Saturday, November 16, 2013

Going for a new dead PR today

Going for a new dead PR today

got my technique down...been working with a PLer (girl) that has me in a more leaning back more as if Im sitting and expelling from my diaphram(sp?) instead. t'was alittle awkward first to adjust to that minor change, but now my shoulders aren't as forward and its easier off the lift. I was working with 405 to get my form...then I hit 585 easier and then 635 nicely. I'm going for a new PR of 685 previous best was 665

no you really aren't.

good luck

Peal no you really aren't.

Peal no you really aren't.

film it

didn't you make a thread awhlie back that said you didn't care about strength, only looks? why the excitement over a new PR if strength isn't important to you?

gotta love to hate

disblohs didn't you make a thread awhlie back that said you didn't care about strength, only looks? why the excitement over a new PR if strength isn't important to you? he only said that cuz he was a weak sexy beast.

its almost 11pm, what happened?

that's a big jump. i say he fails

wow...much hate for me just goes to show what limitations you guys place upon yourself, and if you're too ignorant to understand how...then its already too late and you'll never understand. this is the #1 reason why this forum is shit...thanks guys

and peal...thanks for justifying the reason you've been on my IL for a while

Filmboy44 and peal...thanks for justifying the reason you've been on my IL for a while you love the attention man, don't lie. and just quietly, I see no mention of limitations within this thread. IMO there are quite a lot of us that aim high, not only in bb or pl but in life.

Filmboy44 wow...much hate for me just goes to show what limitations you guys place upon yourself, and if you're too ignorant to understand how...then its already too late and you'll never understand. this is the #1 reason why this forum is shit...thanks guys i was serious

disblohs didn't you make a thread awhlie back that said you didn't care about strength, only looks? why the excitement over a new PR if strength isn't important to you? do I really have to explain it to you like your a 4 year old? I am concerned ONLY with being as muscular and as defined as possible. However, if you knew anything about training you'd know that heavy weight = big muscles (to explain it to you as if you are 4)...and since that is my targeted goal. I am going to attempt heavy lifts in order to stimulate or shock the muscle into growth I'm NOT concerned with going into the gym and trying to move the most weight possible for a contest...I"m doing deads to improve my overall condition as a whole. I find it exciting and thought I'd share the fact that I was going for a new PR but it looks as though none of you can comprehend that.

What do you expect filmy? You post fake shit all the time to get people riled up, you make fun of this forum and act like you are better than all of us. Most of these people don't even rememeber when you used to be helpful and nice in this forum. So don't expect a big hug and slap on the ass when you come in here and post stuff like this from most of the memebers here.

Did you hit it or not?

Filmboy44 wow...much hate for me just goes to show what limitations you guys place upon yourself, and if you're too ignorant to understand how...then its already too late and you'll never understand. this is the #1 reason why this forum is shit...thanks guys what hate? we were just joking least i was. heck, i wanna know if you hit it or not.

Filmboy44 do I really have to explain it to you like your a 4 year old? I am concerned ONLY with being as muscular and as defined as possible. However, if you knew anything about training you'd know that heavy weight = big muscles (to explain it to you as if you are 4)...and since that is my targeted goal. I am going to attempt heavy lifts in order to stimulate or shock the muscle into growth I'm NOT concerned with going into the gym and trying to move the most weight possible for a contest...I"m doing deads to improve my overall condition as a whole. I find it exciting and thought I'd share the fact that I was going for a new PR but it looks as though none of you can comprehend that. do i have to explain basic grammar to you like you're a 4 year old? don't be such a condescending prick. i asked you a simple question and you had to go off and be an asshole about it. so you never post anything helpful and then you expect everyone to praise you for a new PR? people are always posting threads about their new PRs and i'm sure you don't race in there to congratulate them. a perfect example is the thread on the first page with the title " Finally broke into the 100's with dumbbells ." i see that you didn't go in there and give him a high five and tell him good work. the problem with you, at least that i've noticed since i started posting here, is that half of the time you are a nice guy and the other half you are a bitch. congrats on your new PR, asshole

disblohs do i have to explain basic grammar to you like you're a 4 year old? I stopped reading right there the typical mentality of OT. Always trying to better one up on the other person because you think it makes you a better man... whatever man....

Filmboy44 I stopped reading right there the typical mentality of OT. Trying to better one up on the other because you can't it. whatever man.... i can't understand what you just said. regardless, i'm sure you read what i posted and you justified my post with your response. you're acting like a little bitch again. get over yourself. edit: you fixed it. do yourself a favor and read it and maybe you'll realize why there's so much animosity towards you.

disblohs i can't understand what you just said. regardless, i'm sure you read what i posted and you justified my post with your response. you're acting like a little bitch again. get over yourself. edit: you fixed it. do yourself a favor and read it and maybe you'll realize why there's so much animosity towards you. I'm not going to drag this out. Obviously you can't comprehend much so I'll keep it short. You missed my point entirely, which in a way justified it; as for reading your I stopped right htere, I didn't care to read on. I can care less about any "animosity" toward me at all...the threads in the this forum are bullshit through and through...those that are 'lurkers' or too shy to post ask me in PM's and I help them as much as I can so don't give me this shit about why people hate me you little shit 95% of this board can't hold my fuckin' lifting straps...

Going for a new dead PR today

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