Thursday, November 28, 2013

inner thigh..

inner thigh..

i noticed that it is not developing as much as my outer one. is there a squat variation to hit it? or should i just keep squating? thanks guys

Do you mean your groin?

you have been lifting how long?

i have a pretty wide stance on squats, and it seems to be hitting there.


Socrates steroids. stop being an idiot today

Joser i noticed that it is not developing as much as my outer one. is there a squat variation to hit it? or should i just keep squating? thanks guys whats your bf like? you may just not be seeing your muscle under the jiggly

PurEvl you have been lifting how long? 8 months, i see development on the outer thigh than the inner. when i flex it, i see mass and the "cutness" on the outside but none on the inner part.

gsteclipse97 whats your bf like? you may just not be seeing your muscle under the jiggly im really skinny, i used to be 112, i got up to 142. im about 5'3-5'4.5

Joser 8 months, i see development on the outer thigh than the inner. when i flex it, i see mass and the "cutness" on the outside but none on the inner part. If you went deep on your squats you wouldn't have that problem. Now quit doing quarter squats.

ACURA TL-S If you went deep on your squats you wouldn't have that problem. Now quit doing quarter squats. unless you're using a really wide stance while squatting, you're not effectively hitting the adductor group which makes up most of your inner thigh

Joser im really skinny, i used to be 112, i got up to 142. im about 5'3-5'4.5 thats a large variance in height.

AznRyda thats a large variance in height. High heels.

Ceaze unless you're using a really wide stance while squatting, you're not effectively hitting the adductor group which makes up most of your inner thigh I am guessing he is referring to the vastus medialis, not the adductor group.

ralyks High heels.

AznRyda thats a large variance in height. sorry im really short.. oh well i can live with it..haha and BTW thanks for the input, i wish i can post pics but digicam is currently out of action

Do you guys ever squat with 10lb plates under your heels?

Gutrat Do you guys ever squat with 10lb plates under your heels? Like arnold? Only when I want bad knees

KetchupKing Like arnold? Only when I want bad knees Arnold doesn't have bad knees.

just a bad ticker

deadlifts will help

ill chime in...take it or leave it... in order to build inner thigh mass ... when your doing seated and/or lying leg curls...keep ur legs touching at all hard as u can keep your legs together and and point your toes inward...almost if not overlapping eachother... doing that with heavy sets is gunna give you exacty what you need....garunteed!

severedties ill chime in...take it or leave it... in order to build inner thigh mass ... when your doing seated and/or lying leg curls...keep ur legs touching at all hard as u can keep your legs together and and point your toes inward...almost if not overlapping eachother... doing that with heavy sets is gunna give you exacty what you need....garunteed! umm this is ass backwards....pointing your toes inward and putting your legs together will increase stress on the biceps femoris, while pointing them outward will increase the stress on the semimembranosus and semitendinosus

inner thigh..

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