Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another dumb question from me

Another dumb question from me

So im at my gym doing my thing today mostly just farting around on the tredmill because I started Christophers routine in the middle of the week and I dont want to get super serious about it until monday where I can really go at it. Anyways im noticing my gym has about a 50/50 split when it comes to free weights versus machines. I know most if not all of yall lift with free weights so you can work your stabalizers. That being said since I have no work out partner and I wanted to find my max on like bench or squats could I get a accurate number from the bench press machine/leg press machine? Is there a disadvantage other than stabalizers to useing machines?


Why don't you use dumbbells I sometimes don't have a workout partner either and just use the dumbbells for most stuff.

no you can not get an acurate number, ask for a spot, i do all of the time.

Yeah your gym should have people that can help with a spot. If not, then your gym most likely blows.

squat in the cage and ask for a spot on your last set on bench

Another dumb question from me

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