Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Things that make you go... what the hell?

Things that make you go... what the hell?

I was doing military press on the smith machine today. I'm 10 seconds into a rest between sets. two relative gym noobs come over, take two plates off my bar. I'm sitting at the machine. There are spare weights on the side of the machine, but they were 3 feet away and toward the ground. The bar on the smith press was about 5 1/2 feet in the air. I was in shock when they took them, like "what the hell just happened?" my reaction went like this: : they were totally oblivious as to what they did. the room was pretty crowded so I didn't feel like making a scene, I just grabbed some other weights and put them on. But, WTF!?

all you had to do was say, im using those

i woulda said, hey, i was using that

you pussyed out

he was on the other end of the weight room by the time I realized he had take MY weights...

WTF?! Go back and slam a barbell thru his chest and use him as the weight next time. Animal Pak, motherfucker!

Fabian Go back and slam a barbell thru his chest and use him as the weight next time.

last weekend i was using the cable curls and some old man came and started using it when i was about 4 feet away...i told him i am using it and eh goes"what do you own this place" pissed me off so i told him not be a fucking dick about it and just use gym courtest and when u see shit laying next to it to ask how many more sets or if u mind working in...he changed my weight and bar height and did not move it back..saw him in their this morning and we exchanged he is not big just older and not knowing what he is doing..i watched him and he did 1 set of about everything as fast as he could

stupid fuckers, sure am glad i dont work out with dicks like that.

baseball17c last weekend i was using the cable curls and some old man came and started using it when i was about 4 feet away...i told him i am using it and eh goes"what do you own this place" pissed me off so i told him not be a fucking dick about it and just use gym courtest and when u see shit laying next to it to ask how many more sets or if u mind working in...he changed my weight and bar height and did not move it back..saw him in their this morning and we exchanged he is not big just older and not knowing what he is doing..i watched him and he did 1 set of about everything as fast as he could whats wrong with cutting in?

Shaolin_sword36 whats wrong with cutting in? Glad you don't workout at my gym.

Fabian WTF?! Go back and slam a barbell thru his chest and use him as the weight next time. Animal Pak, motherfucker! damn straight

Things that make you go... what the hell?

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