Friday, December 13, 2013

I'm overweight and I need to loose weight soon

I'm overweight and I need to loose weight soon

It's true I read through the Newb Guide to fat loss and the weight lifting loses weight thread, and I have a pretty good understanding on what to do. I want your guy's suggestions on which route to take..... My understanding is that the low carb diet looses weight faster although its harder to keep it off, as the low fat diet is longer to loose weight although its more of a lifestyle change. So basically which should I concern more on avoiding? Carbs or Fat? I plan on doing like 20-30 minutes of cardio per day, what weight lifting should I do? Anything else I should know? Bare with me

Inferno69 My understanding is that the low carb diet looses weight faster although its harder to keep it off, as the low fat diet is longer to loose weight although its more of a lifestyle change. weight? yes fat? no

Weight lifting and cardio = win Id cut back on calorie intake...avoid the fats and carbs...more protein

jonno weight? yes fat? no really? so what would I be loosing if not fat? deznutz Weight lifting and cardio = win Id cut back on calorie intake...avoid the fats and carbs...more protein I'll try

Inferno69 really? so what would I be loosing if not fat? wataaaa

jonno wataaaa you said I'd loose weight, but not fat. SO what would I loose if not fat?

Inferno69 really? so what would I be loosing if not fat? I'll try I can tell right now that you're not committed to losing fat.

Inferno69 you said I'd loose weight, but not fat. SO what would I loose if not fat? i was trying to say water. wattaaaaa = water

Inferno69 you said I'd loose weight, but not fat. SO what would I loose if not fat? Water and muscle can also be lost.

GilgaMesH I can tell right now that you're not committed to losing fat. yes I am, i'm very committed jonno i was trying to say water. wattaaaaa = water

Do you guys recommend me buying a cross trainer or is there something that I could buy that would benifit me better?

Inferno69 Do you guys recommend me buying a cross trainer or is there something that I could buy that would benifit me better? gym membership would be your best bet

jonno gym membership would be your best bet thats very inconvienient for me, thats why I need something for cardio, and I have weights. Once I get more into shape and I start feeling better (hopefully ) I'll buy more stuff for a home gym

Anybody want to take bets for how long this guy goes before he gives up?

GilgaMesH Anybody want to take bets for how long this guy goes before he gives up?

run outside, lift weights inside (assuming you have all benches/machines you need which is unlikley) and cut down the calories, up the protein

If you're very new to all of this, you'll see results just from starting a regular cardio regime and making some simple changes: more protein, more veggies, lots of water, cut out refined white bread and sugar for the most part. Keep reading, get informed, you'll do just fine good luck!

sinbon1 run outside, lift weights inside (assuming you have all benches/machines you need which is unlikley) and cut down the calories, up the protein nope, dont have the machines and shit... I'll do teh running outside part. How much cardio a day should I do?

GilgaMesH Anybody want to take bets for how long this guy goes before he gives up? Seems like he already kinda did give up...

MSUSpartan Seems like he already kinda did give up... how?

Inferno69 how? Well... Inferno69 I'll try Inferno69 thats very inconvienient for me Inferno69 nope, dont have the machines and shit... I'll do teh running outside part.

well the nearest gym is like halfway across teh city, when I mean I'll try it means I will I'm just putting it into different words, and I dont have like 3k to spend on equipment at this moment.

buy a power rack, olympic bar, bench and some weights, cost you less than a grand and will be far more beneficial to body composition than cardio will be. Will take up a footprint of say 2x2x2 metres, so not much space and will be all you need. do a search for 'christophers routine' this is what you should undertake

Peal buy a power rack, olympic bar, bench and some weights, cost you less than a grand and will be far more beneficial to body composition than cardio will be. Will take up a footprint of say 2x2x2 metres, so not much space and will be all you need. do a search for 'christophers routine' this is what you should undertake Monday Squats-5x5(Do four progressively heavier sets of 5 with the 5th set being your 5RM.) Deadlifts-5x5(Do the same) Bench Press-5x5(Do the same) Incline DB Press-2x12-20 Wednesday Light Squats or Lunges-4x8 each leg Good Mornings-3x8-12 Shoulder Press-5x5 or Dips-4xmax until you get 12 each time. then add weight. Pullups-4xmax Friday Squats-warmup to a 3 reps with 5 more lbs than you used on Monday. On the following monday use this weight for your 5th set. Bent Over Row-5x5 Incline Bench-5x5 Tricep Extensions-2x12-20 Okay, whats the 5x5, etc mean?

You should start at 100 push ups a night every night until you can do them all in a row. Once you can do that fill your backpack up with your books and repeat. You should also do 1000 crunches a night too.

I'm overweight and I need to loose weight soon

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