Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

from a fucking email I got, so don't ask me for a fucking link! Exposed: The Top Ten Diet Fallacies - And The Truth to Set You Free By Ori Hofmekler, author of :ol('http://www.dragondoor.com/b23.html');" target=_blank>The Warrior Diet Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day When you wake-up, your body is already in an intense detox mode, clearing itself of endotoxins and digestive waste from the past evening meal. During the morning hours, when digestion is fully completed (while you are on an empty stomach), a primal survival mechanism, known as fight or flight reaction to stress, is triggered, maximizing your body's capacity to generate energy, be alert, resist fatigue and resist stress. This highly geared survival mode is primarily dominated by part of the autonomic nervous system known as the SNS (sympathetic nervous system). At that state, the body is in its most energy-producing phase and that's when most energy comes from fat burning. All that happens when you do not eat the typical morning meal. If however you follow what "normal guys" do and eat your morning bagel and cereal and egg & bacon, you'll most likely shut down the above energy producing system. The SNS and its fight or flight mechanism will be substantially suppressed. Instead, your morning meal will trigger an antagonistic part of the automatic nervous system known as the PSNS (Para sympathetic nervous system), which makes you sleepy, slow and less resilient to fatigue and stress. Instead of spending energy and burning fat, your body will be more geared towards storing energy and gaining fat. Under this state, detox would be inhibited. The overall metabolic stress would increase with toxins accumulating in the liver, giving the body another substantial reason to gain fat. (Fat tissues serve as a biological storage for toxins) The overall suppressing effects of morning meals, can lead to energy crashes during the daily (working) hours, often with chronic cravings for pick-up foods, sweets, coffee and tobacco. Eating at the wrong time, would severely interrupt the body's ability to be in tune with the circadian clock. The human body has never adapted to such interruptions. We are primarily pre-programmed to rotate between the two autonomic nervous system parts: the daily SNS and the nightly PSNS. The SNS regulates alertness and action during the day, while PSNS regulates relaxation, digestion and sleep during the nightly hours. Any interruption in this primal daily cycle, may lead into sleepiness during the day followed by sleeping disorders at night. Morning meals must be carefully designed not to suppress the SNS and its highly energetic state. Minimizing morning food intake to fruits, veggie soup or small amounts of fresh light protein foods, such as poached or boiled eggs, plain yogurt, or white cheese, will maintain the body in an undereating phase, while promoting the SNS with its energy producing properties. *Note: Athletes who exercise in the morning should turn breakfast into a post-exercise recovery meal. Such meals should consist of small amounts of fresh protein plus carbs such as yogurt and banana, eggs plus a bowl of oatmeal, or cottage cheese with berries. An insulin spike is necessary for effectively finalizing the anabolic actions of GH and IGF1 after exercise. Nonetheless, after the initial recovery meal, it's highly recommended to maintain the body in an undereating phase by minimizing daily carb intake in the following meals. Applying small protein meals (minimum carbs) every couple of hours will keep sustaining the SNS during the daily hours while providing amino acids for protein synthesis in the muscle tissues, promoting a long lasting anabolic effect after exercise. In conclusion, breakfast isn't the most important meal of the day. The most important meals are post-exercise recovery meals. Saying that, for a WARRIOR every meal is a recovery meal helping to recuperate from either nutritional stress (undereating) or physical stress (exercise). It's when you eat that makes what you eat matter. Discuss. ...and no, I do not know what the other nine are.

every meal is important

i eat all my meals like im breaking from a fast

fuck that. I love food in the morning.

dumbest shit ive ever heard...try doing any kind of morning practice on an empty stomach

I'm guessing the gimp that wrote that never did any sports in highschool

I've been wondering about the Warrior Diet... Coincidentally I never eat breakfast before my workout though I have tried to before.

timberwolf I've been wondering about the Warrior Diet... Coincidentally I never eat breakfast before my workout though I have tried to before. and look how ripped you are...except that you puke up blood

wtf last sentence?

Great Article...

deznutz Great Article... for the love of God, I hope your avatar is fake.

breakfast > * at least while dieting...i've read stuff where they follow successful weight losers and find two things in common in like 95% of them: eating breakfast and getting enough sleep

brolli for the love of God, I hope your avatar is fake. HOLY DUMBASS ALERT, BATMAN!

this thread can suck my phallusy

GOGZILLA dumbest shit ive ever heard...try doing any kind of morning practice on an empty stomach I cant eat breaky in the morning if I'm going to train straight away because I'd just puke it up anyway. Most I would have before hand would be a coffee or a shake then have my oats when I'm finished.

Anytime I read an article that vaguely talks about "toxins" & detox I am automatically skeptical.

thats great, if you want to get your energy by breaking down your muscle for energy

All Warrior-diet stupidity aside.. Breakfast is important so are the other 4 meals of the day.

Elfling All Warrior-diet stupidity aside.. Breakfast is important so are the other 4-15 meals of the day. fixed for those who are bulking

Dragon fixed for those who are bulking

and this is why the internet sucks....cut an paste gurus who read to much. I will be sure to use my fight or flight tomorrow before cardio

superbri007 fuck that shit, breakfast = winnar lets talk about the word breakfast for a minute break + fast = breakfast to break your fast from sleep, so you eat breakfast, to replenish your blood sugar, etc. i'd say thats very important I don't see the word morning anywhere in breakfast. If breakfast means just breaking a fast, then if I didn't eat until 5pm I'd be eating breakfast.

ralyks I don't see the word morning anywhere in breakfast. If breakfast means just breaking a fast, then if I didn't eat until 5pm I'd be eating breakfast. In which case you would definitely be breaking a fast, hmm?

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

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