Friday, November 22, 2013

theoretically, How long does 1-ad stay in your system?

theoretically, How long does 1-ad stay in your system?

I'm going up for a pilot slot and they do hyper hardcore testing of everything ever possible that you're not supposed to take. obviously prohormones are a banned substance. How long would it be testable in my system? How about 6-0x0 - thats banned too FYI I havn't taken them, this is a theoretical question

6oxo is legal. if thats what you're questioning.

ryazbeck 6oxo is legal. if thats what you're questioning. Not for pilots

ask patrick arnold

just hold off until after you do the testing

testing is continous, AF does random testing, 80% of the base is tested each month at random. I was planning on maybe doing a cycle this summer, come december I go active duty.

ManinCamo testing is continous, AF does random testing, 80% of the base is tested each month at random. I was planning on maybe doing a cycle this summer, come december I go active duty. Big huge 1-AD induced muscles will make life in your airplane hell.. what's worth more to you? A pilot job, or big huge muscle?

its not worth it you can get the same gains from 1ad by just workin your ass off. if you are gonna use a banned substance and risk gettin busted then use something worth while

i guess you're right. I'll lose any muscle mass while I'm going through Pilot training and SERE school anyway...

If done right, you will probably keep 5lbs. max from a 1ad cycle, is that worth risking your career? sell that shit on a forum or something.

Isn't being musclar considered a huge disadvantage for a pilot? I.e. prone to blacking out under high Gs?

you need strong leg muscles to squeeze the blood into your upper body, g-suits help compress your lower body to sqeeze blood blood as far 'north' as possible to prevent blackout. But yea, you'll notice most pilots have a medium build, overall fitness - you don't see many big strong pilots, young ones at least.

KetchupKing Isn't being musclar considered a huge disadvantage for a pilot? I.e. prone to blacking out under high Gs? I've also heard this

ManinCamo testing is continous, AF does random testing, 80% of the base is tested each month at random. I was planning on maybe doing a cycle this summer, come december I go active duty. They may test 80% of the pilots once a month but not 80% of the base unless CID has found a large number of military members have some type of drug ring going on.

KetchupKing Isn't being musclar considered a huge disadvantage for a pilot? I.e. prone to blacking out under high Gs? under high g's you want more muscle

Jeg1983 under high g's you want more muscle Maybe you should not eat protein and get toned with some bench presses and curls and ab work...

if you want some quick mass and don't want to test positive you could run some test suspension or TNE. run like 60-75mg/day, pinning everyday, for 4-6 weeks. won't show any metabolites of steroids and the only way they can tell you have been using gear is if they test your test:epitest ratio, which they won't do. you could put on 10-15 lbs on this cycle pretty easily and strength will go through the roof.

theoretically, How long does 1-ad stay in your system?

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