Sunday, December 8, 2013



I was offered androgen pills at the gym today from a friend. he says there legal in canada and the only side effects are minor kidney damage - ie. no worse than heavy drinking on the weekend. he said he wanted to split half a bottle with me and i called him an idiot. he went on convincing me there was nothing wrong with them, and i was just curious what you guys think. i want to take the hard route and do everything by myself and just take protien power, but he said ill be huge in no time. i know nothing about them and wanted your guys opinions.

you are canadian what do i care?

that's the wrong andro

hahaha minor kidney damage

androstat poppers made my teeth buff.


Canada has far tighter restrictions on hormones than the US. If it's illegal in the US, it's definetly illegal in Canada.

KetchupKing Canada has far tighter restrictions on hormones than the US. If it's illegal in the US, it's definetly illegal in Canada.

well apparently its the same shit mark maguire took, i dont know shit about it, but from the posts above it sounds like its a waste of time

mcguire first off didnt take andro, secondly, he said he took DHEA which has an extremely high conversion rate to estrogen so, good luck with that.

Mass mcguire first off didnt take andro, secondly, he said he took DHEA which has an extremely high conversion rate to estrogen so, good luck with that. mcguire admitted to using Androstenedione

ok, so he threw a lil andro in there with his test and deca...

Mass ok, so he threw a lil andro in there with his test and deca... haha basically


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