Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hockey = best and funnest cardio

Hockey = best and funnest cardio

Played a full game today of intramural...I haven't played in a few months, but it was the best cardio I've done for a while. The most important part of cardio is having fun. Running, swimming, elliptical, rowing, just don't do it for me

i agree. are you playing road hockey or like shinny? i love hockey and play alot during the year. I have 2 games a week and it is good cardio for sure. High intensity, and alot of fun. i always get off the ice drenched in sweat i have a passion for the sport i just love stepping onto the rink and dropping the shoulder into a few guys... ugh this is making me want to play

yeah shinny, basically helmet, gloves, and shins no hitting though. which is okay because I wouldn't want to crack skulls and break people in half

Shaolin_sword36 yeah shinny, basically helmet, gloves, and shins no hitting though. which is okay because I wouldn't want to crack skulls and break people in half yea i obviously dont deck guys in shinny either. i was referring to real hockey, full pads, in a competitive league. both are fun


I start summer league next month woohooo!

rollerhockey in a few more weeks. maybe i'll register this year

i have 2 hockey classes this semester and i'm also gonna be playing a lot of roller hockey during the is definitely badass

yeah. i had a game tonite. its the only sport i play other than raquetball.

Its pretty much the only physical activity that I enjoy. My season ended 3 weeks ago and I'm starting to go insane from missing it.


surfing is better cardio

hockey is definatly fun, but fullcourt basketball wins for cardio

roller hockey is my cardio. it rules. a couple games a week. i would do ice, but its kinda hard down South.

whatever sport you like is best. basketball is my cardio twice a week, i force myself to do elliptical for 20 minutes two other days just so i dont burn out from all the ball while im cutting since its more intense than anything else the way i play(imagine ron artest on defense with rip hamilton on offense, not that good but thats how i play, always in someones face and always moving/cutting/setting screens).

it might just be me but i find hockey to be more anarobic than traditional cardio I find im fighting my lactic acid system more than the CV system when i play hockey..

with all the eqipnment and shit it kicks your ass (hockey) I played on friday, by 3rd period I felt like I was being held down by the weight of the equipment...summer league starts in 2 weeks...woohoo

false sex>*

I used to play roller hockey, haven't played in years. probably slow and clumsy as hell now.

C4 it might just be me but i find hockey to be more anarobic than traditional cardio I find im fighting my lactic acid system more than the CV system when i play hockey.. You don't go hard enough when you are on the ice then. Let's be honest, you're an Australian, you don't know anything about hockey.

C4 it might just be me but i find hockey to be more anarobic than traditional cardio I find im fighting my lactic acid system more than the CV system when i play hockey.. it's both...just like many sports its a mix of all 3 systems

Shaolin_sword36 yeah shinny, basically helmet, gloves, and shins Why did this make me crack up... shinny The name is derived from the Irish game shinty. Shinny hockey, a primarily Canadian term, is usually called Scrimmage or Pick-up Hockey in the United States. Has nothing to do with your shins haha...

DCCapen running> exactly...and don't edit that

DCCapen running> I thought the criteria was "fun". I'd rather shave my asshair with a lawnmower blade than run for pleasure.

DCCapen Thats because you suck at it. Much the same way that someone who plays hockey and sucks is going to hate getting pummled

Hockey = best and funnest cardio

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