Thursday, December 19, 2013

Help with diet, please

Help with diet, please

I won't have access to a gym to start lifting for about another week. I'm trying to get my diet set. I'm basically having the same thing everyday. Could someone please let me know what changes I need to make? Also, I'm still low on my fats. Everything I'm eating has very little fat, so I'm under 20% from the looks of it. Can anyone recommend what to do to get my fats up? Tablespoon of Olive Oil by itself? 5'11" approx. 205 lbs. I'd guess about 23% bf current diet (started Monday), about 2400-2500 cal. *Correct me if that should be different. 1 cup Grape Nuts (no sugar added) 1 1/3 - 1 1/2 cups skim milk (in cereal) 1 banana (about 7") 2 slices whole grain bread (plain) 1 cup oatmeal (2 cups water, butter added and sometimes honey) 1 can of tuna (plain/out of can) 2 tablespoons peanut butter (regular/non-natural) 32 oz. protein shake (2 16 oz. per day) 1 glass skim milk (about 10 oz.) 1 cup Grape Nuts and milk (like above) for dinner I just bought a ton of chicken, so I'll be cooking that up tonight. Also, taking a multivitamin, Omega-3 suppliment for DHA/EPA, and CLA (it was free with the protein mix). Any help would be appreciated. If you need any additional info, let me know. Thanks in advance.

Help with diet, please

Help with diet, please

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