Monday, December 16, 2013

im not complaining but...

im not complaining but...

the week before i started bulking, i did alot of cardio to kinda flush my system out. durring this time i lost about 7 lbs of water weight. ever since ive been eating like a hoss and lifting almost every day. im 160 and consume at least 3000 cals a day w/ an ample amount of protein. but every time i step on the scale i get progressively lighter. when i look in the mirror it seems im losing fat and gaining muscle. now i am in no way sad if this is happening but from what ive read, if you are gaining muscle, you tend to gain fat along with it. could i really be gaining muscle and lose this much fat in an excess of calories? or is it newb gains? or should i just try and choke down more calories in a day? because with the amount of weight ive lost it couldnt possibly be all water weight.

3000 cals is barely maintenance if that for someone who works out. Up the food intake.

its so much harder eating after quitting weed, i usually eat b/t 4-5k cals a day since ive started w/ the very least being 3k. should i be shooting for like at least 4500/day? god i hope my appetite comes back soon

4k-4.5k sounds about right

crucialkc 4k-4.5k sounds about right werd, im well on my way to reach that goal today

if it helps to eat more when yo usmoke, then smoke and eat a fuck load, and work your way up to like 6k

ryazbeck if it helps to eat more when yo usmoke, then smoke and eat a fuck load, and work your way up to like 6k It'd be much more beneficial to not smoke, your appetite will come back within a week or two. Keep doing cardio for a little while it will be easier to stay quit.

yes but this guy isn't , so therefore he needs to up his calories you fucking chimp

ryazbeck if it helps to eat more when yo usmoke, then smoke and eat a fuck load, and work your way up to like 6k o believe me, i would loooove a nice fat blunt right now but the cops are all up on my ass and my school is drug testing me sum time this week, so i gotta lay low 4 a while.

incubimmer the week before i started bulking, i did alot of cardio to kinda flush my system out. durring this time i lost about 7 lbs of water weight. ever since ive been eating like a hoss and lifting almost every day. im 160 and consume at least 3000 cals a day w/ an ample amount of protein. but every time i step on the scale i get progressively lighter. when i look in the mirror it seems im losing fat and gaining muscle. now i am in no way sad if this is happening but from what ive read, if you are gaining muscle, you tend to gain fat along with it. could i really be gaining muscle and lose this much fat in an excess of calories? or is it newb gains? or should i just try and choke down more calories in a day? because with the amount of weight ive lost it couldnt possibly be all water weight. i'm telling you stop giving head to your bf! taht answers it all

XsLiCk i'm telling you stop giving head to your bf! taht answers it all

if you feel like you are gaining muscle and losing fat why would you fuck with your diet?

XsLiCk no 1 smiley post.

jonno if you feel like you are gaining muscle and losing fat why would you fuck with your diet? i figure if im not in enough of an excess to be gaining fat at the same time, i cant possibly making the maximum gains my body is capable of.

XsLiCk i'm telling you stop giving head to your bf! taht answers it all hmm that might be the problem....thanks for the advice ian! but wont u feel lonely when yer not getting any more slob on yer knob?

well what are your goals? if you're trying to look better, and you think you're looking better, then I dont see a problem. Beyond that I'd almost think you'd need to monitor bodyfat levels to really see where you are beyond your weight alone.

tize you need to up your calories bitch nah I don't, since january I've put on 22lb quite easily.

velamint well what are your goals? if you're trying to look better, and you think you're looking better, then I dont see a problem. Beyond that I'd almost think you'd need to monitor bodyfat levels to really see where you are beyond your weight alone. my ultimate goal is a cut 180lbs, but im looking to put on lean mass (and whatever comes with it) as fast as possible so that i can cut. i dont plan on making a cut 180 after this bulking cycle, il probably end up bulking through august and then cut down after that (or after my upper abs disappear, whichever comes first). im not a patient person but im patient enough to put in the effort to get the results i need, i just want to do it the most efficient way possible, especially since it will be a much faster cutting cycle with more muscle mass burning off calories. i have a bullshit bf calculating scale and have been looking for calipers all over but Dick's, Sports Authority, and Omega sports havent had even one pair. basically im trying to look better but for the future, presently im just working towards my goal w/o worrying about extra fat. ive lost 50 lbs before and im prepared to do it again edit: id be interested what christophers had to say

im not complaining but...

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