Saturday, December 7, 2013

Unfit v.April 21st

Unfit v.April 21st

Thats how them chubs are. My ex was like that. I'd just say hey, you should maybe cut back on that stuff and shed flip telling me i shouldnt tell her this and that blah blah. I just let her get fat. She gained like 30 pounds hahahah

whats a cruller?

nic379 whats a cruller? i was wondering that myself

nic379 whats a cruller? i have no clue

a cruller is a pastry, basically a donut

SoKo a cruller is a pastry, basically a donut ahhhh, haha now it's funny

SoKo a cruller is a pastry, basically a donut aight now i get it too late though, aint funny anymore. Unfunny v.April 21st

SoKo a cruller is a pastry, basically a donut maybe he was bulking

superbri007 and the guy they had to stun was Ilyusha

why does his name have to be mike

Moon omg that looks so good i now have to kill you for making me want a doughnut

tize omg they just opened a crispy kreme here and i ripped that shit up, i ate a dozen then 48 holes I think they just closed the one around here. Apparently they weren't doing well enough.

That is the worst joke of all time --- ever

tize well this is the only one within like 2 hours and it expected 50,000 customers the first day and they beat that heh How many registers do they have? That seems impossible.

tize drivethrough, they had inside lined up to the parking lot, they had H3's out there showing them off because huge GM plant is here. The drivethrough line was about 100cars deep the whole day 100cars deep for Krispy Kreme?

tize no joke they had cops out there directing trafic and shit Were the giving out free blowjobs with each order or something? Who'd wait in a 100 car line for a fucking doughnut?

tize i went before they closed and waited in a 20 car line for like for 25mins . I got 6 glazed(hot), 3 maple, 3 apple cinnimons and alot of holes Damn, they have one that just opened up a few months back located about 10 miles away from me, I haven't tried it yet, I've never had them hot before, at least not fresh, only microwaved.

Unfit v.April 21st

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