Sunday, November 24, 2013

Does anyone supplement caffeine or drink coffee/tea?

Does anyone supplement caffeine or drink coffee/tea?

For so long I was getting tons of caffeine through soda. Then recently, I took an EC stack for 4 months. 400mg dosing of caffeine at first, and then 600 for 3 weeks or so near the end. After stopping, I feel real lethargic sometimes throughout the day regardless of my food intake (really high and good) and sleep (good most of the time). Is it from the caffeine withdrawal? Will this feeling go away soon? Or should I just take 200 mg before working out?

how long have you not been taking it? a lot of people do experience caffeine withdrawel, should go away in a couple weeks. dont get dependent on those things again.

i used to have much more caffeine per day than that and i never felt any withdrawl symptoms (maybe the weed made it so i didnt notice )

Does anyone supplement caffeine or drink coffee/tea?

1 comment:

  1. Coffee is very good for health. It reduce fat. I take coffee thrice in the day.

    Kopi Luwak


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