Sunday, December 8, 2013

I know this will sound stupid but...

I know this will sound stupid but...

How do you dead lift im going to start using that base routine that christophers wrote once my Creatine and Whey come in I dont know how to dead lift though the only lifts we do at my school (or atleast that I know are) Push Press Squat Front Squat Military Press Bench Incline Bench Powerclean Hangclean Then we have alot of stuff to do curls and we have neck machines and leg press machines etc... but I dont know how to dead lift

gsteclipse97 thanks

Why not just take some juice like all of your fellow(guessing) Colleyville Heritage players? BTW. Jesuit= #1

DaWARW Why not just take some juice like all of your fellow(guessing) Colleyville Heritage players? BTW. Jesuit= #1 where are you from

DaWARW Why not just take some juice like all of your fellow(guessing) Colleyville Heritage players? BTW. Jesuit= #1 If only you knew some actual shit tahts going on here instead of believing all that shit the media throws out I bet you didnt know that the Kid whos Mom started all this mess he only played football as a freshmen so he never new our head Varsity Coach he might have seen him around but he pretty much barely fucking new his name (His main sport is also baseball so this is pretty stupid) The kid is now a junior and the mom is suing our coach for 1.5 mil because of all this shit Also every other fucking school around here and around Texas is on teh juice to I can guarantee taht Grapevine, Southlake, and Denton Ryan have players on roids and we all know that northwest and other school are on roids No one has the balls to use steroids anymore at our school coach has ban anything and everything from the locker room including yogurt and now there is talk of all this random testing and parents are now having there kids tested so im pretty sure we are roid free but there are always those kids that dont give a fuck Im also just saying whats going on im not trying to although it may look as if im trying to make it seem like nothing happens over here but it does and I hate it but I ahte it even more when people say shit like that And im just saying what I know im not really pissed because this shit will happen for the rest of time so dont think that im upset or anythingwith you personaly

I can vouch for froznfyre. I lived in North Dallas about 30 mins from the really rural towns of Dallas and steroids was rampant as fuck in that part of town. No one gave a fuck about it either you could get it SOOO easy.

Everyone is so fucking rich up here that they dont know what to do with all there money all of my friends are so fucking rich I dont even know it untill I end up their house for some reason. Everyone is loaded and their parents give them as much money as they want and they end up buying drugs with it The only way you can go to CHHS without being loaded is A- Live in parts of Uless (sp) B- Bought your house many many many many years ago before the prices doubled (this is the situation im in but our house is still a shack compared to everyone else)

I'm basically in the same boat as you. I'm from frisco and in the past like 8 years all this reallllly rich people moved in. I lived in the old part of frisco in a $100,000 house while all the new people moving in were buying houses atleast 250k and up to a few million. It got even more ridiculous as you went north of frisco. Fucking estates and shit out there... Deion Sanders had over 20 acres and a got damn mansion.

you guys near Odessa? i just read friday night lights

jonno you guys near Odessa? i just read friday night lights No, but Southlake Carrol is in our district I know you know who they are Also Denton Ryan you might of heard of or seen them on TV playing Carrol We have 2 giants in our district

creatine AND protien? you gonn be hyooooge bro. just make sure youre eating enough calories, thats what really puts that peak in your biceps

vokuro creatine AND protien? you gonn be hyooooge bro. just make sure youre eating enough calories, thats what really puts that peak in your biceps wtf

I know this will sound stupid but...

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