Monday, December 16, 2013

fawking stretch marks!!!!

fawking stretch marks!!!!

every fucking month i have new stretch marks on my arms today, i have a new one my right front delt shoulders


Yea I got them all the way down my bicep now, kinda sucks but I stopped caring about them along time ago.

Jeg1983 Yea I got them all the way down my bicep now, kinda sucks but I stopped caring about them along time ago. i didnt care about them before....but first i notice a red "scratch" then next day it was gone----then a week later it came back...then after workout, it formed into a fucking stretch marks

i have them everywhere......on my chest on my arms

Armpit and biceps *infinity

I don't give a shit about them.

<==== former fatass i have em on my lower back, triceps, obliques, hammies, and ass. they are faded now but you can still notice em if you look

how long do they take to fade? i've had my new ones on my bi's for about a month now, and while they aren't bright red anymore they're still noticeable from a distance.

< ===== still a fatass right here had em since i can remember and im adding more as i get stronger. i hate cardio

Get something called Strivectin SD , it reduces them and the appearance of them dramatically.

I gotta everywhere, vertical one's on my sides and belly, bicepsm, back. they suck try cocoa butter, supposedly it helps reduce them

I have them on my legs, it's horrible. I'm hoping that when I lose some weight they will fade out some. I've been using lotion/cocoa butter on them, but it doesn't seem to help. I think that will only help if you know the stretch marks are going to happen, ie pregnancy.

evi1eddie how long do they take to fade? i've had my new ones on my bi's for about a month now, and while they aren't bright red anymore they're still noticeable from a distance. Mine faded in about a year

I have really bad stretchmarks on my lower back

everyday like after a shower just put on some lotion preferable with aloe or cocoa butter and that will hydrate your skin and help prevent them. It helps a lot.

I have them pretty bad as well. The only place is in the armpit region and biceps though. For a while what I would is take 1 vitamin E gel tablet every morning and before bed I would break a gel tablet open and spread it on the areas with stretch marks. It worked pretty well but I ran out and never got back to buying more. I think this time I will try the cocoa butter and see how that goes though.

collagen for teh win... I had some killer stretchies on my inner legs, they're finally fading out kinda tho.. still pretty damn visible

yeah i have near the front delt/armpit area, and i'm wondering when it will go away...hopefully soon now that i'm dieting again...i also have a ton of my upper legs

Ceaze does that just help fade the marks? edit: nevermind, says made to prevent stretch marks

i've stumbled across something that has actually worked really well to help the stretch marks on my biceps fade. i got the marks a couple months ago and though they were no longer blood red, they were still dark red/purple and really stuck out on my arms. i heard that vitamin e was supposed to help w/ stretch marks and while looking around a vitamin/nutrition store, i found pure vitamin e oil, 70,000 IU for $12. i've only used it three times thus far, rubbing it and massaging it on my arms, but each time the stretch marks are less noticeable. each time i use it they become lighter and smaller, the smallest ones look like mere skin blemishes and when i run my finger across the small ones, they feel smooth and indistinguishable from normal skin. the big stretch marks are still a problem, and by big i'm talking 1/2" wide and 4" long, but those are making improvements too. one stretch mark that was 1/4" wide and 3" long has faded into my skin tone and is only noticeable from like a foot away. before i bought the vitamin e oil i ordered strivectin sd but the oils been working so well that i haven't even cracked the bottle yet. i'm planning on using it only after the vitamin e stops improving the strechies. good luck guys edit: btw it didn't do anything for the old stretch marks that had already faded into little white lines

I've had them on my legs for months now

Rebs im natural and i was skinny as shit and got them Same. Got horizontal ones on my lower back, and some small ones on my upper armpits. I think I see some starting to form on my rear delts. What you gotta do is just smother the "stretchmark zones" (places stretchmarks typically show up) with cocoa butter once a day. Putting it on after they already appear won't do too much.

Keepn in mind strivectin -sd is hella expensive.

fawking stretch marks!!!!

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