Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

I need to start incorperating more leg and abdominal exercises to my routine. Does anyone know of a good website that has good visuals that will aid my learning on performing various leg and abdominal exercises? Thanks


Ceaze http://www.bsu.edu/webapps/strengthlab/home.htm wow thanks... can anyone give tips on some of the more effective exercises to do when working out legs and abs? thanks


legs:squat leg press stiff-leg/romanian deadlift good mornings (more low back, but still good hamstring/glute activation) glute-ham raise abs:decline situps/crunches dragon flags hanging leg raises standing/kneeling cable crunches


Good website(s) with good visual aids on how to perform various exercises?

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