Sunday, December 8, 2013

So, I think this is the last question I have about the Christophers routine

So, I think this is the last question I have about the Christophers routine

I am to fat and to weak to do a pull up. Thats right sports fans I cant even get 1. So what I would like to know is should I substitute preacher curls for the wednesday pull ups? If so I am assuming 5x5 sets with last set being 5rm? Thanx for the help F&N

I lied this is the last question what is a bent over row and how do I do it.

Silver85327 I am to fat and to weak to do a pull up. Thats right sports fans I cant even get 1. So what I would like to know is should I substitute preacher curls for the wednesday pull ups? If so I am assuming 5x5 sets with last set being 5rm? Thanx for the help F&N WTFsubstitution. Why in teh living fuck would you substitute preacher curls for pullups? Try pull downs or assisted pullups.

Silver85327 I lied this is the last question what is a bent over row and how do I do it. step 1. bend over step 2. grab bar and pull it up into stomach

Do negatives. Also, try to work in a one of these during the week if you want.

Try to find an assisted pull up machine kinda thing...I'm using one and i've worked my way up...It's kinda embarrassing, but hey. Going to the gym is embarrassing when you're not the broly...

Aahhh, I remember being fast last year not bein able to do a pull up (was never ever able to do one my whole life) Lost like 100 lbs and packed on alota muscle after loosing it. Now I can do 10 pulls ups, and wow does it feel awsome. I always am pulling myself up on things, lol. good luck =)

ACURA TL-S WTFsubstitution. Why in teh living fuck would you substitute preacher curls for pullups? Try pull downs or assisted pullups. Unlike you I dont know what im doing or what would be a good excersise to supstitute for pull ups. Hence the reason I am on F&N and thats why I asked.

y0gfx Try to find an assisted pull up machine kinda thing...I'm using one and i've worked my way up...It's kinda embarrassing, but hey. Going to the gym is embarrassing when you're not the broly... Hey we all had to start somewhere. When I started a couple years ago I could only get maybe 1-2 pullups. Worked on the assisted for awhile and now I can do 4 sets of 15 pullups without a problem. Never once did I think it was embarassing or anything. You are there which is more than can be said about 90% of the population. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk.

Go to google, switch to images, type in the name of the exerxise you want. Much easier and more helpful!

preacher curl: works this muscle: pull up: works this muscle: there is some usage of the bicep on pull ups, however you could not supplant curls for a back excercise. hope that helps by the way get familiar with this: will help you tons when figuring out name of exercises and what muscles they involve

Silver85327 Unlike you I dont know what im doing or what would be a good excersise to supstitute for pull ups. Hence the reason I am on F&N and thats why I asked. Fair enough...pullups work the lats, preacher curls don't.

y0gfx Try to find an assisted pull up machine kinda thing...I'm using one and i've worked my way up... They're helpful when starting out

So, I think this is the last question I have about the Christophers routine

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