Wednesday, November 27, 2013

heres the best way to force yourself to run if you want to get into shape:

heres the best way to force yourself to run if you want to get into shape:

if you plan on running or jogging to lose some fat, build cardio, or get into is a great way to force yourself to do it. have a friend drive you a few miles away from your house. then have you friend drop you off, and take your cell phone if you have one. pretty much have no choice but to run your ass home.

tommyortom if you plan on running or jogging to lose some fat, build cardio, or get into is a great way to force yourself to do it. have a friend drive you a few miles away from your house. then have you friend drop you off, and take your cell phone if you have one. pretty much have no choice but to run your ass home. If you don't have the will power to go out and jog around the block a few times, you definately won't have the will power to let your friend drive you that far away and leave you stranded. Or maybe not! I'd do it!

tommyortom if you plan on running or jogging to lose some fat, build cardio, or get into is a great way to force yourself to do it. have a friend drive you a few miles away from your house. then have you friend drop you off, and take your cell phone if you have one. pretty much have no choice but to run your ass home. I say leave the phone at home though, you might be tempted to call a Taxi.

Tell them to drop you off in the projects or some ghetto neighborhood then...(unless you live in one, then I guess you're SOL.)

Jog through the ghetto as a warmup. Run out of the ghetto as high cardio.

I'd probably get raped and killed before I made it home. Next idea?

hah good idea

If your friend drops you off a few miles from home and leaves, you need to reconsider the friendship you guys have LOL

superbri007 ^^ addicted to that smilee

have them drop you off in the african flatlands and then run over a lion's baby cub on the way'll be running all right

This is a good idea.

Or get some friends/make some friends who like to play football/basketball/etc.

superbri007 or spot a mountain lion or bear while hiking, and then have him spot you and then run might wanna start conservatively, like pissing off the neighborhood rottweiler

pokesteve cardio? is that spanish for deadlift? goddamn that was funny... WTF I changed my avy 'cause I thought you were gone.

just stop being a fucking pussy and go run.

I wouldn't run unless pur was chasing me. And that would just be because he smells.

heres the best way to force yourself to run if you want to get into shape:

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