Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What time do you go to the gym?

What time do you go to the gym?

Im thinking of going at 8, but dont want to wait for weights, and benches.

2pm on tues and thurs 3pm on mon and wed

tize gosh darn, why not make it 9 9 isnt too late?


killerZees 9 isnt too late? nevar too late


I usually go @ 8PM. I wish I could go right after work @ 4 but its busy as fuck and a 1 hour workout will take 2 hours.

Usually hittin' the racks by 5:45am

either 9:30 am or 4:30 pm generally


5pm ninja, right after work.

mondays around 2:30pm but since I don't have class it's going to be like 9-10am.

If I'm to meet my workout partner... around 9:30am, if alone... around 8am.




7pm but tomorrow i am going at 10am

2pm more or less depending on when i meet for tea with pharrell williams

around 10-11pm so that I don't have to wait to use anything

after work on sundays (12am ish depending on overtime) after school on tuesdays (2pm) right before bed on thursdays (10-11, aka right now, bye!)

best times at my gym are: 5am-6am. by 6 everyone starts coming in. 12pm-1pm. lunch time is great. 3pm-4pm. 2nd lunch time? it's almost completely empty at this time, not sure why 9pm-10pm. this time kind of sucks because my shows are on, but i tape them. 8pm-10pm on fridays all other times it's really busy

sometime between 4 and 6...right during peak hours. i'm a fucking idiot.

10pm-2am hate it when its busy

kimchi picante 10pm-2am hate it when its busy that's fricken late. I hear ya though. When I was in college I used to go in at 10, so I wouldn't have to wait for anything and the place wouldn't be full of idiots using the mirrors more than the weights

I got at 10:30 to lift. That's when it's not too crowded at my gym.

What time do you go to the gym?

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