Thursday, November 21, 2013

brolys of OT help an inexperienced one.

brolys of OT help an inexperienced one.

A few questions... 1. Why can't I bench for shit? In 6 weeks I haven't noticed my flat bench getting better AT ALL I still struggle to do 3 reps of 8 @ 115lbs. My Decline bench press however went up from 3 reps of 8 @ 115lbs to 3 reps of 6 @ 145lbs. Whats the deal? I swear my flat bench has not imporved ONE BIT. While I'm noticing visual results on my chest my flatbench still sucks. I have a workout partener too, we pretty much eat the same after work out meal, do the same excersizes and yet... He can flat bench more than I can while Every other excersize we do, I can do more and more than him each week. Wtf is wrong with me? 2. Is milk a good after work out thing to drink? I usually get beef jerkey from the convience store on my way home. Then I drink 33gs of protien worth of milk. There's not that much food available to me So I just usually go for some microwavable food with a decent ammount of protien and a lot of milk. Is that ok?

reps = repetitions, thats when you push it up one time. sets = a set of repetitions. i think you mean you're doing 3 sets of 8 reps @ 115 lbs. just so you know and from what i understand, milk is one of the shitty forms of protein, your best bet would be eggs, whey, red meat, fish.

Your routine probably blows and from what it sounds, your diet is shit. If you are serious about it, I would read up on some stickies and just stay consistent.

ryazbeck and from what i understand, milk is one of the shitty forms of protein How is milk a "shitty" form of protein? You do know that whey is derived from milk.

Your decline bench may be more because you're doing fewer reps to a set. You don't have to do 8 reps to be going up in weight. Try putting more weight on the flat bench and aiming for 3-5 reps.

The key to a strong bench is strong triceps

Elfling Your decline bench may be more because you're doing fewer reps to a set. You don't have to do 8 reps to be going up in weight. Try putting more weight on the flat bench and aiming for 3-5 reps. noo i dont think so cuz i can do 3 sets of 8 easy as hell on 115 even 135 when i do decline bench press. i cant do 4-6 reps @ 135 on flat bench. even 6 reps of 115 is a work out. And I dont think its my tricepts because my tricepts are pretty strong compared to most average people (i still consider my self average)

vhalin noo i dont think so cuz i can do 3 sets of 8 easy as hell on 115 even 135 when i do decline bench press. i cant do 4-6 reps @ 135 on flat bench. even 6 reps of 115 is a work out. And I dont think its my tricepts because my tricepts are pretty strong compared to most average people (i still consider my self average) you've only been working out for 6 weeks so i'm gonna have to go out on a limb here and say that your triceps probably aren't that much stronger than most average people. i'd take the advice that was given above and try to decrease the number of reps and gradually up the weight. also, if you can, get a spotter and have them help you. put 135 on the bar and have them help you with the last 2 or 3 reps so that you're struggling like hell to get it up with their assistance. you also might be rushing yourself. try and take a longer break between sets if you notice that you're going too quickly.

because you're going into the gym on chest day expecting the weight you can do to magically go up. If day after day you are doing 3 x 8 x 115...then that is what you are always going to be able to do. You need to push yourself harder...put more more weight on the bar and do as much as you can. next time you go, put some 5's on each side and do 125. get as many reps as you can. you have to force your body to get stronger, it's not going to just happen.

Fail and cheat on some reps at higher weights and u'll be repping that. Sense you have a partner let him help you by spotting and put some bigger weights on. DOn't worry about failing because your muscles will get stronger.

ryazbeck and from what i understand, milk is one of the shitty forms of protein, your best bet would be eggs, whey, red meat, fish. milk protein = good

what is your routine? you might want to switch it up with dips, db bench, etc

Shaolin_sword36 what is your routine? you might want to switch it up with dips, db bench, etc beginners should stick with the same exercises for awhile

from what i understand, you dont want much fat at all post workout, and milk and beef jerky have alot of fat, unless the milk is skin.

brolys of OT help an inexperienced one.

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