Wednesday, December 18, 2013

getting used to my new gym... pro grip "rubber" db VS. full iron b

getting used to my new gym... pro grip "rubber" db VS. full iron b

[since google dont work, i can show the pics of the two] anyways, in my previous gym (2 years old---basically brand new) the dumbbells i used there for 2 years was the "rubber type". now in my new gym (same franchise) they have older weights, and the db and even plates are the old full iron ones. i dont know if its just me but the older full iron weights are heavier than the rubber type. for example, with the rubber type, i can do 90lbs db incline 4-6times. while with the full iron db, i can only do 80lbs 4-6 times same i notice with BB bench. anyone here ever had this kinda change?

they're steel, not iron

The YMCA near my house, where i work out during summer or when im home on a weekend from college has the steel DB's...they are not that heavier from the University Rubber DB's...

Ceaze they're steel, not iron ok, steel it is but yea, 45lbs rubber != 45lbs steel

deznutz The YMCA near my house, where i work out during summer or when im home on a weekend from college has the steel DB's...they are not that heavier from the University Rubber DB's... i also notice that, the higher the weights off the ground, the heavier they get

LS Boy i also notice that, the higher the weights off the ground, the heavier they get What?

45lbs = 45lbs I've never had problems with different dumbbells.

my gym has a mix of rubber and metals. the rubbers seem more heavy for some reason. I noticed that the grips on some of the metals are much fatter (i have long fingers) which I like and can lift a little bit more of

im thinking its the grips also..coz the rubber one has fatter grip compare to steel. all in all, weights is weights

seems like every time I use the steel weights, they are always loose and rickety, I like the rubber weights.

maybe the listed weight of the rubber DBs are the total weight, whereas the listed weight of the steel DBs only include the plate weights, not the handle?

heres the pic difference: rubber = steel =

I just hate the busted ass steel ones because they get shit all over. I always end up with powder/metal shavings/whatever all over me

KetchupKing maybe the listed weight of the rubber DBs are the total weight, whereas the listed weight of the steel DBs only include the plate weights, not the handle? That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg

iwishiwascool That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg Sounds like a reasonable explanation to me. stfu.

Boomer Sounds like a reasonable explanation to me. stfu. no, no it does not... why the fuck would someone sell u something gheavier than it actually is...

tize Big deal, get over it. Man up

iwishiwascool That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg Actually one of my gyms has the plate loaded ones and the "40's" have 4 10lb plates on them.

cavefish Actually one of my gyms has the plate loaded ones and the "40's" have 4 10lb plates on them. Same here, that's how my gym's are. I'm gonna see if I can take one of them on a scale and see the actual weight.

vettedude no, no it does not... why the fuck would someone sell u something gheavier than it actually is... kids these days.

nathanbx Same here, that's how my gym's are. I'm gonna see if I can take one of them on a scale and see the actual weight. i was gonna say, if you really think the weights are more or less than the actual weight of the dumbbell... go take it over to the scale and measure it. simple process. if you find that both weights weigh the exact same... then it's all a psychological factor of thinking "metal weighs more than rubber, this'll be harder".

iwishiwascool That may be one of the dumbest things Ive read on this forum. wtg

It depends on the manufacturer. Some are off 5-6 lbs. We actually were screwing around one day and put different plates on the scale. Some of them weighed 45 and a couple weighed 40. I believe Ivanako was true weight and the other plates under different manufacturers were not true.

Intellex I just hate the busted ass steel ones because they get shit all over. I always end up with powder/metal shavings/whatever all over me If I hit the rubber ones together they normally bounce off to much.

You shouldn't really be hitting the dumbells together that hard.

getting used to my new gym... pro grip "rubber" db VS. full iron b

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