Tuesday, January 21, 2014

is the Squat an all-in-one?

is the Squat an all-in-one?

All-in-one leg exercise? meaning targets all the muscle groups in the leg? also.... for good mornings, do you position the bb where you would if you squat?

For GMs I place it slightly lower than where I do for squats.

i was wondering this also, since i don't really do any calve work at all...i do deads and squats

it doesnt work out your groin like those SWEEET ass groin machines that all the fat girls do.

tize actually a wide stance squat with knees out will hit those particular muscles

tize what kinda routine do you do? for legs? hack squats, leg press, plate loaded squat machine thing. i switch those up every week, then quad extensions, hamstrings, calves. i do squats occassionally

tize i thought you knew more than this i dont know EVERYTHING

tize actually a wide stance squat with knees out will hit those particular muscles which is why I don't do heavy squats with wide stance in socks on a smooth floor anymore

deznutz i dont know EVERYTHING You post alot, you should know THAT. Think about the joints involved in squating, and the muscles that move those joints. That is your answer.

is the Squat an all-in-one?

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