Thursday, November 21, 2013

How many of you do power cleans?

How many of you do power cleans?

And or snatch? I'm thinking of adding these, but they look dangerous and I need someone to teach me them properly (in person) I've been working on the motion with the dingle 80lb bars, but haven't got the balls to use the oly bar

dont do them on your own without information/assistance from someone thats done it

i think most people are better off just doing high pulls

Power cleans are fucking awesome. Weightlifting for football in HS , we had to do these once a week and they built me my favorite bodypart:my traps. It takes a few work-outs to get the hang of them but once I did, they became one of my favorite lifts. Works multiple body parts and works them well.

power cleans are one of my favorite lifts next to deadlifts and bench

what's a clean and press?

hi pull hang hi pull clean w/no dip regular clean w/no dip power clean w/no dip hang clean w/no dip hang clean power clean snatch w/no dip snatch power snatch hang snatch...etc press push press jerk clean and jerk saxon side bend overhead squat rocking squat turkish getup front squat 1 leg sldls bottoms up french press twisting squat and press diagonal snatch slaloms reverse squat w/shldr raise rolling sit ups windmills rocking squat w/snatch and clean etc.. not all power lifts but thats what I have in my notebook, I don't do them all at the same time. Only 2 times a month in with my training....these are all sport specific to MMA.

KingGargantuan what's a clean and press? clean...and press above your head (military)

i just dropped the power cleans from my workout.. but they are awesome. they build explosive power and wail on the traps... but other than that they dont hit anything special. they're mainly used for sports training. and snatches look kinda dangerous, i have yet to try them out.

I've just started doing cleans. Fun as hell! Start with hanging cleans, which are basically an explosive upright row that turns into a front squat. At one point, you won't be able to lift the bar any higher, so you have to snap under it by bending your knees. Try to keep the bar as close to your body as possible. (And you don't need to bend as much as the model is.) On the right side of this page is a whole bunch of mini workouts:

Return Bend knees slightly and lower barbell to mid-thigh position. Slowly lower bar with taut lower back and trunk close to vertical. The advanced athlete may unload (drop) the bar from the completed position. This technique may be practiced to reduce the stress or fatigue involved in lowering the bar as prescribed. Use rubber weightlifting plates on a weightlifting platform if this unloading method is used (unless floor demolition is desired).

unless you are doing sports, or actually enjoy them. I dont see a reason for doing them.

We did them religiously all throughout high school for football.

Evidence. We did them religiously all throughout high school for football. I love those. We called them Clean & Jerk. I was doing 285lbs when I was at 160lbs.

Mike McShit they are not like an explosive upright row at all you start with a hip snap then an explosive shrug with your traps then pull yourself under your arms should not do any of the work I'm talking about hanging cleans, not regular cleans. "Jump upward extending the body. Shrug the shoulders and pull the barbell upward with the arms allowing the elbows to flex out to the sides, keeping the bar close to the body. Aggressively pull the body under the bar, rotating the elbows around the bar. Catch the bar on the shoulders while moving into a squat position. Hitting the bottom of the squat, stand up immediately."

Mike McShit Um, where did you get that description? Because it is terrible. Momentum from the hip and leg should pull the bar from your belly button to where ever you catch it. If you are using your arms to pull the bar, you are doing something wrong. Think of jumping, the power in your legs and momentum in your arms create the force.

I love power cleans. I got in trouble in HS football for doing nothing but cleans.

How many of you do power cleans?

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