Friday, December 6, 2013

db bench question

db bench question

whenever I do db bench press my biceps get sore (not triceps) am i doing something wrong or is this possibly normal? i worked out for the first time yesterday in awhile and my biceps hurt more than anything and all I did was db bench and some flies but my biceps felt exhausted after the db presses

I'm guessing your biceps were sore from the flyes, if you weren't arcing the DBs out enough on their way up. Don't know why you'd feel your bis during the press.

try pushing with your chestmore instead of your arms is that even possible

jonno is that even possible that's how I feel every time I use db for benching.. come to think of it.. the sort of feel tired when I bench with a bar too. i must be doing something really wrong

maybe bicep = tricep in canada?

sr20wop maybe bicep = tricep in canada? my biceps never hurt or get sore when doing db bench press....if anything maybe my shoulders?

db bench question

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