Friday, November 22, 2013

Progress Pics and randomness *no 56k*

Progress Pics and randomness *no 56k*

I'm killing two birds with one stone. Here are some progress pics that Jonno requested. Nothing spectacular, but there is some improvement. (I hope you guys can tell) This is also some pics for the sake of the highschool crew thread. I also included pics of me in some of my highschool's clothes. JV in 2002 = Me a sophmore during 2002-2003 = me a senior now year 2004-2005. Those are two shirts of powermeets i went to, just so you guys know I wasn't lying about my old post about the powermeets I attended. Current Stats: 17 y/o 5'7.5'' 215lbs My lifts in March at the "Wildcat" powermeet:Bench: 265 Squat: 435 deadlift: 365 Back around February: 227lbs Me now. (Didn't start cutting until early March, right before the powermeet. I didnt know i was competing until 3 days before the actual meet..haha) 215lbs oh, if you guys remember me talking about asking a girl to prom, she said yes . some pics of her face, heh. Her on the left: Okay, thats all for tonight. Comments?

Pseudo-gyno sucks.


awesome man. you definatly lost fat. looks like you lost more than 12lbs. oh.. and to that chick

Goodjob fellow Asian. Hardwork will get it done for ya man. And on another note, you my friend are one of the larger Asians I have seen pics of.

nice, i see those triceps tryin to peek through

you are gonna be a beast in a few years if u keep this up. seriously, good job and congrats on the prom date and graduating highschool(soon enough anyway) and all that stuff

nice work

Rock on!

Good Shit fellow Asian broly

Gonna be ripped when you're done, if you were bigger you'd be a beast! Keep it up!

wow nice job man

Very cool man! Chick looks hawt good job!

pretty good numbers.. chest could be upped a tad bit alongside the rest of the numbers but overall nice. good improvement as well.

thanks guys... Cobra Commander pretty good numbers.. chest could be upped a tad bit alongside the rest of the numbers but overall nice. good improvement as well. yeah, my chest had always lagged behind, including my shoulders. however, 2 weeks ago before my injury, i started doing more for my chest because all i did before were 4 sets of bench and some cable work. i'm trying to work in some dumbells as well. shoulders...ugh. i hate them. To be honest for the past few months, although i could keep my diet in check, it was hard to work out as much as i wanted to. being a full time highschool student while having a part time job of around 10 hours during the weekdays while keeping up grades and being heavily involved in church (friday saturday sunday) its hard to find enough time to really devote as much as i want. however now that ap's are almost done (i raped my english lit today) i'm going to have a lot more time.

Cut, cut, cut.

Mike4831 Cut, cut, cut. easier said than done. wait, thats a serious understatement. by college (late august) i'd like to be at 200

nj dude

Congratulations, keep up the hard work.

nice calves

hollaaaaa nice job man, chick is mad cute and seems to have a great 'picture personality' lol

Atenza6i easier said than done. wait, thats a serious understatement. by college (late august) i'd like to be at 200 Ya. If your were down at about 200 and you were still pulling those numbers, you would stand a lot better chance at meets. I have a friend that is 165lbs, 5'6" Benches - 290 Squats - 405 Power Cleans - 250? He won state when he was a Sophomore. And then after that he got destroyed.

damn you asians and your calves. you should do some dieting get rid of alot of that fat, its soooo easy to lose fat, you'd look like a bad mother fucker if you did.

Progress Pics and randomness *no 56k*

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