Friday, December 13, 2013

my plan

my plan

ok had accident in august weighed 140 after it...167 currently...i want to get to 185-190 by end of summer then start to cut a little..thats until mid august...what do yall think??ive asked a couple ppl and they seemed iffy about that weight going to do it though its going to be a clean bulk fyi i am 5'11" by the way fatty for the summer!!!!! right now that i am school my work out routine is something like:chest 7 a.m.-8:00 Tris 3p.m-3.45 same for legs/ shoulders and back/bi's once summer comes i now ill be going still bout every day 1 day/week off but i dont know about 2adays any input on what you all think id appreciate

yah i do everything on there 2ce a week...quickest reply ever

i was just asking if u think its possible for me to be around 185-190 by august...some ppl seem to doubt it...but i have a lot of dedication so i think it can be done. also i swim and run like 6 times/week should i cut down on it?or just do it and eat more

alright thanks...last week i was weighing in consistently around 165 every day around the same time...this week im up to 167 for the past couple days

my plan

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