch holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage. :hatefuck:

and that emo fag in the other forum is a douche too.

You play hockey? Its kinda funny that the general OT population probably has about 0.0001% hockey players but theres a number of F/N regulars who play.

Grouch holy shit. what a fucking cunt. an ugly cunt too, i mean i'd still bang her but it would be out of rage. Yes, this whole thing or should I say both things, were written because when some girl asked how to work her ass and everyone else was saying buns of steel videos and the such, I said "squat".

therealdeal You play hockey? Its kinda funny that the general OT population probably has about 0.0001% hockey players but theres a number of F/N regulars who play. I don't play regularly anymore. I played in high school and now I do alot of reffing with some playing on the side.

Grouch and that emo fag in the other forum is a douche too. Thats ok, I still have yet to convince this one girl, who has gotten through the anatomy portion of her PT book and thinks she knows everything, that the food pyramid is bullshit and that 6 meals a day does nothing that 3 proportionally larger meals wouldn't.

ACURA TL-S I don't play regularly anymore. I played in high school and now I do alot of reffing with some playing on the side. How come you don't play regularily anymore?

therealdeal How come you don't play regularily anymore? Lack of ice and time constraints. Hopefully I will have some time after I graduate in two weeks, plus they are in the process of putting in two new sheets 5 minutes from my house. Right now there is only one near Memphis.

ACURA TL-S BTW, here is her profile, there are some NWS pics in there for you horny bastards (Christophers I am looking in your general direction). Oh god.

dude no joke...that bish wants to devour your pen0r

what in the gayshit got up her nasty ass cooter?

"First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet.

Stupid bitch.

Elfling "First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet. shut it woman and get back to the kitchen As for acura....why the fuck are you arguing with a woman in the first place. Tell her to bleed for a week and then come back

I am telling what is the best way to go about causing hypertrophy of the gluteus muscle group, which is what she asked. You should have told the bitch that you're response was appropriate because what was asked was how to shape the gluteus (bodybuilding question) not on how to get a more functional gluteus.

what a cockly ugly broad

Bitch looks like a she-male that got smacked in the face with a 12" frying pan. She's prolly one of those new-age E-Thugs... watch your back.

I have recieved a couple of fairly good e-mails too, they really dont like us overthere acura... LOL's

I'm scared

ACURA TL-S Thats ok, I still have yet to convince this one girl, who has gotten through the anatomy portion of her PT book and thinks she knows everything, that the food pyramid is bullshit and that 6 meals a day does nothing that 3 proportionally larger meals wouldn't. I like how that one argued with the pier reviewed studies, and said that they where too old, cause they where like 8 years old...

Elfling "First off, I am a senior chem major with a biology minor and on the waiting list for med school (due to lack of hospital experience not education). " Not to bust on your laurels but this really has nothing to do with how much you know about lifting/diet. I was more referring to the assumption that bodybuilders cannot read.

I got a very unprovoked email from someone on MySpace that I think is funny

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Winnie-V: Need Info

Winnie-V: Need Info

I've been trying to shed these last few pounds (currently 6'1 215, looking to get around 195-200) and a buddy of mine just recommended Winnie-V (he has a connection to really a quality product). I've been trying to find some good info on it and havent had much luck so far. I just want to know if it is effective and if taken as dosage recommends, what are the side effects? (i dont plan on stacking it with deca or anything and i will continue my current lifting/college sport regimen)

Pharmaceutical Name: Stanozolol Chemical structure: 17 alpha-methyl-5alpha- androstano [3,2-c]pyrazol-17 beta-ol Molecular weight of base: 344.5392 Characteristics: TThis is another one of the popular ones. Next to Deca and D-bol the third most abused substance among athletes is stanozolol, as documented by the many positive drug tests. Among them the case sprinter Ben Johnson, who was stripped of his Gold Medal in the 100 meter dash in the 1988 Olympics. But since then the number of positives has grown exponentially. In bodybuilding Shawn Ray's positive in the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic (a brief stint the IFBB had with drug testing). Ray was the winner of that event, but Canadion pro Nimrod King was also shown to have stanazolol metabolites in his urine. That short paragraph to illustrate what sort of an impact it has made on the world of sports. Stanozolol is commonly referred to as Winny, after its trade name as marketed by Winthrop : Winstrol. In Europe this may be a bit confusing as the most available form there is called Stromba. Winny comes in two forms, an injectable form and an oral form. Both are equally popular and both are to be used daily. The injections are the same compound as the orals, which is methylated. Due to this feat it can't be esterified for time-release. So its not quite suited for weekly injections although this is claimed on the package insert of the veterinary form of Winny. Another thing that would further add to the difficulty of time-release is that it is delivered in an aqueous solution. That would not exactly facilitate the entry into adipose tissue, needed for the esterification and storage of the substrate in the body. The injectable version often gives more results. In similar doses there is still more breakdown upon first pass in the liver, making it difficult to get an equal amount absorbed. And on top of that it has to be mentioned that most people simply don't take an equal amount. Too many pills, lesser availability, higher cost. Many factors play a role in that. But of course an oral is to be preferred over daily injections as that gives the necessary complications as well. Think of abscesses and lumps, the searching for new injection sites due to pain and so on. Some have solved this problem by simply drinking the Winny injections. It's the same substance, also methylated to withstand the liver, the availability and price are better and its contained in water. So there really aren't many objections to this. Of course because they are the same substance, regardless of the method of use, its not advised to use Winny for long periods of time. Slightly less hepatoxic than most 17-alpha alkylated substrates, so it can be used a bit longer, as long as 8 weeks, but longer than that is not wise. Elevation of liver values is quite common. The specificity of Winny however, lies in how it counteracts estrogenic side-effects such as gyno and excess water retention. First of all it's a 5-alpha reduced substrate. 5-alpha reduction breaks the double bond between positions 4 and 5, which is required for conversion to estrogen via aromatase, the primary enzyme for the manufacture of estrogen in males. Because some of these compounds nonetheless show some affinity for aromatase they may have some use in blocking estrogen from other steroids they are stacked with. Wether or not Winny acts in this way is not entirely sure. What has been a popular point of discussion with stanozolol is its suggested anti-progestagenic effects. The theory goes that Winny can bind and compete for a position at the progesterone receptor much like Clomid of Nolvadex would at the estrogen receptor, thereby inhibiting progestagenic effects. Now, progesterone can aggravate estrogenic side-effects by agonizing estrogen and it does play a role in gyno. We also discussed that certain steroids may indeed stimulate and act at the height of the progesterone receptor including nandrolone and Norethandrolone. These hormones are also altered by it inducing a decrease in libido and a sense of lethargy and such, and eventhough they aromatize in lesser rates than some other steroids, they show an equal capability to cause estrogenic side-effects, particularly when stacked with other aromatizable compounds. Now there is evidence that Winny does indeed bind to the progesterone receptor1 and its users do not indicate the normal characteristics of progesterone stimulation, which bodes well for these anti-progestagenic properties. There is also some clinical data that it does aid in symptoms that require progesterone suppression2. Much in the way danazol was also successfully used. The one thing we shouldn't lose sight of however is in what rate it binds to the progesterone reception. There is no data on this. For all we know it couldn't bind strong enough to compete with nandrolone or norethandrolone. So its not wise to state that Winny is an anti-progestagin per se, but it does make Winny a good match for these products in stacks in any case. Strong gains are never really made while using stanozolol (it's a weak androgen since it has no 3-keto group needed for androgen binding), but decent and fairly easy to maintain gains are possible. Its limited time of use however makes most experienced users opt for other steroids in that regard. Winny, in bodybuilding circles at least, is used mostly during cutting cycles to maintain mass. Winstrol, like a DHT compound also gives a distinct increase in muscle hardness and striations in people with a low body-fat percentage. This lends further credence that it too may be a an anti-estrogen. But most likely it has more to do with the overall lower levels of circulating estrogen. Winny is also quite effective at promoting strength because it binds very well at the androgen receptor. Short term stanozolol use can promote drastic strength, a feat often employed early in a bulking cycle (although d-bol would be more suited in that case) or late in a cutting cycle to prevent a decrease in performance. This combined with the red blood cell count-stimulating properties of its androgen affinity make it popular among track athletes as well in order to beget better results. As many, including Ben Johnson, did not take into account it can be detected for quite some time after last use so its not advisable for drug tested athletes. Many have assumed otherwise due to the short half-life, but apparently some inactive metabolites are easily esterified, so they can be found up to 5 months after the last injection. Winny is mostly quite well-tolerated in men. Cramps, headaches, elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels and liver damage are noted, but on a not so-frequent basis. Standard virilization symptoms associated with the stimulating of the androgen receptor, however, are a problem. Acne, prostate hypertrophy and an aggravation of male pattern baldness can occur, so use by women has to be discouraged. Due to the frequent rate of injections, users generally have to go spotting for different sites of injection on the body. Calves, shoulders, arms and such. When doing so they noted a localized increase in mass which has given root to the myth that Winny can add muscle where it is injected. What I'm about to say goes for all compounds known to date : Steroids do not increase mass locally. The observance is noted because the injection breaks the fascia around the muscle, which possibly gives a muscle a little more room to grow. This is mostly temporary, and in the best cases very limited. Multiple injections would not increase the size in comparison. When the fascia heals, if it heals, it can lead to something called compartments syndrome, where a nerve is pinched between a muscle and its fascia. Leading to numbness quite often and in some cases to a paralysis of everything that nerve controls. This is not a frequent occurrence. This is rare, but my point was documenting that localized growth spurred by an injection is a myth. A last note about injectable Winny is : shake before use. Its called an aqueous solution, but the Winny being a steroid is not particularly polar, meaning it doesn't dissolve in the water. When the stuff sits, it will accumulate at the bottom of the vial. A good way to recognize the real stuff as well. So shake before you draw it into a syringe or mix it before you drink it, and perhaps even stir it again once in the syringe prior to injection. Stacking and Use: Winstrol is best used at a rate of 50 mg a day. When in an injection that amounts to a single injection every day around the same time. In orals, that'll be at least 5 tabs of a legit product. In a mass stack Winny makes a good match for Deca and Nilevar. Whether or not its anti-progestagenic effects are for real or not, lets just say it can't hurt. In any stack with Deca the use of 25-50 mg a day for the first 6-8 weeks of the stack can kickstart it and add some strength. With Nilevar there is a practical objection because it is also 17-alpha alkylated and more toxic than Winny, so your stack would be limited to 6 weeks, which is not overly productive. The pink ones are Anabol (Dianabol) and the yellow ones are Stanabol (Winstrol). These are very popular right now. They are 5 mg tabs and they sell for less than 30 cents a tab. For cutting purposes Boldenone, Masteron and trenbolone are the best options. If you are employing a longer stack, then use 25-50 mg of Winny for 6 weeks or so at the end of the stack. Boldenone is the best match here as the other two do basically the same thing. They act solely or mostly at the androgen receptor. Making them poorer choices since simply upping the dose of Winny would mostly achieve similar results. Of course neither is methylated, which allows for longer use. There is no need for an anti-estrogen as Winny may have such a property of its own and does not aromatize at any rate. The only counter-indication with Winny would perhaps be an anti-hypertensive if you use for a longer stack. Be sure to get liver values checked if you use for longer than 6 weeks on end. There is no real use for Clomid or Nolva post-cycle for Winny specifically since there is no post-cycle aromatisation to cause negative feedback. That makes whatever gains you made on Winny quite easy to maintain. References 1 Ellis AJ, Cawston TE, Mackie EJ., The differential effects of stanozolol on human skin and synovial fibroblasts in vitro: DNA synthesis and receptor binding., Agents Actions 1994 Mar;41(1-2):37-43 2 Brestel EP, Thrush LB., The treatment of glucocorticosteroid-dependent chronic urticaria with stanozolol., J Allergy Clin Immunol 1988 Aug;82(2):265-9 From

you should be able to lose the weight with the right diet and enough cardio. if your diet isnt in check you probably wont lose it on winny

you are not experienced enough

there is no steroid that will cut bodyfat on its own, im sorry you've been misinformed.

Mass there is no steroid that will cut bodyfat on its own, im sorry you've been misinformed. /thread

Winnie-V: Need Info

Monday, December 9, 2013

So I went to a spine physical therapist today...

So I went to a spine physical therapist today...

and she asked what my goals for therapy are. I said, of course, to be able to deadlift again. Her answer? "Why?"

The problem I find, atleast in my course, is that there are a high amount of (asian) people who are just doing the course because its a high-mark entry course, they do well too because they are good ROTE learners, so when they get out in the real world they don't have their own opinions about things like deadlifts because they don't care

christophers i can't wait until i'm in business. i know so many people who want sport oriented ART/chiros. my goal will be to get athletes back in action as soon as possible. no more "why's". What course are you doing?

So I went to a spine physical therapist today...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

I know this will sound stupid but...

I know this will sound stupid but...

How do you dead lift im going to start using that base routine that christophers wrote once my Creatine and Whey come in I dont know how to dead lift though the only lifts we do at my school (or atleast that I know are) Push Press Squat Front Squat Military Press Bench Incline Bench Powerclean Hangclean Then we have alot of stuff to do curls and we have neck machines and leg press machines etc... but I dont know how to dead lift

gsteclipse97 thanks

Why not just take some juice like all of your fellow(guessing) Colleyville Heritage players? BTW. Jesuit= #1

DaWARW Why not just take some juice like all of your fellow(guessing) Colleyville Heritage players? BTW. Jesuit= #1 where are you from

DaWARW Why not just take some juice like all of your fellow(guessing) Colleyville Heritage players? BTW. Jesuit= #1 If only you knew some actual shit tahts going on here instead of believing all that shit the media throws out I bet you didnt know that the Kid whos Mom started all this mess he only played football as a freshmen so he never new our head Varsity Coach he might have seen him around but he pretty much barely fucking new his name (His main sport is also baseball so this is pretty stupid) The kid is now a junior and the mom is suing our coach for 1.5 mil because of all this shit Also every other fucking school around here and around Texas is on teh juice to I can guarantee taht Grapevine, Southlake, and Denton Ryan have players on roids and we all know that northwest and other school are on roids No one has the balls to use steroids anymore at our school coach has ban anything and everything from the locker room including yogurt and now there is talk of all this random testing and parents are now having there kids tested so im pretty sure we are roid free but there are always those kids that dont give a fuck Im also just saying whats going on im not trying to although it may look as if im trying to make it seem like nothing happens over here but it does and I hate it but I ahte it even more when people say shit like that And im just saying what I know im not really pissed because this shit will happen for the rest of time so dont think that im upset or anythingwith you personaly

I can vouch for froznfyre. I lived in North Dallas about 30 mins from the really rural towns of Dallas and steroids was rampant as fuck in that part of town. No one gave a fuck about it either you could get it SOOO easy.

Everyone is so fucking rich up here that they dont know what to do with all there money all of my friends are so fucking rich I dont even know it untill I end up their house for some reason. Everyone is loaded and their parents give them as much money as they want and they end up buying drugs with it The only way you can go to CHHS without being loaded is A- Live in parts of Uless (sp) B- Bought your house many many many many years ago before the prices doubled (this is the situation im in but our house is still a shack compared to everyone else)

I'm basically in the same boat as you. I'm from frisco and in the past like 8 years all this reallllly rich people moved in. I lived in the old part of frisco in a $100,000 house while all the new people moving in were buying houses atleast 250k and up to a few million. It got even more ridiculous as you went north of frisco. Fucking estates and shit out there... Deion Sanders had over 20 acres and a got damn mansion.

you guys near Odessa? i just read friday night lights

jonno you guys near Odessa? i just read friday night lights No, but Southlake Carrol is in our district I know you know who they are Also Denton Ryan you might of heard of or seen them on TV playing Carrol We have 2 giants in our district

creatine AND protien? you gonn be hyooooge bro. just make sure youre eating enough calories, thats what really puts that peak in your biceps

vokuro creatine AND protien? you gonn be hyooooge bro. just make sure youre eating enough calories, thats what really puts that peak in your biceps wtf

I know this will sound stupid but...

My freak 17 year old thrower/football player with pics

My freak 17 year old thrower/football player with pics

A picture of him doing a 45lbs hub lift, that was his 2nd lift in a row too A picture from his set of 4 at 565 The kid is a monster he will go to what ever D1 school he wants to. 6-3 240lbs with a 4 pack abs 305 clean 350 raw bench 4.8 40yard, he's working on it he runs like he has a stick in his ass and its holding back his throwing a lot 4.1 shuttle 31" vertical

wait, so are you a coach?

forum95 wait, so are you a coach?

forum95 wait, so are you a coach? Throwing coach at my local high school.

Grouch Throwing coach at my local high school. thats pretty damn cool

impressive clean edit: look at the kids lookin at him in the squatting pic

the squat bar looks like it's riding on his neck...

Grouch The kid is a monster he will go to what ever D1 school he wants to. So long as it's UCLA.

eXyle So long as it's UCLA. He just got a letter from them today But he's a JR so letter right now don't mean anything. But if he gets the stick out of his ass he can be an easy 60+ footer in the shot, and if he goes to their camp again next year he may get an offer for track if not football.

Carnifex What is he doing in the first pic? picture of him doing a 45lbs hub lift, that was his 2nd lift in a row too. He does no grip training either.

KetchupKing the squat bar looks like it's riding on his neck... werd that shit looks hella uncomfortable

ibillegalsquatcomments from 'da haters.

I think I can safely say there is nobody that strong in my high school. But I also think I can safely say their lifting program is flawed.

nukegoat ibillegalsquatcomments from 'da haters. i was gonna say somethuing, then i was thinking, hell i probably could not even un rack that...

amazing. Is that a LOT better than most guys coming out of HS for football? or is it like slightly better? i dunno whats normal for D1 football recruits.

That's insane. I tried throwing in highschool, i was horrible

Grouch The kid is a monster he will go to what ever D1 school he wants to. 6-3 240lbs with a 4 pack abs 305 clean 350 raw bench 4.8 40yard, he's working on it he runs like he has a stick in his ass and its holding back his throwing a lot 4.1 shuttle 31" vertical 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field.

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field. 1) shows a low body fat 2) yeah actually 3) he's a d-end/center You've never played a sport in your life have you?

Grouch 1) shows a low body fat 2) yeah actually 3) he's a d-end/center You've never played a sport in your life have you? this is the same douche bag claiming he is a giant in a forum of mi9dgits or some bull shit, go eat a fucking cock you douche bag.

vettedude this is the same douche bag claiming he is a giant in a forum of mi9dgits or some bull shit, go eat a fucking cock you douche bag. I cant tell if your with or against grouch but I agree with grouch.

thats extremely beast.

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field. Thank you for that. Made my night He's Robert Best That is his latest Nike Sparq combine

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field. I don't know about you but I have never seen a center block without the use of his shoulders or arms. But you know, I could be wrong.

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? as far as getting into a D1 school...... yes. They will coach him on how to play the game.. you cant coach size and natural stength though you obviously have a few things to learn about sports

My freak 17 year old thrower/football player with pics

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Martial Arts help

Martial Arts help

Ok, I'm looking to do some discipline of martial arts but I don't know which one to do. I want something that isn't too hard, so I'm looking at Aikido, but I also want something that attacks (from what people have told me all Aikido is, is defensive moves). I've been told to do jujitsu and I'm looking into that but are there any other "effective" martial arts that aren't hard to learn?

Muay Thai is very simple to learn, and very effective. If by simple you mean easy to learn, and not easy to go to class without working hard. It is one of the quicker styles to be effective in. You won't have to go to a years worth of classes before learning everything you need to be productive.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai

Section 8 Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai could also substitute Jeet Kune Do in there (encompasses both to at least some degree), but for the most part a combination of those two will make you a monster

what are your goals? to be a tough ass or develop mentally spiritually as well?

From an offensive point of view, I've found the combo of Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to be the most effective. If you can find a Vale Tudo gym near you, you're set (it's a Brazilian hybrid of both styles). This is my personal favorite. If you want something more defensive, aikido or Krav Maga are good choices. Aikido relies more on bodily harmony, while Krav Maga is quick, brutal and effective. If you're a sadist and want to get your ass kicked, try Tae Kwon Do or Shotokan Karate.

What about some good ole boxing?

Just do mix martial arts. Find a instructor who can teach you the basics of a few different ones. My instructor teaches arnese ( filipino knife/stick fighting ) JKD, Samba ( grappling ) and basic 1 on 1 stand up fighting techniques. Maritals Arts is great for cardio workout. Running and biking gets boring real fast but martial arts is fun and interesting.

thawk408 What about some good ole boxing? That's fine. Try kickboxing too.

How do you think boxing would do in a street fight scene?

depends, alot of BJJ schools flaunt the police report saying that 95% of all street fights go to the, i havent seen this report and often wonder about its validity, two, ground fighting is ONLY good in a one on one fight with no weapons.....whereas boxing keeps you on your feet and gives the ability to stay aware of those around you (if your clear enough mentally while fighting) and allows you to run when needed.....but limiting youself to just boxing makes you vulnerable in other boxer has ever faired well in an NHB match (no holds barred)....simply cuz in a one on one fight it does go to the ground nearly every time.....muay thai fighters do well because of the clinch as well as cross training in jits.... in other words, focusing on only boxing, will hurt you when you get tackled by a wrestler.....and tackling someone to wrestle them will only work until their buddy punts you in the face

get in over a 100 fights bouncing, you get good at lots of styles

What is the martial art that bruce lee made up?

Aikido is defiently worthwhile, it teaches you the importance over balance and accuracy over power, it also teaches you very quickly how to break fall as from your first lesson you will be flat on your ass. I do a style called tomiki aikido which is sport aikido, I'm not sure how well it would all apply in the real world but a lot of people who do aikido take other arts such as Judo or Ju-jitsu as Aikido is a development of these arts. Personally you may find Kempo Ju-jitsu enjoyable, or if you are interested in aikido then the Tomiki style is certainly one to pursue as it is very effective. MY instructor is a 5th dan however who has been doing it for over 30 years and trains local law enforcement arrest techniques, it defiently helps to have an experienced trainer. The philospophy of aikido is to show an attacker the error of his ways by disarming but not injuring permently. Of course due to the nature of its locks and grips it is extremely easy to break peoples arms, wrists, strike blows to the head and other nerve points of the body. Personally I love aikido, but would like to investigate Kempo Ju-jitsu at a later date. Also aikdio is not easy to learn, your movements and grips and locks have to be very accurate in order to be effective, you have to have good coordination of hand and feet and be prepared to get hurt. If you are looking for the best defensive art in the world then take up Track Sprinting if you are looking for the best Offensive art in the world go buy a sniper rifle . I hope that helps someway

thawk408 What is the martial art that bruce lee made up? Jeet kune do. It's not a martial art, it "became" one after he died and people tried to cash in on his legacy. JKD is really just an ideal or outlook on martial arts. The first "mixed martial arts" approach.

superbri007 Wushu Kung Fu, i'll be taking that in the next month or so looks really challenging! bad example but i think thats the art they modelled after in the movie kill bill.

superbri007 Aikido sucks cock, don't take it. Take TKD /Kung-fu/ Kickboxing over aikido not true, aikido is very difficult, just not as much 'anger' as other arts, for lack of a better term. makes a great supplementary art..

learn everything there is that u can! mwahahahah...nice suggestion there on the BJJ and muay thai as an awesome practical starting point

Martial Arts help

Monday, December 2, 2013

Lifting in the same gym as wanna be UFC fighters blows

Lifting in the same gym as wanna be UFC fighters blows

theres 2 'fighters' in the gym and they seem to alternate days of coming in so as to hassle me to the fullest. Scenario 1: me and my friend are on incline bench...after every set i finish, 'fighter' #1 proceeds to walk over and tell me some bullshit i dont care about how he switched jiu jitsu gym from the black dragon school to the gracie school. he then proceeds to bring up 4,000 different submissions he just learned and prefaces every one with 'you're a know know this one right?' and then proceed to say 'here man youre too tall, i cant do it on you...get on your knees so i can do it' then he proceeds to put me in some dumbass sleeper hold variation nearly knocking me out so i have to tap his arm...he then gets this dumbass shitfaced grin on his face and says 'har har hardy har har pretty good hold eh?' as i think 'yeah man, next time youre in a fight and the guy is over 5' 5" just ask him politely to get on his knees so you can do your flawless submission repetuoire' this goes on between every set causing a 5-7 minute break between every fucking set (Reapeat paragraph Mon-Wed-Fri) Scenario 2: 'fighter' #2 takes a break from his incline situps and throwing punches at the top of every rep to take notice of my 'undefeated wrestler' shirt and waltz on over. meanwhile my friend and i are in the middle of deadlifting. he proceeds to butt in and say 'hey....are you a wrestler' (he obviously is very perceptive and has 40/30 vision or better because it has registered with him that i wear wrestling apparel every day to the gym). he then goes on to tell me about how he trains with a wrestler who was a two time state champ in west virginia where the west virginia state tournament consists of 2 parapolegic mutes with down syndrome. thinking im enthralled to hear this, he then goes on to tell me about every single principle of brazilian jiu jitsu and how i should do it. (meanwhile nearly 5 minutes have elapsed) he then takes an abrupt change in subject matter to the tv show 'the ultimate fighter' 'have you ever seen the ultimate fighter' 'no' (a lie in a futile attempt to stifle conversation...bad idea) 'ohhhhhhhh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, well in that case (insert backround story, physical specs, fighting backround, and undergarmet preference of every single fighter on the ultimate fighter.....then after that he spends 5 more minutes telling me how the show was only supposed to give out 2 contracts at the finale but the fight was just so damn fucking a sweet they DUH DUH DUH gave out 3. (insert me shitting my pants out of suprise). then after that riveting 15 minute long sabbatical from lifting, he proceeds to walk back to the corner and throw some lightning fast jabs and ultra smooth kicks in the mirror (Reapeat paragraph Tues-Thu) note to self: never wear wrestling apparel again or get swamped by the 'everything we wear says "tapout" on it' crew

As an mma practitioner this UFC show has become a blessing on the one hand and the gayest thing on the other... Tons of people are showing up to train, all because of the show. They only last a month or less, they don't realize its seriously hard work. Then there are all the people who just watch the videos and pretend they can do something like it (like backyard wrestling). The exposure is good in terms of making the sport larger...but there are always bad things that come with expansion, like the douchebags you saw.

that's great. I wish i had people like that at my gym. But instead I only have immigrant farm workers children.

You can thank the stupid "Ultimate Fighter" reality show for that. Now kids everywhere think they can train to be UFC fighters and practice in their backyard, thanks Zuffa.

Jeff Coleman You can thank the stupid "Ultimate Fighter" reality show for that. Now kids everywhere think they can train to be UFC fighters and practice in their backyard, thanks Zuffa. meh, local shows will be easier to set up and probably more frequent now though.

Lower devisions like IFC, GC, KOTC, SuperBrawl etc. have NO problem getting fighters. So dont expect there to be more shows just because more people want to fight, if they wanted more shows they would contract more fighters.

my friend is the NY state champion in mma or whatever

I understand that the idiots are strong now..but why even cater to them? Tell the little chump to back off, you're lifting and don't have time for him..don't feed his stupid ego trip.

Real fighters wouldnt be focusing half their week in the "gym" Most explosive moves can't be replicated with your typical gym set. I don't think this sudden burst of popularity will last very long, give it a year or so.

superbri007 holdempoker.jpg except poker isn't going anywhere

superbri007 holdempoker.jpg Theres this really annoying kid at my school who thinks he's the shit and now walks aroudn school with either cards in his hands or poker chips at all times. He's always like "man I can't stop thinking about poker," "I want to play poker," and he always asks every fucking teacher/student "do you play poker?" "Are you any good at poker?" blah blah blah blah blah.

b-stevens Theres this really annoying kid at my school who thinks he's the shit and now walks aroudn school with either cards in his hands or poker chips at all times. He's always like "man I can't stop thinking about poker," "I want to play poker," and he always asks every fucking teacher/student "do you play poker?" "Are you any good at poker?" blah blah blah blah blah. i love hold em.. but i dont walk around with chips and cards

jonno i love hold em.. but i dont walk around with chips and cards the other day in class he enlightened me with the "reason" why he always has them on him. He told me that he shakes when he's not playing cards... like it's some kind of physical addiction.

I'm gonna guess that they just train in grappling and aren't really fighters... anyways people who preach about it incessently are gay.

buy your own equipment and lift at home, i did and it was worth it

there was always a good mix when i went 2 the Y, couldnt tell ya now cuz i work out @ my house.

Good think I work out at our school football weight room so I know everyone in there and no random people come in I can also do some lifting at my house

make sure you have plenty of weight on the bench next time he comes over and be like, "wow, i got something new i learned two, here sit down on the bench and i will show you", lift bar up, drop on his chest.

tize he would karate kick sarges face doubtful and most likely you could make sarcastic comments like "ohh is the baby going to tap out?" worst case scenario step on his foot and run.

Jeff Coleman You can thank the stupid "Ultimate Fighter" reality show for that. Now kids everywhere think they can train to be UFC fighters and practice in their backyard, thanks Zuffa. Yeah now I can go to my local bar/club and there will be even more lightweights to beat the shit out of on fight night!

b-stevens Theres this really annoying kid at my school who thinks he's the shit and now walks aroudn school with either cards in his hands or poker chips at all times. He's always like "man I can't stop thinking about poker," "I want to play poker," and he always asks every fucking teacher/student "do you play poker?" "Are you any good at poker?" blah blah blah blah blah. work on your grip and learn to tear decks of cards in half.

Be like "Black Dragon this, motherf**ker!", and then use your index and middle fingers to gouge out his eyes.

Its pretty stupid to compare sport fighting systems to combat systems. Its like comparing stock cars and formula, they are two different things. Also its the fighter not the system who is ultimately responsible for the outcome of a fight. Anyway, yeah there are a lot more people interested in MMA now that TUF aired but I am happy for it. I'm glad that every third guy is talking about armbars and rnc's, even if they are looking at kimura's and neck cranks. Whatever, until NHB fighters start making the money they deserve, I'm all for the blatant commercialism. If it means that there will be more wannabe's walking around acting like jackasses, so be it, it better than fighting for 500 bucks and having no health insurance.

Grouch that's great. I wish i had people like that at my gym. But instead I only have immigrant farm workers children. Gilroy

Lifting in the same gym as wanna be UFC fighters blows

Saturday, November 30, 2013

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

Just wondering how you all get your supply of protein per day. I weigh 12 stones (i assume the US system of 1 stone = 14 lbs applies, hence me being 170 lbs?) How can I eat 170g of protein a day? A 140g can of tuna has 35g of protein.. which is merely 20% of what i need in a day..

170 grams is easy as fuck, I just chow on meat all day and shit and take a protein shake after i lift and then I like reeses peanut butter cups and those pack like 3 grams holla

100% whey shakes on top of everything else

If I'm eating a decent amount of calories a day, it's hard not to get 170+ grams. Almost everything has protein in it.. I drink a lot of milk, there's a bunch right there. Even bread has a little protein in it.

Phlab If I'm eating a decent amount of calories a day, it's hard not to get 170+ grams. Almost everything has protein in it.. I drink a lot of milk, there's a bunch right there. Even bread has a little protein in it. I got this 12 grain bread that has 4 grams of protein PER slice

quickone I got this 12 grain bread that has 4 grams of protein PER slice

I dont, I still make gains.

peanut butter sandwiches...chicken...protein shakes..yummyy

i shit more than 170g of protein, it's not hard to consume

I'm probably under-estimating general food that we eat that has protein in it..


chicken, tuna, whey protein, casein protein, veges, oatmeal, wheat bread

Cottage cheese, chicken breasts, and tuna > * Then protein shakes to make up the difference, if there is one.

kingfaz Just wondering how you all get your supply of protein per day. I weigh 12 stones (i assume the US system of 1 stone = 14 lbs applies, hence me being 170 lbs?) How can I eat 170g of protein a day? A 140g can of tuna has 35g of protein.. which is merely 20% of what i need in a day.. 170g of protein a day isn't needed. Consuming more protein doesn't effect how much protein your body will absorb. It only takes what it needs and rids it's self of the rest. It's impossible for a body to add that much muscle mass in a day's time. If you ate that much protein, you will shit out about 110g of it. Try 0.36g of protein per pound of bodyweight you have. If you're 170lbs, you should take in only 62g.

I really try to go for around .02g of protein per 10 pounds htat I weigh, especially when I'm trying to make serious gains. chicken, tuna (staring at an emptry can right now), supps if you aren't hungry...

i consume 3-5 protein shakes daily, each with 45g of protein. rest of my daily protein comes from chicken, salmon, tuna, turkey, beef, and eggs.

joy division I really try to go for around .02g of protein per 10 pounds htat I weigh, especially when I'm trying to make serious gains. chicken, tuna (staring at an emptry can right now), supps if you aren't hungry... Try 0.36g per lb of bodyweight you have. This is the amount a body, that is building muscle, needs.

cbrpimp ?

infinite loop i consume 3-5 protein shakes daily, each with 45g of protein. rest of my daily protein comes from chicken, salmon, tuna, turkey, beef, and eggs. Why so much?

JuggetEQ Why so much? So I'm a big fat turd who weighs 400lbs should I eat 400g of protein a day? Or do I figure out my rough lean mass underneath all the shit and eat only 200g of protein a day?

JuggetEQ Why so much? i weight more than you, i'm at ~195. here's my typical meal breakdown. protein in parthens. meal 1: oatmeal (5g) meal 2: protein shake (45g) meal 3: lunch (30-50g) meal 4: protein shake (45g) meal 5: dinner (30-50g) meal 6: protein shake (45g) meals 2 and 4 serve as snacks, meal 6 is right before bed. the above diet is for a non-workout day. if i'm workign out, i'll add a pre and post workout shake (another 90g protien). so at 195lbs, i fluctuate between 200-250g and on a workout day between 200-300g. if i don't eat meals 2 and 4, i end up eating like shit the rest of the day. they pretty much help curb my appetite and keep my diet in check.

christophers jesus.. where do you get your info? that is extremely off base. much research shows athletes do well with 1g/lbm and as high as 1.5g/lbm. a lot of people like 1.5g/lb in protein. one of the dumbest things to do is under consume protein, which is what .36g of protein is. please stop stating stuff as fact. I get my information from Nautilus. The things I state are proven facts. The 0.36g diet was followed by such bodybuilders as: Frank Zane, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Arnold Sch, Vince Anello and many others. Athletes do more cardio than muscle building, by the way. Except for, of course, the sport of Weightlifting. In addition to your criticism, athletes try to sharpen a skill more than build muscle. You're correct, sir, this diet would suck for an althete. That's why I didn't prescribe this diet to an althete; to my knowledge, the person I gave this advise to is a weightlifter.

JuggetEQ I get my information from Nautilus. The things I state are proven facts. The 0.36g diet was followed by such bodybuilders as: Frank Zane, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Arnold Sch, Vince Anello and many others. Athletes do more cardio than muscle building, by the way. Except for, of course, the sport of Weightlifting. In addition to your criticism, athletes try to sharpen a skill more than build muscle. You're correct, sir, this diet would suck for an althete. That's why I didn't prescribe this diet to an althete; to my knowledge, the person I gave this advise to is a weightlifter. arnold in his book specifically states that you shoudl eat at least 1g of protien per lb of body weight on non-training days, and a bit more on days you train.

christophers what in the FUCK are you talking about? you have got to be an AE. or the stupidest fuck i've ever encountered ? I'd like to see your references on these claims that you need 1g/lb a day. If they are from a protein shake company, than, it's a marketing tool. Moron.

christophers what in the FUCK are you talking about? you have got to be an AE. or the stupidest fuck i've ever encountered yeah, he's got to be an AE. i feel retarded for typing out a reply

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hockey = best and funnest cardio

Hockey = best and funnest cardio

Played a full game today of intramural...I haven't played in a few months, but it was the best cardio I've done for a while. The most important part of cardio is having fun. Running, swimming, elliptical, rowing, just don't do it for me

i agree. are you playing road hockey or like shinny? i love hockey and play alot during the year. I have 2 games a week and it is good cardio for sure. High intensity, and alot of fun. i always get off the ice drenched in sweat i have a passion for the sport i just love stepping onto the rink and dropping the shoulder into a few guys... ugh this is making me want to play

yeah shinny, basically helmet, gloves, and shins no hitting though. which is okay because I wouldn't want to crack skulls and break people in half

Shaolin_sword36 yeah shinny, basically helmet, gloves, and shins no hitting though. which is okay because I wouldn't want to crack skulls and break people in half yea i obviously dont deck guys in shinny either. i was referring to real hockey, full pads, in a competitive league. both are fun


I start summer league next month woohooo!

rollerhockey in a few more weeks. maybe i'll register this year

i have 2 hockey classes this semester and i'm also gonna be playing a lot of roller hockey during the is definitely badass

yeah. i had a game tonite. its the only sport i play other than raquetball.

Its pretty much the only physical activity that I enjoy. My season ended 3 weeks ago and I'm starting to go insane from missing it.


surfing is better cardio

hockey is definatly fun, but fullcourt basketball wins for cardio

roller hockey is my cardio. it rules. a couple games a week. i would do ice, but its kinda hard down South.

whatever sport you like is best. basketball is my cardio twice a week, i force myself to do elliptical for 20 minutes two other days just so i dont burn out from all the ball while im cutting since its more intense than anything else the way i play(imagine ron artest on defense with rip hamilton on offense, not that good but thats how i play, always in someones face and always moving/cutting/setting screens).

it might just be me but i find hockey to be more anarobic than traditional cardio I find im fighting my lactic acid system more than the CV system when i play hockey..

with all the eqipnment and shit it kicks your ass (hockey) I played on friday, by 3rd period I felt like I was being held down by the weight of the equipment...summer league starts in 2 weeks...woohoo

false sex>*

I used to play roller hockey, haven't played in years. probably slow and clumsy as hell now.

C4 it might just be me but i find hockey to be more anarobic than traditional cardio I find im fighting my lactic acid system more than the CV system when i play hockey.. You don't go hard enough when you are on the ice then. Let's be honest, you're an Australian, you don't know anything about hockey.

C4 it might just be me but i find hockey to be more anarobic than traditional cardio I find im fighting my lactic acid system more than the CV system when i play hockey.. it's both...just like many sports its a mix of all 3 systems

Shaolin_sword36 yeah shinny, basically helmet, gloves, and shins Why did this make me crack up... shinny The name is derived from the Irish game shinty. Shinny hockey, a primarily Canadian term, is usually called Scrimmage or Pick-up Hockey in the United States. Has nothing to do with your shins haha...

DCCapen running> exactly...and don't edit that

DCCapen running> I thought the criteria was "fun". I'd rather shave my asshair with a lawnmower blade than run for pleasure.

DCCapen Thats because you suck at it. Much the same way that someone who plays hockey and sucks is going to hate getting pummled

Hockey = best and funnest cardio

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What is dedication to you?

What is dedication to you?

Realizing that the gym is about to close and leaving your friends for a couple hours on a Friday night to go to the gym and squat till you almost puke.

doing what I do..... 99.9 cant even if they think they can

Staying in on friday night just so you can read F&N no wait, thats called being a loser I hate getting up early on Saturdays.

when you're bulking and you can't possibly eat anymore you pull some origami magic on that last slice of pizza and down it in one then you raise your arms in triumph because you know you're a winner.

when you play a sport then immediately after go hit the weights...

fuckign with your hormones , anyone that does that must seriously want to be big. me on the other hand, would never do that.

Doing what most people would consider hard/difficult on a daily basis. Be it eating, training, etc.

keeping my diet in check. going to the gym 7 days a week and staying 45 minutes on the elliptical is no problem for me. staying in a calorie deficit is such a painstaking process.

Vomiting profusely after running up the stairs at my school. It's only like 12 stairs but I'm an animal.

I'm a runt. A small runt, at that. So I see someone near me who is bigger...."I can be bigger than him" and I force that last rep or two....

my legs shaking like two sacks of wet puppies being beaten with sticks. like they're doing right now. OW OW OW OW. fucking OW. leg day

Ilyusha Vomiting profusely after running up the stairs at my school. It's only like 12 stairs but I'm an animal. BWHAHAHAHA!1

PurEvl doing what I do 99.9 cant even if they think they can reading english

tryfuhl reading english dont annoy me

christophers come back in about 10 years if you want to know if you're actually 'dedicated' or not about 15 years

Dedication? When you've been doing it as long as I have, its just becomes you. There is no dedication anymore only perfection.

christophers come back in about 10 years if you want to know if you're actually 'dedicated' or not I'll be 47. Damn straight I'll be in better shape. I think in Pumping Iron, Serge Nubret was already 45.

i can't discuss dedication as a beginner. but dumping some friends holding you down on the weekends in favor of eating, lifting and getting some required rest is serious for me.

Yeah, and Mike Corney was also in his 40s Some bad dudes, man

Making your girlfriend wait for 2 hours while you hit the gym.

ideeosinkruhcee i can't discuss dedication as a beginner. but dumping some friends holding you down on the weekends in favor of eating, lifting and getting some required rest is serious for me.

PurEvl doing what I do..... 99.9 cant even if they think they can To me it has less to do with the work, I have the dedication to do that and more to do with realizing that you are accepting some problems later in life for a goal now. I am still not dedicated enough to juice. Although your diet would probably make me want to cry. But I am dedicated enough to not be a panzy and juice when I shouldn't (read the guy from AM), thinking it is the only way out..

evi1eddie when you're bulking and you can't possibly eat anymore you pull some origami magic on that last slice of pizza and down it in one then you raise your arms in triumph because you know you're a winner. No. Thats being a fat-ass.

Rebs achieving goals. true true (therefore i suck)

Rebs achieving goals. true, therefore im gonna try harder and educate my dumb ass. (and stop smoking)

What is dedication to you?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

How many of you do power cleans?

How many of you do power cleans?

And or snatch? I'm thinking of adding these, but they look dangerous and I need someone to teach me them properly (in person) I've been working on the motion with the dingle 80lb bars, but haven't got the balls to use the oly bar

dont do them on your own without information/assistance from someone thats done it

i think most people are better off just doing high pulls

Power cleans are fucking awesome. Weightlifting for football in HS , we had to do these once a week and they built me my favorite bodypart:my traps. It takes a few work-outs to get the hang of them but once I did, they became one of my favorite lifts. Works multiple body parts and works them well.

power cleans are one of my favorite lifts next to deadlifts and bench

what's a clean and press?

hi pull hang hi pull clean w/no dip regular clean w/no dip power clean w/no dip hang clean w/no dip hang clean power clean snatch w/no dip snatch power snatch hang snatch...etc press push press jerk clean and jerk saxon side bend overhead squat rocking squat turkish getup front squat 1 leg sldls bottoms up french press twisting squat and press diagonal snatch slaloms reverse squat w/shldr raise rolling sit ups windmills rocking squat w/snatch and clean etc.. not all power lifts but thats what I have in my notebook, I don't do them all at the same time. Only 2 times a month in with my training....these are all sport specific to MMA.

KingGargantuan what's a clean and press? clean...and press above your head (military)

i just dropped the power cleans from my workout.. but they are awesome. they build explosive power and wail on the traps... but other than that they dont hit anything special. they're mainly used for sports training. and snatches look kinda dangerous, i have yet to try them out.

I've just started doing cleans. Fun as hell! Start with hanging cleans, which are basically an explosive upright row that turns into a front squat. At one point, you won't be able to lift the bar any higher, so you have to snap under it by bending your knees. Try to keep the bar as close to your body as possible. (And you don't need to bend as much as the model is.) On the right side of this page is a whole bunch of mini workouts:

Return Bend knees slightly and lower barbell to mid-thigh position. Slowly lower bar with taut lower back and trunk close to vertical. The advanced athlete may unload (drop) the bar from the completed position. This technique may be practiced to reduce the stress or fatigue involved in lowering the bar as prescribed. Use rubber weightlifting plates on a weightlifting platform if this unloading method is used (unless floor demolition is desired).

unless you are doing sports, or actually enjoy them. I dont see a reason for doing them.

We did them religiously all throughout high school for football.

Evidence. We did them religiously all throughout high school for football. I love those. We called them Clean & Jerk. I was doing 285lbs when I was at 160lbs.

Mike McShit they are not like an explosive upright row at all you start with a hip snap then an explosive shrug with your traps then pull yourself under your arms should not do any of the work I'm talking about hanging cleans, not regular cleans. "Jump upward extending the body. Shrug the shoulders and pull the barbell upward with the arms allowing the elbows to flex out to the sides, keeping the bar close to the body. Aggressively pull the body under the bar, rotating the elbows around the bar. Catch the bar on the shoulders while moving into a squat position. Hitting the bottom of the squat, stand up immediately."

Mike McShit Um, where did you get that description? Because it is terrible. Momentum from the hip and leg should pull the bar from your belly button to where ever you catch it. If you are using your arms to pull the bar, you are doing something wrong. Think of jumping, the power in your legs and momentum in your arms create the force.

I love power cleans. I got in trouble in HS football for doing nothing but cleans.

How many of you do power cleans?

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