Saturday, December 7, 2013

Should my muscles be sore after a good workout?

Should my muscles be sore after a good workout?

Today i worked out my bis/forearms, and had a really good/intense workout. i did: 3 x 10 DB curls. 2 x 10 EZ-bar Curls 3 x 10 Hammer curls 2 x 10 Preacher Hammer curls 3 x 10 forearm (pronated grip) BB curls i cooled down with a few concentration curls as well. i did all that with weights that i could barely lift on my last couple reps but my muscles feel fine right now. The only time i have sore muscles is after my peck+tri days. why is this?? should i be sore right now?

Yes, general muscle soreness is a sign of a good workout. Pain is not usually a good sign.

DAN513 Yes, general muscle soreness is a sign of a good workout. Pain is not usually a good sign. well then what am i doing wrong?

DAN513 Yes, general muscle soreness is a sign of a good workout. Pain is not usually a good sign. Muscle soreness can also be a sign your doing improper form.... and actually hurting your muscles...

ok so then should i be changing anything in my workout? i know i did alot of sets, many until failure, and lifted hard. but i don't feel it!

Do you workout with a partner? Are you going heavy or light? Could you go heavier with a spotter?

since switching to a new routine im finding im sore for more days than usual.... im usually sore for 24 hours, now im sore for atleast 72 which im never that sore, and i have to coat myself in icy hot to feel form seems on as the exercises are what im used to but im not sure what im doing wrong

DAN513 Do you workout with a partner? Are you going heavy or light? Could you go heavier with a spotter? yea i do have a partner but how do you spot someone for curls. maybe negatives?

go to and listen to the interview with charles staley on the left side, it says "D-Tap 7: Charles Staley"

if you're not sore it doesnt mean you are not growing that may actually be a good thing.

I used to get sore after arms days, but not anymore. I just get to failure and must stop

you need more types of curls so your muscles dont get so sore

What type of soreness? Do you do any stretching afterwards?

I'm almost never sore anymore.

People need to realize that there are enough knowledgeable people on the board that if they don't know what the fuck they're talking about they should just shut up and wait for a proper answer. Like the fact that no one has mentioned lactic acid buildup in muscles as a cause and ways to handle that. Fucking read, learn, and experience before you give someone advice.

I've been lifting for six years and I have some degree of soreness after every workout.

dont have to be sore to grow

When you get up the next mourning and your muscles aren't sore but they still feel like they have a little pump going on. I think that might be the best.

soreness and pain are two different things

after heavy deads I have some back soreness for quite a while

Natezilla Like the fact that no one has mentioned lactic acid buildup in muscles as a cause and ways to handle that. Lactic acid has nothing to do with soreness

Ceaze Lactic acid has nothing to do with soreness Really? What is it's function then? Edit: Did some research. I wonder why I thought that?

Natezilla Really? What is it's function then? Edit: Did some research. I wonder why I thought that? [Siff, Supertraining 2003 pp. 77-78] Contrary to popular belief, lactate is not a toxic by-product or waste-product of metabolism accelerated by exercise. Lactate is produced even under conditions of rest and actually can serve as a valuable extra substrate (or source) of energy. When sufficient oxygen again becomes available via rest or decrease in exercise intensity, lactate is reconverted to pyruvate for use as an energy source. In addition, the lactate and pyruvate formed in muscle during exercise can be used to manufacture glucose by gluconeogenesis in a process known as the Cori cycle. This supplements any existing blood glucose and muscle glycogen. Moreover, muscle fatigue is not due to 'lactic acid poisoning' of the muscles. The formation of lactate (or lactic acid) is accompanied by the presence of positively-charged hydrogen ions (H+) or protons. These electrical charges, which increase the acidity of the blood, can interfere with the muscle contraction process and the efficiency of the enzymes involved in energy production. Neither should lactic acid be regarded as the cause of muscle soreness, since blood lactate levels return to normal within an hour or so of strenuous interval training.

Should my muscles be sore after a good workout?

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