Wednesday, January 22, 2014

heres me lets see how i progress

heres me lets see how i progress

please feel free to comment... open to ALOT of suggestions i rep at 185 for bench... im 5'11 weigh 173... been eating a lot of food so i look fatter... im attempting to bulk some...

by the way i dunno how to pose... so sorry...

scrawny boy i am

lots and lots of back work.


no advice givers?

Grouch lots and lots of work. fixed. Eat big, and get a good program that meets ur needs/goals.

vettedude fixed. Eat big, and get a good program that meets ur needs/goals. well i just started back like a month or so ago before i broke my collar bone so i didnt do anything for a long time...

should i cut or keep bulking?

XsLiCk should i cut or keep bulking? god no, keep bulking

how old are you

i dont see how you are reppin 185 on the bench, u have no chest at all

TheChosen i dont see how you are reppin 185 on the bench, u have no chest at all BB bench doesn't involve all that much chest strength.

XsLiCk please feel free to comment... open to ALOT of suggestions i rep at 185 for bench... im 5'11 weigh 173... been eating a lot of food so i look fatter... im attempting to bulk some... Add about 20 lbs of fat and subtract about 50lbs from your bench and that is about where I started.

ACURA TL-S BB bench doesn't involve all that much chest strength. Is this a tru story?

heres me lets see how i progress

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