Tuesday, November 26, 2013

ok so im doing a new workout schedule

ok so im doing a new workout schedule

instead of doing strength training which was upper one day then lower the next i've started to do a full workout schedule which focuses on one body group a day... for ex... my workout consists of monday - chest tuesday - bis and tris wednesday - shoulders thursday - legs friday - back every other day is abs and inbetween those days are calves and that rotates every week. i workout hardcore to the pt of exhaustion where i can barely push open a door. i take protein and creatine and i'm getting noticeably bigger but why is it that my body parts feel like they are getting weaker as the week progresses... i mean when it comes to lifting i am doing more if not the same... i dunno if this makes sense at all but at least when i did strength training i actually felt somewhat strong. btw im also bulking right now...

I would make sure that you're not over-training, which could explain the "weakness" feeling. Also, make sure you throw traps with shoulders and possibly cut back on Abs to every third day (they need rest too). Looks good though... Mine is similar (no, that's not the only reason why your schedule looks good) but I do Back/Bis on the same day and Shoulders/Tris on the same day.

ok so im doing a new workout schedule

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