Sunday, December 8, 2013

Question about loading Creatine...

Question about loading Creatine...

I havent really used Creatine in the past, just Protein ...And I have a friend who really likes to use it and says it does actually show difference and makes him feel better, etc etc. Anyways, I was wondering, when loading creatine, I have read to take 20g total in 1 week, which doesnt seem right....Then heard to load 20g/day for 1 week, then following that, take 5-15g/day to maintain. I want to go the way of loading, so dont say dont load etc, just want to know which is the right way to load. The 2nd option that I have said seems to be the one that is right tho...At least to me. Thx brolys

don't load

Jeg1983 don't load Alright, fair enough that you say that, but give me a reason not to...I have heard nothing but good about loading on MANY different webpages...Of course there are people who say loading isnt good, but really havent backed it up w/ anything. Why isnt it good to load. ps. Yer AV roxors

yah i just started loading creatine yesterday and was gonna ask about it. Also, do different brands cause a different amout of sides? I am having a killer headache because of this shit

Nick Robinson yah i just started loading creatine yesterday and was gonna ask about it. Also, do different brands cause a different amout of sides? I am having a killer headache because of this shit drink more water. There are no sides.

Aight, well I guess for the first 5-7 days im gonna take in 20g/day then after that I will keep taking in a steady 4g/day. Thats my plan ill see how it works, lol.

It also depends on weight. Just try less at first then go up as you feel needed. But loading is a good idea.

Nick Robinson yah i just started loading creatine yesterday and was gonna ask about it. Also, do different brands cause a different amout of sides? I am having a killer headache because of this shit im going to have to agree with grouch...drink more water you are probably dehyrdated

Baited im going to have to agree with grouch...drink more water you are probably dehyrdated Yeah, just from what I read that sounds like the prob. You have to keep WAY hydrated.

Ok cool, that is probably exactly what it is. Thanks guys.

Question about loading Creatine...

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