Saturday, December 7, 2013

weight gain

weight gain

just started to exercise again (mostly at home) and am going to join a gym (work pays for it ), but i think i'm too thin right now. what's the best method for gaining weight naturally and healthily sans supplements? i'm a fitness gentle

Eat every fucking thing in site, make sure to do squats and deadlifts, read the noob faq. I've gained 6 pounds in the last 5 days Most of it I'll shit out soon though

i have HIGH ass metabolism, and i don't want to eat shitty, so i guess i want to know what kind of diet i should be looking for when i do eat. because of work, i have an unstable eating schedule which i know i have to make more regular, but even still, my weight will only fluctuate +/- 3lbs usually

read the fucking n00b sticky

weight gain

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