Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What is dedication to you?

What is dedication to you?

Realizing that the gym is about to close and leaving your friends for a couple hours on a Friday night to go to the gym and squat till you almost puke.

doing what I do..... 99.9 cant even if they think they can

Staying in on friday night just so you can read F&N no wait, thats called being a loser I hate getting up early on Saturdays.

when you're bulking and you can't possibly eat anymore you pull some origami magic on that last slice of pizza and down it in one then you raise your arms in triumph because you know you're a winner.

when you play a sport then immediately after go hit the weights...

fuckign with your hormones , anyone that does that must seriously want to be big. me on the other hand, would never do that.

Doing what most people would consider hard/difficult on a daily basis. Be it eating, training, etc.

keeping my diet in check. going to the gym 7 days a week and staying 45 minutes on the elliptical is no problem for me. staying in a calorie deficit is such a painstaking process.

Vomiting profusely after running up the stairs at my school. It's only like 12 stairs but I'm an animal.

I'm a runt. A small runt, at that. So I see someone near me who is bigger...."I can be bigger than him" and I force that last rep or two....

my legs shaking like two sacks of wet puppies being beaten with sticks. like they're doing right now. OW OW OW OW. fucking OW. leg day

Ilyusha Vomiting profusely after running up the stairs at my school. It's only like 12 stairs but I'm an animal. BWHAHAHAHA!1

PurEvl doing what I do 99.9 cant even if they think they can reading english

tryfuhl reading english dont annoy me

christophers come back in about 10 years if you want to know if you're actually 'dedicated' or not winner...how about 15 years

Dedication? When you've been doing it as long as I have, its just becomes you. There is no dedication anymore only perfection.

christophers come back in about 10 years if you want to know if you're actually 'dedicated' or not I'll be 47. Damn straight I'll be in better shape. I think in Pumping Iron, Serge Nubret was already 45.

i can't discuss dedication as a beginner. but dumping some friends holding you down on the weekends in favor of eating, lifting and getting some required rest is serious for me.

Yeah, and Mike Corney was also in his 40s Some bad dudes, man

Making your girlfriend wait for 2 hours while you hit the gym.

ideeosinkruhcee i can't discuss dedication as a beginner. but dumping some friends holding you down on the weekends in favor of eating, lifting and getting some required rest is serious for me.

PurEvl doing what I do..... 99.9 cant even if they think they can To me it has less to do with the work, I have the dedication to do that and more to do with realizing that you are accepting some problems later in life for a goal now. I am still not dedicated enough to juice. Although your diet would probably make me want to cry. But I am dedicated enough to not be a panzy and juice when I shouldn't (read the guy from AM), thinking it is the only way out..

evi1eddie when you're bulking and you can't possibly eat anymore you pull some origami magic on that last slice of pizza and down it in one then you raise your arms in triumph because you know you're a winner. No. Thats being a fat-ass.

Rebs achieving goals. true true (therefore i suck)

Rebs achieving goals. true, therefore im gonna try harder and educate my dumb ass. (and stop smoking)

What is dedication to you?

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