Saturday, July 27, 2013

Body building FAQ's

Body building FAQ's


Q. I'm 15, 5' 10'', weigh 9 1/2 stone (sorry for the imperial measurements) and i do alot of Dirt Jumping (push bike) and motocross, would you say i was and Ecto, Endo or Mesomorph?

A. Ectomorphic (9.5 stone is 130 pounds US and 60 kg - and you're tall)

Q. I am currently on the mend from a serious ankle injury, and cannot weight bear on one leg, i am using crutches so one leg is losing strength. My physio said muscle loss was 5% a day, is this true?

A. He's right and wrong. It depends how much muscle you've got and after 6-7 days the muscle will start to atrophy. So if it takes 3 weeks for your ankle to heal and you won't do a leg workout in say 1-2 months you'll rebound fast because of muscle memory. At 9.5 stone you're fairly lean to begin with.

Q. For my sports i naturally drink alot of energy drinks (relentless, rockstar, monster energy, redbull....) how harmful are these for my body? (In a full riding day i drink around 2 cans).

A. I drink a diet Rockstar a few times a week. I take caffeine pills and a fat burner throughout the day to keep my heart rate up and keep the oven burning (thermogenesis). 2 Rockstars a day, albeit diet, won't be harmful - even though the can says once a day. But I suggest you don't religiously drink those energy drinks twice a day. 3-4 cans a week is more than enough. Else consume caffeine pills.

Q. I have a set of dumbbells, and regularly do reps with them, at the moment i do 20 or 21 reps with 7kg on each arm, is this a good weight:repetitions ratio and how many should i be doing easily before i progress to a different weight?

A. For gains the rule is: with perfect form (no cheating), if you can do 25 reps without feeling exhausted the weight's are too heavy. However, you can pre-exhaust the muscle group and make it harder! Example: Pectoral flyes superset with flat/incline dumbbell press for chest. For gains the rule is: with perfect form (no cheating), if you can do 25 reps without feeling exhausted the weight's are too heavy. However, you can pre-exhaust the muscle group and make it harder! Example: Pectoral flyes superset with flat/incline dumbbell press for chest.

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