Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What do you eat yogurt with?

What do you eat yogurt with?

I eat it with granola or granola cereals. quite tasty.... but I don't want to get tired of it. so what else can i eat it with (besides protein powder)?

Fruit, Bananas are awesome.

A spoon.

Bananas? I got bananas!! I just tried it with dried cranberries. good, very good.

MikeMurder Bananas? I got bananas!! I just tried it with dried cranberries. good, very good. Bananas > cranberries


Ilyusha A spoon. I wanted to say the same thing. But...i like eat my yogurt plain with strawberries?

y0gfx I wanted to say the same thing. But...i like eat my yogurt plain with strawberries? Where in SF do you live?

more yogurt

Ilyusha Where in SF do you live? od->rd conversion in progress

...and do you guys think you're badasses or something saying to eat it plain?

MikeMurder od->rd conversion in progress Fuck yeah.

I live near the Mission and Geneva area...Actually I go to SJSU right now and I'm in San Jose (weekdays) living across the street from the campus.

it tastes fine all by itself

what kinda yogurt you are eating, that is the question.. blueberries are great, i used to spread the yogurt on my wheat bread... yum!

plain or with cottage cheese

with my tuna

cottage cheese + yogurt = teh win


dump oats in there.

Ilyusha A spoon. Damn, I was gonna say the same thing. I usually just eat a big ole thing of vanilla yogurt.

Mike McDermott plain yogurt = crap by itself sugary yogurt = good by itself Yeah, I guess I should mention that I eat plain yogurt (which isn't horrible by itself, but can use some help.) BTW, I'm eating it with bananas right now. It's so-so. It needs too much banana to drowned out the taste of plain yogurt, though.

y0gfx I live near the Mission and Geneva area...Actually I go to SJSU right now and I'm in San Jose (weekdays) living across the street from the campus. I tried answering your PM but your PM inbox is full.

a spoon

On my cheatdays I'll make a parfait. Granola, honey, strawberries, and blue berries or mangos. If I'm eating clean then I'll add a scoop of whey protein.

What do you eat yogurt with?

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