Friday, December 13, 2013

More gripper madness!!! V. JAG

More gripper madness!!! V. JAG

It's the new hottness/ bandwagon on the gripboard. The idea is that by tightening the hose clamp you stretch the spring out adding resistance to the close. I put it on my coc1. It was a fucking bitch to do though.

that looks a little dangerous, i can imagine the spring flying off and hitting you in the eye

Fucking McGyver.

nukegoat that looks a little dangerous, i can imagine the spring flying off and hitting you in the eye dont say such things

I could see it used as a weapon to shoot the spring at unsuspecting people.

fucking cool, i seriously need to get a COC...

superbri007 Grouch, you got problems they need a 12 step program for you "Hi, i'm Grouch and I'm a Grip-Aholic" nonetheless, cool Why not buy a CoC 4 fuck you it's 1337! you wish you had these skillzz. Oh and I have a RB300 wish its like a 3.9 compared to a coc4.

superbri007 Grouch, you got problems they need a 12 step program for you "Hi, i'm Grouch and I'm a Grip-Aholic" nonetheless, cool Why not buy a CoC 4 Like 3 people have closed that..

Ilyusha Like 3 people have closed that.. 5. And none under the new rules.

Grouch 5. And none under the new rules. What new rules?

Ilyusha What new rules? The credit card set. Before it was just you had to close it with one hand but you could set the gripper pretty much as deep into the close as you wanted too.

Now i'm looking into buying a Beef Builder Super Master from someone on gripboard.

Grouch Now i'm looking into buying a Beef Builder Super Master from someone on gripboard. dude,

b-stevens dude, what???? Its inbetween a 2 and a 3 and i've been looking to get rid of my HG300 cause i dont like the small spread. Addicts never try and justify their problems...

i will still turn your hand to dust

PurEvl i will still turn your hand to dust no, I dont think so.

^^ then instead just put that spring you made onto your CoC2.

terse ^^ then instead just put that spring you made onto your CoC2. shut up. dont use that sound logic with me!!

blow up any cans lately? thats the only reason id buy grippers

anyone selling a trainer?

in for pics of callouses

you're obsessed dude first thing im buying with my paycheck is a gripper...

Shaolin_sword36 in for pics of callouses I've picked most of the big ones off. but now i have callouses on my fingers and not just my palms.

NoXeN blow up any cans lately? thats the only reason id buy grippers no, I really need to get a recording of that and make an animated gif from it. But i think most of the strong guys on the forum could do it.

superbri007 want to know a little trick...use toe-nail or finger nail clippers, and just clip it off, its dead skin so it won't hurt. If it hurts, thats live skin I use a cheese grater

More gripper madness!!! V. JAG

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