Friday, November 29, 2013

Official: New Years 2005 Challenge! Come on in and register!

Official: New Years 2005 Challenge! Come on in and register!

I guess I'll be organizing this new challenge.. I suppose it should go for a few months (I'm guessing 12-16 weeks), I'll settle that within the first few posts and edit this. Anywho, I want your Username/Real Name/Height/Weight/Big 3 (Squat, DL, Bench)/and a frontal picture and a picture of your back. I will put together an Excel spreadsheet and post it on my site: Post your picture here or mail it to me with "OT Fitness Challenge" in the subject, along with your username and stats and I will put them on the page for easy hosting, so there arent any by the time this challenge is over. When the allotted time has expired, I will post all of the pictures/stats (both old and new) on my site along with a poll; we will vote for who has improved the most, both in strength gains and in size gains. The winner in each category will receive a tub of whatever protein mix or supplement/item they want <$35 from me (they can choose it from 1fast400 or, just email me your address if you happen to be the winner). Well, get eating..get lifting. Good luck! Also, I'm eligible since it's a public vote EDIT: Once you've submitted all the stats/pics/etc to me, go ahead and repost it here so everyone knows what they're up against! EDIT 2: Start and Ending Dates. The official start date begins ONE WEEK FROM TODAY, January 10th, 2005. You may edit your posts and emails between now and then, but after that deadline, you're done. The competition will last Until April the 10th, unless a majority of people have a problem with a 3 month challenge. You will be INELIGIBLE if you do not email me your stats, along with posting them here. I repeat: if i dont have them, you're not in! The Spreadsheet will be updated DAILY on my site. EDIT 3: Pictures/Poses actually, you can pose however you want, but that's the pose you will need to do again for comparisons. i.e. Lat spread now, lat spread then. You can submit up to 2 pictures. Let the games begin. (well, on the 10th ) All of this is subject to change until the 10th when EVERYTHING becomes final. SEND ALL EMAILS TO

I'll go first, come on in..the water's warm Height: 6'0 Weight: 147 lbs Bench 1RM: 145 Squat 1RM: 185 Deadlift 1RM: 255 edit: pics now

tize whats poses do you need? teh one in my av and the same of the back actually, you can pose however you want, but that's the pose you will need to do again for comparisons. i.e. Lat spread now, lat spread then. You can submit up to 2 pictures. I will edit this into the main post.

tize what do YOU get if YOU win Height: 5'8 Weight: 177 lbs Bench 1RM: 240 Squat 1RM: 285 Deadlift 1RM: 265 you guys can pool in and get me something

when is the official start date?

I think it should be in a week or two because that is when my lower back should be all better.............

KLoWnPR109 I think it should be in a week or two because that is when my lower back should be all better............. I fucked up my shoulder last night I just rememebered I dont have a camera anymore for a while.

KLoWnPR109 I think it should be in a week or two because that is when my lower back should be all better............. Check Edit 2

sounds good i will go for max's during this week and will post on the weekend

Height: 6'4.5" Weight: 200-205 lbs (I stay within that range consistently now) Bench 1RM: 225 Squat 1RM: 300 Deadlift 1RM: 355

Height: 5'11 Weight: 164 lbs Bench 1RM: 135 Squat 1RM: ??? (will find out) Deadlift 1RM: ??? (will find out)

height: 5-10 weight: 195 bench 1rm: no clue, but not much squat 1rm: same deadlift: same

height: 5'8 weight: 155 bench: 205 squat: 275 deadlift: 375

what's ur email addy

Height: 5'8 Weight: 160 lbs Bench 1RM: 205 Squat 1RM: 225 Deadlift 1RM: 225

I need to take pics, i will tomorrow. I yoyo-ed last time and am hoping that the lack of holidays and related stress will help.

indianghetto69er what's ur email addy check the post.

I'm down, and maybee i'll max this week...

mike check the post. whoops... pics sent

Any fatties entering? Or just people trying to bulk up?

EDIT for pics and info 6'1" 211 lbs on the home scale as of this post. I'm still slowly upping my weight since I don't know what I can't put up. So I guess I'll go by reps. 135x6x2 bench 195x6x3 squat 225x6x2 regular dl Trying to get my form down on everything. I did max 315 on dl a couple weeks ago, with what must have been god awful form. Goals? Less body hair Lose most of my gut I don't know what's realistic goal wise, but... 205x6x2 bench 275x6x2 squat 305x6x2 dl That would be great IMO. 3 months? Only two pics for the contest? I understand if you're hosting them, but how about 1 front, 1 back, 1 legs? Bunch of pics from me... Will use first two for the contest.

SilverJettaGLX Any fatties entering? Or just people trying to bulk up? I'm a fatty, I have Mike's body plus 70 pounds of fat. True story!

SilverJettaGLX Any fatties entering? Or just people trying to bulk up? did you not see my post? 5-10, 195... I wanna actually LOSE 15 pounds in the next 3-4 months.

tize 15lbs is easy if thats your goal drop shit weight, maybe put on some better weight. Id really like to be ~ 175 or so and a heck of alot leaner... I feel like im on my way already... havent had a soda or any fast food in about a week... im off of both... and this has NOTIHNG to do with newyears... I just decided to knock em both out.

93CivicEX drop shit weight, maybe put on some better weight. Id really like to be ~ 175 or so and a heck of alot leaner... I feel like im on my way already... havent had a soda or any fast food in about a week... im off of both... and this has NOTIHNG to do with newyears... I just decided to knock em both out. take it one day at a time, a week is amazing!

Official: New Years 2005 Challenge! Come on in and register!

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