Sunday, November 24, 2013



Why is it that everytime I post something, I gets locked? I still would like some answers to my questions...


How much protein do you need per day (Bulking)? and why? Why is Nautilus so, unliked on this forum? Why is it everytime I challenge one of you all's thoughts my thread is locked? therefore my question is never answered.

JuggetEQ How much protein do you need per day (Bulking)? and why? Why is Nautilus so, unliked on this forum? Why is it everytime I challenge one of you all's thoughts my thread is locked? therefore my question is never answered. Try 1-1.5g/lb. I don't know. Because we are always right.

Hip Hippo Try 1-1.5g/lb. Why so much?

because you're always wrong NO FRENCH BENEFITS!?

1-1.5g/lbm would be the recommended minimum. its really not that much

JuggetEQ Why so much? actually, i might have to agree w/ jugget on this one. 1-1.5 always seemed unnecessary to me and i haven't seen any papers that conclusively say otherwise.

I think 1g per lb is fine. If you go over that, it's fine, but I wouldn't go under on a consistent basis.

This thread wasn't locked...

timberwolf This thread wasn't locked... True. But my question wasn't answered either. People kept saying the opposite of each other.

shut the fuck up.

Grouch shut the fuck up!. .

Wow thx....just tell me to shut up. This will answer my questions Nicely!

How old are you?

trancezj How old are you? it's the man, you guys had better shape up!


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