Saturday, November 23, 2013

when to wear a belt

when to wear a belt

do i need to wear a belt for squats and deadlifts?

naw its enough if you were one while youre driving **rimshot**

disblohs do i need to wear a belt for squats and deadlifts? No.

i dont.

I wear one when I go heavy

Anybody know the proper time to use a belt? I assume if you use it for every lift you will end up not developing your core as much, is this correct?

I only wear one for meets.

Grouch I only wear one for meets. gotta keep that back form when doing those super crushes

i dont wear one ever...maybe thats why my squat and dl dont reach 700 yet

I wear them when I go for max attempts.

don't own one cause I dont' lift anywhere enough weight to warrant it

maxes only, or my last set or so.

Dragon don't own one cause I dont' lift anywhere enough weight to warrant it your gym doens't have one? All of the YMCA's I've been to at least have 1 belt.

I have gotten into the habbit of wearing a belt alot, I think it is important in teachign a person to flex there abs, and stay tight...

Only for very heavy weight. I never wear one.

D-GUy your gym doens't have one? All of the YMCA's I've been to at least have 1 belt. there's a bunch of people who wear a belt at my gym, but I don't cause the weights I can lift don't warrant it

only if your pants are falling down

I've only just started doing squats and dls so I've been using it while I get my form right

im actually going to sell my belt if anyone wants it.

Only girls and Mexicans wear belts

nlgekeler Only girls and Mexicans wear belts What an excellent first post

Grouch im actually going to sell my belt if anyone wants it. link to pic?

when to wear a belt

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