Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fast Food

Fast Food

I am like every average american and my life consists of constantly being on the move. I have 2 jobs, and I go to school full time. I just recently found a gym that caters to my schedule a bit so I can go back to working out atleast 4 times a week. The problem I am having is because of I work and school I have become depended on fast food, which plus my office job, is deffinately to blame for gaining the weight. I am ususally away from my house for 12 - 15 hours at a time. What are some good non perishable foods I could eat, or things that I could easily pick up at a store. As of right now I have been depending on salads and fruit bowls and its starting to get really old. Not to mention by the time I get home at night I am so hungry I eat anything and everything in site. I dont normally have breakfast because I eat so much at night. Thanks for the help.

protein shakes, and wendy's chilli cover my 11 hour work days... If you drive a lot though you can easily keep a cooler in your trunk every day and pack plenty of healthy foods. If you have a fridge and microwave at your office you really have no excuse.

Most fat food restaurants also offer grilled chicken. I travel pretty heavy for work and eat a lot of grilled chicken breasts at KFC or Burger King and chili. Also you can buy the pre-made tuna containers that have low-fat mayo, tuna, and relish. Easy to mix up and a good 20 grams of protein. Also I carry a small duffel bag in my truck that has protein powder, creatine, vitamins, misc. pills, post-work out drinks, and a couple of shakers. All the powder stuff I put in old tupperware containers and then in a ziploc bag. That way when I am on the road and need a quick shake I have it or if I forget something I have it. Milk is easy to find and so is water.

Sounds good. I am waiting on my order from and I am going to try protien shakes. I was thinking about staying away from fast food altogether because even the grilled chickens and thinkingslike that are loaded with calories. I have been having chili though. Like on the days I have no time but to get fast food I substitute chili for fries and have a diet coke. Anything is better then what I WAS eating. I was consuming up to 2200 calories per meal (not including soda) and just sitting on my ass the rest of the day. It was horrible.

bananas last a couple days and are really good. they have little tubs of chili that you can microwave. there should be some premade sandwiches at the grocery store that have some decent stuff on em. you can put chicken in tupperware and it lasts a while.

Start lugging a cooler around. I've been doing that for a couple of years now, through working retail with no refrigerator, school, and a couple of real jobs. It also helps you control what you eat since if you didn't bring it, you can't eat it. I prep all my stuff the night before so it's ready to go in the morning..usually have tuna, one meal of turkey/chicken with veggies, etc.

Tupperware is your friend.

i usually bring a few pounds of chicken in tupperware, some fruit, wheat bread and maybe tuna cans to school...i could be there from 9-14 hours unfortunately, and have to eat every 3 hours. Just cook all your meals the night before, and bring them in tupperware. Grilled chicken sandwiches from fast food places are still just shit compared to a regular chicken breast- they are also like 3 or 4 bucks which is insane.

Fast Food

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