Sunday, December 8, 2013

I'm a retard, as you all know. Help.

I'm a retard, as you all know. Help.

My whole life, I have been chubby. On the verge of being in good shape, but still enough chub to bounce around. For the last 3 weeks, as i've talked about on here too much, I have been cutting. I went against the advice and was only taking in about 1400-1600 calories a day. It wasn't until yesterday that I noticed I lost a little bit of strength and my arms became a little bit smaller. I have posted my diet a few times, and explained my cardio. My cardio has been about walking very fast paced 15 minutes in the morning 4 days a week. I fucked up on my cutting, and now i'm ready to do whatever it takes it fix it. However, I don't want to get any fucking fatter. I am sick of having bodyfat on me all the time. My goal : gain much more lbm, while losing bodyfat. I have pmed quite a few of very intelligent members here on F&N (Steveo, timberwofl, gigla....etc) and they have all gave me great advice. I figured I would post this anyway and hope to get even more specific advice on what to do. <--- me currently. Please give me some great advice on what to do. I am not sure whether I should bump up my calories to like 4000+ (remember, i don't want to gain bodyfat, but I do realize I might have to sacrifice it for the greater good), and if I do, if I should just make sure to eat only clean foods, or if anything is okay..... Also....on July 6th (little over 3 months) I am leaving for boot camp for the Marine Corps. My main concern is to not come back from bootcamp a skinny little swizzel stick.

not or the other :

NoXeN not or the other : Unless he's a complete noob to lifting. Some facts about cutting:-You will lose weight -You might lose strength -You will most likely not gain strength -You might keep strength where it was before cutting -You will lose BF Some facts about bulking:-You will gain weight -You will gain BF -You will gain strength -You will gain size -You will lose sex muscles

If I took in about 2500 calories a day, but still did cardio twice a week, could I burn fat and put on lbm?

Oh shit, I didn't realize that you are leaving for boot camp soon. Fuck dieting, bulk as much as humanly possible before then, becuase you will lose alot of it during boot camp. But, unlike most bulkers, don't stop running, you are going to need the endurance. Just make sure to eat some extra calories to make up for those burned during running.

ACURA TL-S Oh shit, I didn't realize that you are leaving for boot camp soon. Fuck dieting, bulk as much as humanly possible before then, becuase you will lose alot of it during boot camp. But, unlike most bulkers, don't stop running, you are going to need the endurance. Just make sure to eat some extra calories to make up for those burned during running. Yeah, I forgot to mention the part about boot camp, lol. Should I go back to drinking regular pop as opposed to regular? Should I eat cake and cupcakes and other sweets whenever they are offered to me? I am still very confused on what to eat

Socrates My goal : gain much more lbm, while losing bodyfat. like omg, no one has ever thought of that before, you could be a king

princess0fdiabl0 like omg, no one has ever thought of that before, you could be a king I was specifying, not pretending it is some original idea. but

Socrates Yeah, I forgot to mention the part about boot camp, lol. Should I go back to drinking regular pop as opposed to regular? Should I eat cake and cupcakes and other sweets whenever they are offered to me? I am still very confused on what to eat I would stick with drinking diet unless you are under your required calories for the day. I used to have desert with every meal when bulking though. Just make sure to get at least 1g/lb of protein, get about 25% of your calories from fat, and get the rest mostly from carbs. Try starting at about 3000-3500 calories a day and go from there.

ACURA TL-S Oh shit, I didn't realize that you are leaving for boot camp soon. Fuck dieting, bulk as much as humanly possible before then, becuase you will lose alot of it during boot camp. But, unlike most bulkers, don't stop running, you are going to need the endurance. Just make sure to eat some extra calories to make up for those burned during running. I would still stick to diet pop too.

What weight do you guys suggest I bulk to?

until you start to look fat, seriously bulk until you are too unhappy with your fatness, assuming that isnt like.. 150 or something

Ahhhh I don't want to be a chubby fucking blob.....this sucks. I really hope the extra fat won't slow me down when I get to bootcamp. I enjoy being able to run far without losing my breath.... Should I stop using skim milk in my protein shakes?

I created a training log, so feel free to give me positive/negative feedback or advice at anytime.

Ilyusha -You will lose sex muscles How so?

cbrpimp bulk AS much as possible, clean if you can. My roomate went to bootcamp and lost 30 lbs. They will run you to death, lots of cardio. You will come out leaner than you have ever been. Did he lose a lot of muscle in boot camp, or did he come back with muscle and like no bodyfat?

I don't think you look fat, just girthy I must be a chubby-chaser if you're fat.

cbrpimp bulk AS much as possible, clean if you can. My roomate went to bootcamp and lost 30 lbs. They will run you to death, lots of cardio. You will come out leaner than you have ever been. I was lean going IN to boot camp. i was leanER coming OUT But I was really buff too

I'm a retard, as you all know. Help.

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