Friday, November 29, 2013

Kinda a cheat meal?

Kinda a cheat meal?

so today was delt's and traps and legs day. i always do a good amount of shoulder work because its one of my fav part of the body to target. so after the gym i cook a pepperoni pizza. 28g of carbs and 16g of protein per 1/4 pizza...thats not too bad imo

Sh0kka so today was delt's and traps and legs day. i always do a good amount of shoulder work because its one of my fav part of the body to target. so after the gym i cook a pepperoni pizza. 28g of carbs and 16g of protein per 1/4 pizza...thats not too bad imo that must've been a very small pizza.

no it was same size as tonys xxl

It's all about how it fits into the bigger picture.. you are cutting I assume. If you are still maintaining a deficit and a reasonable portion of your intake is protein then it doesnt really matter, does it.

You don't want fat post workout, unless its some sort of mystical nonfat pizza...

oh well, you cheated a bit, move on. Look at the bigger picture.

Kinda a cheat meal?

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