Thursday, November 28, 2013

Someone who is bigger and stronger than me told me today that I should

Someone who is bigger and stronger than me told me today that I should

stop eating whey because it'll make me fat

yes that would make perfect sense...

maybe he was being nice and telling you, your already too fat?

bigger stronger? you could be 5'3 110lbs...and he could be 5'4 115 tells us nothing

Probably... i must be appraoching 14%BF by now I'd ball park him at around 180@12%. He has a masters degree.. in science!

Whey doesn't make you fat, surplus calories do,tell him he's fucking moron and elbow drop him.

WTF? Kick him in his cooter bone for being a stupid dumbass

KetchupKing Probably... i must be appraoching 14%BF by now I'd ball park him at around 180@12%. He has a masters degree.. in science! drop kick him next time please

protein has less calories/g than fat or carbs, yay stupid people

KetchupKing Probably... i must be appraoching 14%BF by now I'd ball park him at around 180@12%. He has a masters degree.. in science!

KetchupKing stop eating whey because it'll make me fat Go tell that to all of the professional bodybuilders who drink the shit twice a day.

KetchupKing stop eating whey because it'll make me fat Why are you taking a protein shake?

so much misinformation floating around

JuggetEQ Why are you taking a protein shake? shut up already

On a side note, I found Tyson ham for sale at BJ's, and it has only 4.1666 calories per gram of protein. 2 pounds of that ham = 800 calories, 192 grams of protein.

furious d On a side note, I found Tyson ham for sale at BJ's, and it has only 4.1666 calories per gram of protein. 2 pounds of that ham = 800 calories, 192 grams of protein. o damn! i dont have a bj's here

It's great for me since I have to lose about 40 lbs by June, but while eating that shit:- I'll be able to lose the weight really fast, since I will keep the calorie count low. - I will still be able to lift and gain muscle in my upper body, and I won't be losing muscle from the rest of my body. - I can eat a ton of it, and still stay in the 1000 calorie range. And all from ham, one of my favorite foods.

furious d It's great for me since I have to lose about 40 lbs by June, but while eating that shit:- I'll be able to lose the weight really fast, since I will keep the calorie count low. - I will still be able to lift and gain muscle in my upper body, and I won't be losing muscle from the rest of my body. - I can eat a ton of it, and still stay in the 1000 calorie range. And all from ham, one of my favorite foods. i want to lose alot of weight too. im taking lipo 6 and i'm in the process of changing the way i eat. and ive been working out as well so i bought some protein shakes.

furious d It's great for me since I have to lose about 40 lbs by June, but while eating that shit:- I'll be able to lose the weight really fast, since I will keep the calorie count low. - I will still be able to lift and gain muscle in my upper body, and I won't be losing muscle from the rest of my body. - I can eat a ton of it, and still stay in the 1000 calorie range. And all from ham, one of my favorite foods. what kind of diet are you doing?

I'm just doing a basic low-calorie diet. I eat two pounds of deli-meat, usually the ham, sometimes turkey, then a few peices of bread and a bowl of cereal. For excercise, I hike about 4 miles a day with a 50 lb. pack.

nathanbx Whey doesn't make you fat, surplus calories do,tell him he's fucking moron and elbow drop him.

Someone who is bigger and stronger than me told me today that I should

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