Saturday, December 7, 2013

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

I need it to prove something to my teacher.

You could have just googled it. edit: bad link.

AznRyda You could have just googled it. interesting, but annoying that bitch takes the film out of context. there was also that guy in supersize me that eats ridiculous amounts of bigmacs and never gains a pound.

the more i think about it the more that article pisses me off. she says supersize me was one sided and fraudulent because he gorged? he was eating what the normal person going to mcdonald's would eat, the entire point of the movie. not to mention the fact that she lost 18 pounds obviously means she was eating less than her normal caloric intake therefore nullifying her whole fucking argument. /rant

It was also mentioned that in Supersize Me he was doing a lot of traveling and such putting an added stress on the body which on it's own could cause the weight gain, and health problems he was experiencing. I can't wait until this guy's 15min of fame is over. I'm sick of hearing that this is some kind of breakthrough, let me get this straight, I eat big macs and quarter pounders for every meal and maintain my low activity level you're saying I'll get fat... wow, I never thought of that. I had a supersized Double Qarter Pounder meal in his honor after watching that piece of crap.

No, the one I am thinking of is a bodybuilder that does it.

ignorance is bliss....*sarcasm* sounds like a Big Mac counter-attack to me.

Isn't there a film being done that's the opposite of super size me?

ACURA TL-S No, the one I am thinking of is a bodybuilder that does it. i know which one you are talking about but i cant remember th elink. i will try to find it

going from a relatively vegan-like diet(assuming he eats what his gf the chef eats) to eating nothing but mcdonalds, I think anyone in that situation with get his ass kicked. Though who can't finish a double quarter pounder w/cheese meal. Weak... is the one you want

it was called the McLes diet. he was a teacher proving to his students that eating Mcdonalds, coupled with keeping an active lifestyle, won't turn you into a fatty.

christophers well dur dur, despite what many people here think the laws of thermodynamics are not altered by eating "Bad" food such as mcdonalds. Not particularly targeting the people commenting in this thread but the average person needs something (or entity) to shift responsibility to...nothing is ever anyone's own fault. They always have to blame someone else for their misery and therefore McDonalds and the like obviously snuck in some calories and didn't tell anyone while forcing you to purchase the supersized fries and drink. That is why we have shit like this "documentary".

how do your ead the rest of the article?

Lurker111 Not particularly targeting the people commenting in this thread but the average person needs something (or entity) to shift responsibility to...nothing is ever anyone's own fault. They always have to blame someone else for their misery and therefore McDonalds and the like obviously snuck in some calories and didn't tell anyone while forcing you to purchase the supersized fries and drink. That is why we have shit like this "documentary". mf'n this is what pissees me off the most.

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

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