Sunday, December 8, 2013

My freak 17 year old thrower/football player with pics

My freak 17 year old thrower/football player with pics

A picture of him doing a 45lbs hub lift, that was his 2nd lift in a row too A picture from his set of 4 at 565 The kid is a monster he will go to what ever D1 school he wants to. 6-3 240lbs with a 4 pack abs 305 clean 350 raw bench 4.8 40yard, he's working on it he runs like he has a stick in his ass and its holding back his throwing a lot 4.1 shuttle 31" vertical

wait, so are you a coach?

forum95 wait, so are you a coach?

forum95 wait, so are you a coach? Throwing coach at my local high school.

Grouch Throwing coach at my local high school. thats pretty damn cool

impressive clean edit: look at the kids lookin at him in the squatting pic

the squat bar looks like it's riding on his neck...

Grouch The kid is a monster he will go to what ever D1 school he wants to. So long as it's UCLA.

eXyle So long as it's UCLA. He just got a letter from them today But he's a JR so letter right now don't mean anything. But if he gets the stick out of his ass he can be an easy 60+ footer in the shot, and if he goes to their camp again next year he may get an offer for track if not football.

Carnifex What is he doing in the first pic? picture of him doing a 45lbs hub lift, that was his 2nd lift in a row too. He does no grip training either.

KetchupKing the squat bar looks like it's riding on his neck... werd that shit looks hella uncomfortable

ibillegalsquatcomments from 'da haters.

I think I can safely say there is nobody that strong in my high school. But I also think I can safely say their lifting program is flawed.

nukegoat ibillegalsquatcomments from 'da haters. i was gonna say somethuing, then i was thinking, hell i probably could not even un rack that...

amazing. Is that a LOT better than most guys coming out of HS for football? or is it like slightly better? i dunno whats normal for D1 football recruits.

That's insane. I tried throwing in highschool, i was horrible

Grouch The kid is a monster he will go to what ever D1 school he wants to. 6-3 240lbs with a 4 pack abs 305 clean 350 raw bench 4.8 40yard, he's working on it he runs like he has a stick in his ass and its holding back his throwing a lot 4.1 shuttle 31" vertical 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field.

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field. 1) shows a low body fat 2) yeah actually 3) he's a d-end/center You've never played a sport in your life have you?

Grouch 1) shows a low body fat 2) yeah actually 3) he's a d-end/center You've never played a sport in your life have you? this is the same douche bag claiming he is a giant in a forum of mi9dgits or some bull shit, go eat a fucking cock you douche bag.

vettedude this is the same douche bag claiming he is a giant in a forum of mi9dgits or some bull shit, go eat a fucking cock you douche bag. I cant tell if your with or against grouch but I agree with grouch.

thats extremely beast.

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field. Thank you for that. Made my night He's Robert Best That is his latest Nike Sparq combine

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field. I don't know about you but I have never seen a center block without the use of his shoulders or arms. But you know, I could be wrong.

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? as far as getting into a D1 school...... yes. They will coach him on how to play the game.. you cant coach size and natural stength though you obviously have a few things to learn about sports

My freak 17 year old thrower/football player with pics

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